Charliecondou: Just a quiet night in't Rovers @radioleary @NicoleScherzy

twinsdad72: @Charliecondou @radioleary @NicoleScherzy WOW...

LucyJo_Hudson: Bumped into Nicole Scherzinger at Granada, she's striking! Also had a little chat with the lovely @radioleary. Always nice to see him xxx

radioleary: @LucyJo_Hudson Lovely to see you. Dx

skipnewton: @Charliecondou @alanhalsall @simongregson123 Is that Abe from design ? #hisdouble

Charliecondou: @skipnewton @alanhalsall @simongregson123 fuck I think you're right Ginge

alanhalsall: @Charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 No this is ABE....... Hahaha
AlexiSafron: @Charliecondou Ciaron has just mentioned its the design Christmas do on Wednesday & we can't do Thursday. Are you around the week after?

Charliecondou: @AlexiSafron nope, got the week off. We'll get there one day!!

cez29: @alanhalsall @mustangmatthews @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 @mustangmatthews I thought that pal #purefilth


craigazey: @Charliecondou allo stranger! How it's with you? And the fam? x

Charliecondou: @craigazey all good! I'm only coming to see your play if I get to see your knob

craigazey: @Charliecondou bring some binoculars?x

Charliecondou: @craigazey lol just don't stand next to Kieran O Brian

craigazey: @Charliecondou oh shit, is he stupidly hung?

Charliecondou: @craigazey google him! I take it you haven't seen "9 songs"?

GriffRowland: @Charliecondou @craigazey we're all googling him. #anotherjonham

PaulPopplewell: @craigazey @Charliecondou lets go see Craig, Kieran and Kennys nobs together Charlie

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell sounds like a plan x

skipnewton: @Charliecondou @stephenpol I noticed that . I do wonder what it's in reference to ... #height

Charliecondou: @skipnewton @stephenpol ego

MaiaCollins: There are only two things in life that are certain; death, and my desire for a rose gold Marc Jacobs watch

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins hahaha you'll be lucky!

MaiaCollins: @Charliecondou oi I'm a good girl Santa loves me

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins yes but it's my 40th in January so your mum's saving up for that @missmcollins

MaiaCollins: @Charliecondou @missmcollins that is true, but who is this 'mum' all my presents are made and delivered by elves from Lapland

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins @missmcollins lol of course

ADAMBLEASE2010: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie!

Charliecondou: @ADAMBLEASE2010 howdy! X

ADAMBLEASE2010: @Charliecondou Finally got my Twitter sorted. Had my tweets 'protected' for some reason so nobody ever received anything I was saying :-( x

Charliecondou: @jesshargie95 happy birthday xxx

jesshargie95: @Charliecondou thank youu so much! Xx

SamandCath: Sam has has salmon steak, sweet potato mash and green veg for dinner. What have you lot had?

Charliecondou: @SamandCath I had a quinoa, avocado and feta salad with grilled chicken breast! Are you proud of me?

SamandCath: @Charliecondou Very proud.....gold star for Charlie

Charliecondou: @SamandCath *curtseys. Pushes chocolate bars out of sight*

SamandCath: @Charliecondou haha your lean enough to enjoy a little big of dark chocolate NO mars bars though!!

Charliecondou: @SamandCath *curtseys. Pushes chocolate bars out of sight*

Cath_Tyldesley: RT @SamandCath: @Charliecondou Very proud.....gold star for Charlie

TeamDynevor: Sally joined Twitter yesterday on a break from filming Tyrone and Kirsty's wedding. (Pic from @Charliecondou) http://t.co/3rugyB9U

Charliecondou: @TeamDynevor she's addicted already @sallydynevor

OllieHolt22: @Charliecondou she speaks well of you, too, although she does say 'the young ones' seem to be on Twitter an awful lot

Charliecondou: @OllieHolt22 hahaha yes we've spent 2 days teaching @sallydynevor how to tweet. She's an addict already. We'll get Eileen on next

OllieHolt22: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor getting my mum on Twitter is the definition of an impossible task

Confidential_CC: OUT IN THE CITY AWARDS - Plz nominate Charlie Condou if you will - http://www.outg3awards.co.uk/out-in-the-city-voting-form.html

nuts_official: Our Chriistmas party is tonite: https://twitter.com/nuts_official

decath10n: Oh my God. @nuts_official. I've just had a thought. I only have one 'nut'. AM I STILL ALLOWED TO COME? RSVP RT

Charliecondou: @decath10n @nuts_official hahahaha

alanhalsall: RT @Charliecondou: Merry Christmas from @alanhalsall and @simongregson123 http://t.co/GFE9uPv4

MichaelLeVell: “@Charliecondou: Merry Christmas from @alanhalsall and @simongregson123 http://t.co/x6KfQ9Zr ”very funny , lol

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here you go @sally_lindsay

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's @m1ckeyjoe @GriffRowland and @duncanfo

davidkester67: "@Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's @m1ckeyjoe @GriffRowland and @duncanfo" Don't get Duncan any more followers he'll be insufferable!

duncanfo: @davidkester67 @charliecondou @sallydynevor @m1ckeyjoe @griffrowland oh David David. #jealous

twinsdad72: @Charliecondou and @twinsdad72 ha

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor Hello darlings! X

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's the little bugger @quarterbluematt

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor @quarterbluematt I thought he was Mikey North #gingerslookthesame

quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor Thanks Charlie !

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt @sallydynevor your welcome Mikey

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt @sallydynevor you're welcome Mikey

CiaranGriff83: Off To Meet My Sisters Boyfriend For The 1st Time Later .... Any Tips ?

Charliecondou: @CiaranGriff83 sleep with him, that's what I do

CiaranGriff83: @Charliecondou Hmmm I Might Drop The Hand Under The Dinner Table Later ! See If He Flinches

Bibbyboz: Brilliant @stonewalluk night with the fab @therealgokwan @JaneHillNews @sophieannaward @LindaRiley8 @JenBrister thanks for a fab night xx

JaneHillNews: @Bibbyboz @stonewalluk Excellent evening, and a good send off for David & Liz. Thanks so much x

Bibbyboz: @JaneHillNews great to see you. Glad you enjoyed it! C x
Charliecondou: @Bibbyboz @JaneHillNews how was it?? I was filming up north :-(

JaneHillNews: @Charliecondou @bibbyboz ah it was super, a very nice crowd. You were missed.

ibbyboz: @Charliecondou @JaneHillNews you and Cameron were very much missed. Great fun, lovely people. See you soon X

DiversityRM: Children guess the background of special guest @JennyTigger. They think @charliecondou is her brother! #shewishes

Charliecondou: RT @amylame: want the ultimate bespoke dinner party? donate to #BurgerQueen & @ScotteeScottee and i will cook, serve &entertain you! http://t.co/1c3cq76a

Charliecondou: RT @iammfj: Who will issue Max Clifford's statement for Max Clifford? I hope it's Kerry Katona.

Charliecondou: RT @caitlinmoran: Lord Sugar vs Donald Trump on Twitter is like a 50ft high Mr Burns and a 50ft high Del Boy fighting in the middle of Tokyo #rivetted

darcidb: Worked my seat off in @BARREtoned next to @DrSarahParish - who is crazy flexible! Bring it on Supremes fancy dress for Bain's Got Talent!

Charliecondou: @darcidb @BARREtoned @DrSarahParish she's not flexible, she's had all her ligaments removed

DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou @darcidb @barretoned Don't listen to him Darci, he's always been jealous of my turn out.

Charliecondou: Just a quiet night in't Rovers @radioleary @NicoleScherzy
This picture is also lodged at my other blog click HERE

radioleary: Me and the Scherzy at the Rovers. Man that girl can drink.... @NicoleScherzy
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou @radioleary @NicoleScherzy WOW...
LucyJo_Hudson: Bumped into Nicole Scherzinger at Granada, she's striking! Also had a little chat with the lovely @radioleary. Always nice to see him xxx

radioleary: @LucyJo_Hudson Lovely to see you. Dx

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall Does the S stand for Simon? @simongregson123
skipnewton: @Charliecondou @alanhalsall @simongregson123 Is that Abe from design ? #hisdouble

Charliecondou: @skipnewton @alanhalsall @simongregson123 fuck I think you're right Ginge
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 No this is ABE....... Hahaha

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall @skipnewton @simongregson123 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
cez29: @alanhalsall @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 hahaha the bottom bit of the picture is missing !!! Do it al please
alanhalsall: @cez29 @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 I've text it to you, I can't you're a exec you'll get away with it
skipnewton: @cez29 @alanhalsall @charliecondou @simongregson123 NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOO it's so obvious #kwikfit

Charliecondou: @cez29 @AlexiSafron Wednesday or thursday night for dinner?
AlexiSafron: @Charliecondou @cez29 Wednesday's good. X

Charliecondou: @AlexiSafron @cez29 great! I'll send over a copy of my preferred menu
AlexiSafron: @Charliecondou that's fine @cez29 does that everyday!

Charliecondou: @AlexiSafron nope, got the week off. We'll get there one day!!
cez29: @alanhalsall @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 here it is abe baby

Charliecondou: @cez29 @alanhalsall @skipnewton @simongregson123 that is the smallest exhaust pipe I've ever seen #poorabe
AlexiSafron: @cez29 @alanhalsall @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 #abybaby
skipnewton: @Charliecondou @cez29 @alanhalsall @simongregson123 How low can he go .....
Fiat127 ?
mustangmatthews: @cez29 @alanhalsall @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 Wow! #buttonmushroom
alanhalsall: @mustangmatthews @cez29 @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 Love it !!! as soon as a c*cks out @mustangmatthews is commenting !!
skipnewton: @AlexiSafron @cez29 @alanhalsall @charliecondou @simongregson123 Who is going to be first to show him tomorrow
mustangmatthews: @cez29 @alanhalsall @charliecondou @skipnewton @simongregson123 weird that a load of lads are looking at pictures of men in sexy underwear!

Charliecondou: @cez29 @alanhalsall @mustangmatthews @skipnewton I read in Heat Olly Murs claims to have a 13cm penis. That's just over 5 inches. Poor Olly
skipnewton: @cez29 @alanhalsall @mustangmatthews @charliecondou @simongregson123 @mustangmatthews They'll all be here soon no doubt @LisaSwarbs is next. All this Has made me piss my knickers oooops I mean boxers.
cez29: @skipnewton @mustangmatthews @alanhalsall @charliecondou @simongregson123 you've put ur tallywhacker in worse than that pal
skipnewton: @cez29 @mustangmatthews @alanhalsall @charliecondou @simongregson123 That's one of my favourite words #tallywhacker
craigazey: @Charliecondou allo stranger! How it's with you? And the fam? x

Charliecondou: @craigazey all good! I'm only coming to see your play if I get to see your knob
craigazey: @Charliecondou bring some binoculars?x

Charliecondou: @craigazey lol just don't stand next to Kieran O Brian
craigazey: @Charliecondou oh shit, is he stupidly hung?

Charliecondou: @craigazey google him! I take it you haven't seen "9 songs"?

GriffRowland: @Charliecondou @craigazey we're all googling him. #anotherjonham

Charliecondou: @GriffRowland @craigazey haha
PaulPopplewell: @craigazey @Charliecondou lets go see Craig, Kieran and Kennys nobs together Charlie

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell sounds like a plan x

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall Whenever I see @lucyjo_hudson I think "Al MUST have drugged her" #outofyourleague
alanhalsall: “@Charliecondou: @alanhalsall Whenever I see @lucyjo_hudson I think "Al MUST have drugged her" #outofyourleague” << love this x #youwantme
LucyJo_Hudson: @alanhalsall @charliecondou haha too funny!! Thanks Charlie, so lovely to see you x

Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson all I can think is he must have a good sense of humour. But I've never witnessed it
alanhalsall: “@Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson all I can think is he must have a good sense of humour. But I've never witnessed it” Or....... *cough *wink

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall @LucyJo_Hudson come on Al, we KNOW that's not it
LucyJo_Hudson: @Charliecondou haha that's the way to my heart!!! X
Team_Arshavin23: @Charliecondou @lucyjo_hudson that's not nice @alanhalsall is a lovely fella lucyjo the lucky 1 :-)
LucyJo_Hudson: @Team_Arshavin23 @charliecondou @alanhalsall it's a joke, Charlie loves my hubby x
Al3xWalker: “@JamesGreenInUK: Maria - coronation street = FIT!!!!!” I wonder if @Charliecondou can help my mate out and set him up on a date??;) Hahaha

Charliecondou: @Al3xWalker @JamesGreenInUK why not. I'm sure her boyfriend won't mind
Al3xWalker: @Charliecondou @jamesgreeninuk oops that might be a little awkward then, try again James!!!;) How's things with u Charlie???

NatalieGumede: Can't wait to hear @stephenPol 's #scd commentary on Saturday!!#nopressure

skipnewton: @NatalieGumede @stephenpol Without swearing or Innuendo to add to the challenge I reckon

NatalieGumede: @skipnewton @stephenpol yes, after what I heard him say Dave could kiss today ;)

StephenPol: @NatalieGumede @skipnewton How very dare you my strictly tweets will be amazing oh im so excited never tweeted before as some of noticed x

Charliecondou: @StephenPol Massive gay hahahahaskipnewton: @NatalieGumede @stephenpol Without swearing or Innuendo to add to the challenge I reckon

NatalieGumede: @skipnewton @stephenpol yes, after what I heard him say Dave could kiss today ;)

StephenPol: @NatalieGumede @skipnewton How very dare you my strictly tweets will be amazing oh im so excited never tweeted before as some of noticed x

skipnewton: @Charliecondou @stephenpol I noticed that . I do wonder what it's in reference to ... #height

Charliecondou: @skipnewton @stephenpol ego

MaiaCollins: There are only two things in life that are certain; death, and my desire for a rose gold Marc Jacobs watch

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins hahaha you'll be lucky!

MaiaCollins: @Charliecondou oi I'm a good girl Santa loves me

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins yes but it's my 40th in January so your mum's saving up for that @missmcollins

MaiaCollins: @Charliecondou @missmcollins that is true, but who is this 'mum' all my presents are made and delivered by elves from Lapland

Charliecondou: @MaiaCollins @missmcollins lol of course
ADAMBLEASE2010: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie!

Charliecondou: @ADAMBLEASE2010 howdy! X
ADAMBLEASE2010: @Charliecondou Finally got my Twitter sorted. Had my tweets 'protected' for some reason so nobody ever received anything I was saying :-( x

Charliecondou: @jesshargie95 happy birthday xxx

jesshargie95: @Charliecondou thank youu so much! Xx
SamandCath: Sam has has salmon steak, sweet potato mash and green veg for dinner. What have you lot had?

Charliecondou: @SamandCath I had a quinoa, avocado and feta salad with grilled chicken breast! Are you proud of me?
SamandCath: @Charliecondou Very proud.....gold star for Charlie

Charliecondou: @SamandCath *curtseys. Pushes chocolate bars out of sight*
SamandCath: @Charliecondou haha your lean enough to enjoy a little big of dark chocolate NO mars bars though!!

Charliecondou: @SamandCath *curtseys. Pushes chocolate bars out of sight*
Cath_Tyldesley: RT @SamandCath: @Charliecondou Very proud.....gold star for Charlie
TeamDynevor: Sally joined Twitter yesterday on a break from filming Tyrone and Kirsty's wedding. (Pic from @Charliecondou) http://t.co/3rugyB9U
Charliecondou: @TeamDynevor she's addicted already @sallydynevor
OllieHolt22: @Charliecondou she speaks well of you, too, although she does say 'the young ones' seem to be on Twitter an awful lot
Charliecondou: @OllieHolt22 hahaha yes we've spent 2 days teaching @sallydynevor how to tweet. She's an addict already. We'll get Eileen on next
OllieHolt22: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor getting my mum on Twitter is the definition of an impossible task

Confidential_CC: OUT IN THE CITY AWARDS - Plz nominate Charlie Condou if you will - http://www.outg3awards.co.uk/out-in-the-city-voting-form.html

nuts_official: Our Chriistmas party is tonite: https://twitter.com/nuts_official

decath10n: Oh my God. @nuts_official. I've just had a thought. I only have one 'nut'. AM I STILL ALLOWED TO COME? RSVP RT

Charliecondou: @decath10n @nuts_official hahahaha

Charliecondou: #threesome

Charliecondou: Merry Christmas from @alanhalsall and @simongregson123
alanhalsall: RT @Charliecondou: Merry Christmas from @alanhalsall and @simongregson123 http://t.co/GFE9uPv4
MichaelLeVell: “@Charliecondou: Merry Christmas from @alanhalsall and @simongregson123 http://t.co/x6KfQ9Zr ”very funny , lol

iluvthescript10: @Charliecondou looks So much like my football coach its freeky:O

Charliecondou: @iluvthescript10 post a pic!

Charliecondou: @iluvthescript10 post a pic!

BrookeLVincent: You will find him next to me .

Charliecondou: @BrookeLVincent that's me

Charliecondou: @BrookeLVincent that's me

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here you go @sally_lindsay

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's @m1ckeyjoe @GriffRowland and @duncanfo
davidkester67: "@Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's @m1ckeyjoe @GriffRowland and @duncanfo" Don't get Duncan any more followers he'll be insufferable!
duncanfo: @davidkester67 @charliecondou @sallydynevor @m1ckeyjoe @griffrowland oh David David. #jealous
twinsdad72: @Charliecondou and @twinsdad72 ha
sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor Hello darlings! X

Charliecondou: @sallydynevor here's the little bugger @quarterbluematt
whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor @quarterbluematt I thought he was Mikey North #gingerslookthesame
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou @sallydynevor Thanks Charlie !

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt @sallydynevor your welcome Mikey

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt @sallydynevor you're welcome Mikey

CiaranGriff83: Off To Meet My Sisters Boyfriend For The 1st Time Later .... Any Tips ?

Charliecondou: @CiaranGriff83 sleep with him, that's what I do

CiaranGriff83: @Charliecondou Hmmm I Might Drop The Hand Under The Dinner Table Later ! See If He Flinches

Bibbyboz: Brilliant @stonewalluk night with the fab @therealgokwan @JaneHillNews @sophieannaward @LindaRiley8 @JenBrister thanks for a fab night xx

JaneHillNews: @Bibbyboz @stonewalluk Excellent evening, and a good send off for David & Liz. Thanks so much x

Bibbyboz: @JaneHillNews great to see you. Glad you enjoyed it! C x

JaneHillNews: @Charliecondou @bibbyboz ah it was super, a very nice crowd. You were missed.

ibbyboz: @Charliecondou @JaneHillNews you and Cameron were very much missed. Great fun, lovely people. See you soon X
DiversityRM: Children guess the background of special guest @JennyTigger. They think @charliecondou is her brother! #shewishes

Charliecondou: RT @amylame: want the ultimate bespoke dinner party? donate to #BurgerQueen & @ScotteeScottee and i will cook, serve &entertain you! http://t.co/1c3cq76a

Charliecondou: RT @iammfj: Who will issue Max Clifford's statement for Max Clifford? I hope it's Kerry Katona.

Charliecondou: RT @caitlinmoran: Lord Sugar vs Donald Trump on Twitter is like a 50ft high Mr Burns and a 50ft high Del Boy fighting in the middle of Tokyo #rivetted

darcidb: Worked my seat off in @BARREtoned next to @DrSarahParish - who is crazy flexible! Bring it on Supremes fancy dress for Bain's Got Talent!

Charliecondou: @darcidb @BARREtoned @DrSarahParish she's not flexible, she's had all her ligaments removed
DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou @darcidb @barretoned Don't listen to him Darci, he's always been jealous of my turn out.
Not so pretty in purple: Coronation Street's Kirsty Soames wears ugly violet fishtail wedding dress for her big day
Coronation Street has never really been known for its classy or elegant female characters. But, Kirsty Soames easily wins the prize for the soap's worst ever wedding dress with an absolute monstrosity. Anger filled female Kirsty, played by Natalie Gumede, 28, made sure that all eyes were on her for her wedding to Tyrone Dobbs as she arrives at church in a purple fishtail dress. Coronation Street plan on having two weddings this Christmas as Leanna Battersby will tie the knot with Nick Tilsley. Catherine told the Daily Star: 'The hen night is hilarious. Eva basically gets Leanne completely plastered in the hope she won't get up in the morning. 'Not that we get to drink any real alcohol during filming. Eva is supposed to be on the white wine so I am actually drinking apple juice mixed with water.'
Below: Dearly beloved: Actor Charlie Condou puts his arm around Kym Marsh as Chris Gascoyne follows them onto set - Corrie's wedding of Kirsty & Tyrone.
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