Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Above: Mark “Bubs” Merrett of Croydon London has been turning ordinary folk into CGI superstars with his superb art work. Here is Mark's latest snap of mailman @Fox_Mullder who placed an order with Mark last year just before Xmas (yes the waiting list is that long nowadays). Numerous people have been commissioning Mark for mini masterpieces. You may not know though that Mark is a severe dyslexic who can't draw freehand due to his condition but can slowly create these works with his computer and a lot of patience. His work is dotted over this blog and my former blog for Russell Tovey (which is nowadays closed for updates). Wayne aka @Fox_Mullder, as you can see, is a guy with a large bulging red sack and when I last talked to him he was thrilled with his portrait. By the way, there is a Mark Merrett picture on this blog of Charlie Condou semi-naked as a werewolf! Good hunting! HOWL!!!
Charliecondou: Finger is fine now, and I'm not dead. Thanks for all your worrying
photogirluk: @Charliecondou nice piece on camera phones and weirdness
Charliecondou: @photogirluk ta love
aliJcorrie: @Charliecondou @commentisfree great article Charlie love the pizza story!! X
Charliecondou: @aliJcorrie it's all true too!
aliJcorrie: @Charliecondou oh I can imagine! David neilson tells a very funny story about shopping in sainsburys!
streetworker01: @Charliecondou @alijcorrie Don't know how actors handle it. But you do it with such aplomb, Charlie...
streetworker01: What a vile morning in Manchester. Don't think I'll dry off all day.
Charliecondou: @streetworker01 are you soggy again Martin?
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Dripping!
Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 @Charliecondou well join the club it's flooding all over this big brown land we call Oz...still not had summer!

streetworker01: @Charliecondou How's the finger?
Charliecondou: @streetworker01 much better and I'm not dead
DoctorChristian: IS THAT THE RUMOUR? RT @welchy1987: @DoctorChristian r u going out with will young
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou @DoctorChristian Blimey, he gets around (in the rumour mill)
Charliecondou: @DoctorChristian I was rumoured to be dating him once too
DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou All the best of us have! ;-)
PNovelistGale: @Charliecondou It's like the old Singleton Navratilova Armatrading chestnut...
Charliecondou: @PNovelistGale I've dated all of them too
thefattony: On my way home to watch my big fat gypsy weddings !!
Charliecondou: @thefattony must be nice to see your family on telly ;-)
thefattony: @Confidential_CC hello how are you ? X
Confidential_CC: @thefattony all is very wet in Oz and we are just a little sick of the flooding. Still waiting for Summer…didn’t have one this year! Hope pups are well x
russelltovey: Pashmina is such a camp word x
Charliecondou: @russelltovey we're coming by the way! Forgot to reply to your text x
ReeceNoi: I'm getting friction burns on my chin and pelvic bones! #bikram#namaste
Charliecondou: @ReeceNoi Oh, we've all had those dear
laurenlaverne: I wish they'd let Hazza be king for a bit. He's so obviously the best one. #Thenews
Charliecondou: @laurenlaverne I was going to come on your show tomorrow but I have to work!! Alas!

streetworker01: @Charliecondou Ah, good. I didn't sleep much for fretting. x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 "fretting"
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Oh, I do fret. Endlessly...

thefattony: @Charliecondou morning TRAMP X

1 comment:

  1. Great cgi Mark! U have a lot of talent Mr!
