Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Charlie Condou
Charliecondou: The etiquette of dealing with amateur paps by Charlie Condou

Paul McCartney is right about cameraphones – here are a few tips for amateur paps
Although 99% of the time it's no problem to be photographed, and most fans are lovely, some people are just rude

by Charlie Condou Tuesday 6 March 2012

1. Make sure you're not making a difficult situation worse

I was out shopping with my two-year-old recently. She started to throw a tantrum in the shop (as little kids do) and, while I was in the middle of trying to deal with a screaming toddler, a woman came up and demanded a photo right there and then. I obliged of course but, frankly, not helpful.

2. Be polite and, at the very least, say hello

Yesterday on the train a man walked right up to my seat, took a full face picture, and just walked off without saying a word. That's just rude.

3. Don't be scary

A few days ago I was in a restaurant eating a pizza when someone tweeted me "how's your pizza?" I tweeted back "it's delicious" but it was weird not knowing who around me was watching me. I left quite soon after that.

4. Don't try to hide what you're doing

Pretending you're taking a picture of your mate, when really you're taking one of me, is a pretty obvious tactic. It makes you look silly and me feel self-conscious.
The thing about being in a show like Coronation Street is that it puts you right into people's living rooms, and very often they do feel like they know you, in a way that they probably don't feel about, say, Brad and Angelina. That's a real privilege for an actor, and the vast majority of contact with the fans is fantastic and rewarding (Corrie has some of the best fans in the world). It really is lovely when people take the time to stop you and tell you how much they like your work, and that more than makes up for the occasional ill-mannered person who doesn't seem to understand that you are an actual person, as opposed to an exhibit to be gawped at.

This is an excerpt if you would like to read the complete article go HERE

brittlestar: @Charliecondou Great article in the Guardian.  I hadn't really thought about how cameraphones have changed fame. They certainly have.
Charliecondou: @brittlestar ta x
Charliecondou: RT @commentisfree: "Please don't be scary": Coronation St star Charlie Condou on fan;s who go too far
annekirkbride: @Charliecondou @commentisfree nice one!
Charliecondou: @annekirkbride @commentisfree it's what we talked about the other day Annie, during our fag
annekirkbride: @Charliecondou @commentisfree I remember him!
DitaMadonna: @Charliecondou @commentisfree great article! x
Charliecondou: @DitaMadonna @commentisfree thanks
VonsterVon: @Charliecondou which is of course that conspiratorial nod of "yep...I know it!" & maybe causing a small distraction up the aisle for the kid. I like to think if i saw in a supermarket with a tanty chucking toddler I'd give you the usual response a fellow parent gives.
Charliecondou: @VonsterVon lol I know it well
LeoMalaguista: @Charliecondou @commentisfree WHO KILLED FRANK FOSTER?
Charliecondou: @LeoMalaguista I did. Or did I?.....
Charliecondou: RT @heva2015: @Charliecondou @commentisfree great article mags such as heat don't help offering money for unposed pics etc
emmasLiverpool: @Charliecondou finger update?
Charliecondou: @emmasLiverpool much better ta

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