fenton-stevens: Proud dad! Again!! Every weekend x

Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens so you use your kids as an excuse to scoff ice-creams (why didn't I think of that)!

fenton-stevens: @Confidential_CC years of experience! X
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens had my daughter's wedding last Sat it was my 1 in 30 years chance 2 embarrass my kids by getting drunk - mission accomplished

fenton-stevens: @Confidential_CC how lovely. Hope you both had a gorgeous day? My daughters wedding was full of me being embarrassing. They're used to it x
Confidential_CC: @fentonstevens I found a pic from Red Nose Kazoo day with Charlie & Dan Stevens appears to be you directly behind in a gap??

fenton-stevens: @Confidential_CC that's probably right. Great night! X
Above: Charlie Condou & Dan Stevens at the Guinness World Record Celebrity Kazoo playing event at Albert Hall 2011.
that other people seem to love
that other people seem to love

Charliecondou: The Wire #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: Angry Birds #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove
scouserachel: @Charliecondou Corrie #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove
scouserachel: @Charliecondou Corrie #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @scouserachel hahaha. Oh

Charliecondou: Abba #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Noam25: @Charliecondou bad gay.

Charliecondou: @Noam25 I know right? Dont even get me started on Streisand

AJJ7: @Charliecondou Celery

Charliecondou: @AJJ7 that doesn't count, everyone hates celery

AJJ7: @Charliecondou OK, beach holidays - lying around doing nothing getting roasted by the sun & pretend to be having the time of one's life!

Charliecondou: @AJJ7 ok that's better

Charliecondou: Ok people, you can't just put things you don't like. It has to be things everyone else seems to love. Them's the rules

GrumpyGayWill: @Charliecondou ok, I'll give you angry birds & the wire, but abba? Really? Did you refuse to see mamma Mia?

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I'm with you on The Wire...we tried it...but couldn't understand it...#birdsoflittlebrains

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 neither could we. And God knows we tried. @charltonbrooker kept banging on about it #charliebrookersfault

heawood: @Charliecondou Penises. I'm just not that bothered.

Charliecondou: @heawood didn't stop you from playing with one though did it?? #havingababyoutofwedlock!!
charltonbrooker: @Charliecondou @alicearnold1 Clearly neither of you tried hard enough. I blame you both.

Charliecondou: @charltonbrooker and as for Nathan Barley, I just didn't get it

Charliecondou: RT @CenturySoho: I told you she was beautiful, summer pudding with crème fraîche sorbet

Charliecondou: RT @alicearnold1: The Sistine Chapel #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: RT @EyeOfChefGirl: Oasis #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

nikishisler: @Charliecondou Sex and the fucking City #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @nikishisler I hear you sister

Charliecondou: RT @nikishisler: @Charliecondou Friendly people #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Shmouise: @Charliecondou Sticking to the rules #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @Shmouise oh me too. You should've heard my excuse for getting off work last week!

Charliecondou: Marmite does NOT count!

Charliecondou: RT @Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou Seinfeld, David Lynch movies, football, Twin Peaks, Radio 4, scat parties #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

kazpoole: @Charliecondou thats just wrong. who hates abba? charlieee

Charliecondou: @kazpoole oh they get right on my tits Kaz

Charliecondou: RT @Usztan: @Charliecondou Charlie Condou #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

MKardashian: @Charliecondou I've not bloody seen you in FOREVER!!!!!! xx

Charliecondou: @MKardashian I'm never bloody here!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Sade #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: Simply Red #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove
tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou Oh come ON Charlie, NO ONE loves Simply Red, that's cheating

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn Then why was "Fairground" number one for so bloody long?? Answer me that Tracey!

tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou A few people were momentarily deluded, that's all. They are all better now.

Dan_Brocklebank: @Charliecondou Vagina! #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @Dan_Brocklebank lol

Charliecondou: RT @AlsBoy: As advice goes, you can't beat number four.

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou you also need to include #The Only Way Is Essex *shudder*

streetworker01: @Confidential_CC @charliecondou But no-one loves TOWIE, do they...?
Confidential_CC: @streetworker01 @charliecondou TOWIE is possibly the most hideous thing evah imported to Oz x

misterhsk: @Charliecondou poker at mine, July 10th. Coronation Street, permitting, of course.

Charliecondou: @misterhsk jolly good. I miss you

misterhsk: @Charliecondou likewise. This isn't what I signed up for. Moving to E8 was meant to bring us closer...are you ok, chickadee?

Charliecondou: @misterhsk it's been a long few days. I'll fill you in another time xx

Charliecondou: Crocs #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove @misterhsk

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou sex and the city!!! X

Charliecondou: @msm4rsh God Im so with you!

Charliecondou: RT @lula_may_not: @Charliecondou: My children #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove #justkidding

jfjford: @Charliecondou You #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @jfjford Thats been done jackwhousedtobeonthedesk

streetworker01: @jfjford @charliecondou Jack's trousers #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 @jfjford Jack's perm #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

streetworker01: @Charliecondou @jfjford Jack's butter-wouldn't-melt smile #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 @jfjford Jack spying on me when he knows full well I dont know which window he's looking through

streetworker01: @jfjford @charliecondou Jack's trousers #thingsihatethatotherpeopleseemtolove

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 @jfjford (I guess that doesnt really count as something other people love)

jfjford: @Charliecondou @streetworker01 Leave me alone!

streetworker01: @jfjford @charliecondou Jack's feelings of persecution

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 @jfjford hahaha

Charliecondou: @1PaulKeating I just saw you in the street but was on the phone and didn't register it was you until you'd gone. You well?

1PaulKeating: @Charliecondou Hey lovely. I'm good thanks. Thought you were in Manchester these days. Hope ur good too. I'm still doing Wiz of Oz x

Charliecondou: @1PaulKeating I'm up and down between here and there. Going great though. We'll have to have a drink soon, been ages x

1PaulKeating: @Charliecondou Yes please. Show comes down at about 10:15 Let me know when you get a vacant night. Tata Charlie x
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