Charliecondou: @_DaCattos When are you coming up??
_DaCattos: @Charliecondou I can do any time after the 27th of August till the 11th of September, except the 7th :) so whenever you're free :)
Charliecondou: @_DaCattos Im away from the 26th Aug until the 3rd Sept so after that?
_DaCattos: @Charliecondou sounds good :) I can call or text or something to arrange when I've talked to mum? :)
Charliecondou: @_DaCattos yep, either one x
Charliecondou: I'm disappointed to see none of the divers wearing verruca socks

PaulineNorris: @Charliecondou - At least theres no "purple dye" showing up in the pool
Charliecondou: @PaulineNorris haha
Charliecondou: My god they must have nervous stomachs. I hope no-one sharts in that hot tub

simonpegg: In the car back from the Olympic stadium, listening to Tom D diving in the radio. I was winding down, now I'm winding up. COME ON TOM!!!

alexwinterstv: @simonpegg a sneaky ? Squeezed on that last tweet.
Charliecondou: @alexwinterstv are you at the lollibop festival on Sunday? It's Georgia's 3rd birthday so we're going

alexwinterstv: @Charliecondou YES YES YESSSS!!! Me & Katy are compereing. You must pop back and say hello with Georgia :)
Charliecondou: @alexwinterstv excellent! We will indeed x

alexwinterstv: @Charliecondou my kids loved it last year, should be fun x
Charliecondou: My gaydar is going nuts watching the diving. Are any of them straight?
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Same here. I watched some of the mens swimming in 3D with @brianleslie74 and @davethesprout last week. Oh Mamma…!!!
SallyAnMatthews: @Charliecondou Difficult call.... Some gold medal mincing though x
Charliecondou: @SallyAnMatthews totally
Charliecondou: @TomDaley1994 amazing work Tom. Your dad would've been so proud
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou my mum just asked me "So, is that one gay too?" as if I'm an authority on these things.
Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal aren't you??
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou you like ladies, yes?
Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal well duh! I have 2 kids!!
Charliecondou: RT @stephen_hagan: Olympic diving gold medalist looks happy-but the sign says otherwise

whitenosugartv: Mmm dinner is served, Thai chicken and Bolognese #bike #bivvy #needapooh

JOJEHARVEY: Good plops there

Charliecondou: RT @JOJEHARVEY: Good plops there

alicearnold1: @JOJEHARVEY Enjoyed you on Loose Ends...right ...back to the diving!

JOJEHARVEY: @alicearnold1 I'm after your Mrs' job, don't tell her though. I'm good. PLOPS!
Charliecondou: RT @JOJEHARVEY: Good plops there

alicearnold1: @JOJEHARVEY Enjoyed you on Loose Ends...right ...back to the diving!

JOJEHARVEY: @alicearnold1 I'm after your Mrs' job, don't tell her though. I'm good. PLOPS!

alanhalsall: Just at rafters @TheCelticManor looking forward to my meal and then golf tomorrow!! Bring it on. 20-10 here I come

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall happy birthday x

alanhalsall: @Charliecondou thank you x x
benniedenton: Can you believe I just ate this beast of a steak !! Diet shmiet I say !!
Charliecondou: @benniedenton fat bitch
benniedenton: @Charliecondou hahahahaha very much so darling feeling it now lol so good seeing you last night we must do it more xx
Charliecondou: @benniedenton I know, it was fun wasn't it? Let's do it again soon xxx
benniedenton: @Charliecondou it really was we must make more of an effort now lol x
iamtonydenton: @Charliecondou was it a late night? as we didn't get in until 3.00am!
Charliecondou: RT @LeeBinding: Q. How does Batman's mum call him down for dinner? A. She doesn't. She's dead.
Charliecondou: I love this video of @BrookeLVincent and @SachaLParkinson

Confidential_CC: They haven't changed a bit - same tiaras, same tutus x @Charliecondou @BrookeLVincent @SachaLParkinson
tombarrie: @Charliecondou Lovely to see you and Cameron last night. Feeling so very wrong today!!! have a great weekend x
Charliecondou: @tombarrie We are not feeling very pretty today either! Lovely to see you, was it a late one?
tombarrie: @Charliecondou probably only another hour, talking shite, after you boys left!!!
clarebalding1: Tom Daley 7th after 4 dives. That’ll do nicely. Two dives to come.

Confidential_CC: @clarebalding1 and my Matt Mitcham is right up behind Tom at 8th x

TheLastRichard: @Confidential_CC @clarebalding1 And let's face it, that's exactly where all the gays want them.

Confidential_CC: Matt Mitcham waves goodbye x

DaveyH36: @Confidential_CC he was jus unlucky lovely guy :-)

Baxfail: 'Matthew Mitcham, THE NATION'S FAVOURITE!' 'But...but, um -' 'SHUT UP DALEY.'

simonpjbest: Despite not making the final, @matthew_mitcham is still a hero, a role model and a champion. #london2012

Confidential_CC: At last CAN STOP to have dinner it’s 9.15pm in Oz - the Olympic men's diving is over...what will I have…sausages and 2 boiled spuds x

JRTsticky: @Confidential_CC Well it certainly wont be a stuffed marrow! lol. #wellhidden

Confidential_CC: Ooooh I just made the Forbe's Mag rich list.... Well, some guy who shares my name did... But I look way hott compared x

FoxyLorri64: @Confidential_CC lol handsome and modest with it! :O) Have a lovely weekend xxxx

Confidential_CC: Mrs is sitting doing a giant crossword while I tweet by the warm glow of the fireplace #domesticscene nearly time for a latte.


Confidential_CC: @clarebalding1 and my Matt Mitcham is right up behind Tom at 8th x

TheLastRichard: @Confidential_CC @clarebalding1 And let's face it, that's exactly where all the gays want them.

Confidential_CC: Matt Mitcham waves goodbye x
DaveyH36: @Confidential_CC he was jus unlucky lovely guy :-)

Baxfail: 'Matthew Mitcham, THE NATION'S FAVOURITE!' 'But...but, um -' 'SHUT UP DALEY.'
simonpjbest: Despite not making the final, @matthew_mitcham is still a hero, a role model and a champion. #london2012

Confidential_CC: At last CAN STOP to have dinner it’s 9.15pm in Oz - the Olympic men's diving is over...what will I have…sausages and 2 boiled spuds x

JRTsticky: @Confidential_CC Well it certainly wont be a stuffed marrow! lol. #wellhidden

Confidential_CC: Ooooh I just made the Forbe's Mag rich list.... Well, some guy who shares my name did... But I look way hott compared x

FoxyLorri64: @Confidential_CC lol handsome and modest with it! :O) Have a lovely weekend xxxx

Confidential_CC: Mrs is sitting doing a giant crossword while I tweet by the warm glow of the fireplace #domesticscene nearly time for a latte.

@Confidential_CC wife? Your a bender arnt you!?

Charliecondou: RT @kevpeel: People should feel free to use flash photography while the Chinese are diving!
Charliecondou: RT @kevpeel: People should feel free to use flash photography while the Chinese are diving!
Charliecondou: RT @bonaomi1: @Charliecondou Any RTs gratefully received for this project xxx

Confidential_CC: @bonaomi1 Your "BEDFELLOWS" poster is also lodged at the Condou Confidential Blog

bonaomi1: @Confidential_CC Wow!! Thanks Charlie!! That's several beers I owe you now!! X

Confidential_CC: @bonaomi1 No, I run his blog pages, his twitter is @Charliecondou and besides I only drink Scotch but @Charliecondou enjoys the brown ale x

bonaomi1: @Confidential_CC @charliecondou Scotch, Brown ale, Port & lemon - I'm not bothered. Very grateful for your help, though xxx
michaelbosc: @AWOLTom mmmmm like a bit of marmite now and then lol x
AWOLTom: Such an OBVIOUS euphemism X @michaelbosc
georgia_ellison: @Charliecondou thank you for the picture yesterday :-)
The scandalous Internet nude picture has become soooo passé, if you haven’t got one you are a complete NOBODY in the world of showbiz!
The majority of the nude celeb pictures are fakes but once in a while there are some genuine articles that are 'leaked' to the public by ex-lovers, press agents or disgruntled stalker types. The favourite excuse these days from media savvy celebs is...“Oh, did I hit the wrong button and send that to my Twitter fans?” lol
The majority of the nude celeb pictures are fakes but once in a while there are some genuine articles that are 'leaked' to the public by ex-lovers, press agents or disgruntled stalker types. The favourite excuse these days from media savvy celebs is...“Oh, did I hit the wrong button and send that to my Twitter fans?” lol
Currently, the widespread rise of the fake nude picture is due to numerous besotted fans, quietly working on PCs in darkened bedrooms, while their mums are out shopping. Modern technology allows you to remove heads from one picture and place them over another person’s body in the flick of a mouse button. The paint shop software that's installed on most computers is so easy to operate that anybody can become a CGI whiz in a few hours!
Why am I writing this editorial you ask?
Well, the popularity of many celebs nowadays is judged on how many fake nude pictures you can find on the Internet - don’t ya jess know, keep up with the times! And if like me, you sometimes ‘accidentally’ find these pictures on the Net, have you noticed just how many fake Charlie Condou snaps are now circulating?
It’s a mark of Charlie's popularity that more and more are being made by fans from all parts of the globe.
Click on Charlie to enlarge:
Erm, the pictures that is!
I have to clarify my position here, I haven't made any of the fake nude pictures of Charlie, as I have more fun putting him into scenes in which he wears women's clothing (see the previous blog post) - just because I can!.

Alarmingly, I too have some very old and blurry nude pictures of me lodged on the Internet.
I just wish I had never showed my mum how to use FaceBook!
Tom in Oz
Erm, the pictures that is!
I have to clarify my position here, I haven't made any of the fake nude pictures of Charlie, as I have more fun putting him into scenes in which he wears women's clothing (see the previous blog post) - just because I can!.

Alarmingly, I too have some very old and blurry nude pictures of me lodged on the Internet.
I just wish I had never showed my mum how to use FaceBook!
Tom in Oz

Confidential_CC: @tanyamumof3 CHARLIE CONDOU - CELEBRITY PHOTOS - WELCOME TO SATURDAY http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com

tanyamumof3: @Confidential_CC fabby :)

ViscountLeighto: @Confidential_CC Ha ah the first picture is so not @Charliecondou whoever believed that was mental. Too much flabby moobs ;)

Confidential_CC: @ViscountLeighto @charliecondou it's the thought that counts x x x

ViscountLeighto: @Confidential_CC @charliecondou And a nice thought that'll be for most people. ;) Mwah x
Above and below: Do you remember the story of my London-born friend Mark M. Merrett, the dyslexic computer graphics artist who has been working on a large picture showing an imaginary scene from the TV show Being Human? Well, he's up to the stage where colour and textures are being applied to the work to make it an almost 3D image.
Tom_In_Oz_: @Norminaus got your roof still? We lost part of our side fence here with the storms coming up from Sydney?

Norminaus: @Tom_In_Oz_ I haven't been home yet. Worried about a branch of our tree that overhangs into our 'neighbour from hell' property
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ Heard it's been pretty windy over there. Hope it's not too bad. Time to take out all the winter clothes eh?

Norminaus: @mrjasonlor @Tom_In_Oz_ I've had them out for a while. Had the flu twice this year. 1st time off for a week. 2nd time off for 2 weeks. :(
Tom_In_Oz_: @Norminaus @mrjasonlor Jase we had snow down near Sydney. Norm, I got pneumonia, bronchitis and nonstop chest probs since March and it's still going. Hope U R getting better tho
mrjasonlor: @Norminaus Those are never fun. Sorry to hear that. Hope everything else is good.

Norminaus: @Tom_In_Oz_ @mrjasonlor I know its really awful. Something for the Northern hemisphere to look forward to later in the year.
Shum65: #FF the amazing Mr @Tom_In_Oz_ Hows it going Tomo? XxX :-)) Hope you are on the mend.
mrblew2: @Tom_In_Oz_ hope u feeing better xx

garyrealitybite: @Tom_In_Oz_ I hope you've been taking care of yourself and getting plenty of rest. Thanks for always being such a sweet guy to follow.
Tom_In_Oz_: On the mend but time for me to get off twitter... The matron (wife) says I have to get my rest x

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