Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou poor you! Well done that man. I'm very proud. I wish I was your mother x

sally_lindsay: @_DanielRyan we are getting too old for all this malarki

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou I know kid,I think you are all brilliant..by the way,I use nappy cream for everything now..face..hair..linguine..x
jamieeborthwick: Not tweeted @BoyGeorge or @Charliecondou for while but guess what we won :)

jamieeborthwick: @Charliecondou mate could have shout out :)

jamieeborthwick: @Charliecondou thankyou mate did you go I lost half of them :(

jamieeborthwick: @Charliecondou ooooo :(
yourosteopath: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie. Feel free to say hi and message. Hope you're keeping well. Glenn

boydhilton: @Charliecondou the chafing is the worst...

EmmaK67: @Charliecondou @boydhilton are your legs from the knees down just MANGLED with a deep seismic ache?
boydhilton: @EmmaK67 @charliecondou fuck yes. And my groin area is Arsenal colour

escott1006: @Charliecondou how far did u all walk? X
EmmaK67: @Charliecondou @boydhilton T.M.I
Yeloop: @Charliecondou I've come to this tweet mid-conversation. I'm making up my own story here..
boydhilton: Literally dragging my bedraggled, limping self to the Emirates. The Arsenal had better make an effort...
Gabby_Logan: @boydhilton you are a true fan....I had my doubts at 3am when you were talking of TV watching!!...but you've come good
boydhilton: @Gabby_Logan yep and we're 2-0 down already. Triumph!

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou @boydhilton so you'd giggle uncontrollably instead- do you think the girl in stilletos by Clarence House is home yet?x
boydhilton: @Charliecondou @gabby_logan hahahaha!

EmmaK67: @Charliecondou @boydhilton T.M.I

Wendy_Wason: I was woken up at 5am this morning by the baby in my tummy having hiccups.
nikishisler: @Wendy_Wason Evie had hiccups right through my pregnancy. so annoying. She is still prone to them but I can send her to her room now.

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou @nikishisler I tried to do it yesterday but couldn't work out how to sponsor just you. x

lizzieroper: @Charliecondou photos of said arse please.

escott1006: @Charliecondou how far did u all walk? X

escott1006: @Charliecondou that's brilliant! Congratulations to u all xx
Lisairismoorish: Got a massive compulsion to do house work #PMT

Lisairismoorish: @Charliecondou Congrats on the walk as well. #ChaffingbalmHell

torbay1: @thestephmerritt In fact you were the colour of alabaster at breakfast. glad u r feeling better. I am going in waves...
thestephmerritt: @torbay1 Ooh I felt very peculiar at brekkie. All cured by a bit of sleep and some chocolate popcorn. Your little lad looks just like you!

thestephmerritt: @Charliecondou M&S. I still haven't forgotten your promise to the team, you know. But I'm prepared to wait for your chafing to subside.

bryony_gordon: oh dear. I just made the mistake of going into Zara.

bryony_gordon: @Charliecondou *hides giant shopping bag under table* how was the moonwalk?! Must go and sponsor you

bryony_gordon: @Charliecondou how do I?

clarebalding1: @Charliecondou apparently we should've had a cold bath. Fail

emmafreud: @Charliecondou @WhichPennySmith @clarebalding1 I just didn't have a massage. But someone mentioned beer? I sense recovery in my sights...

WhichPennySmith: @Charliecondou So jealous. I am having a beer. That should sort out any gory remnants.

Gabby_Logan: Well done all you Moonwalkers, we met some great people pounding the streets of London....where is Claire? @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: Wow, didn't think my legs would feel quite this sore. Anyone know of a good massage place in islington on a Sunday?

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou Madam Rosie runs a nice little parlour in a side street (allegedly)
AndrewLancel: @Charliecondou behind the kings head. Green door. Knock three times. Ask for Bruce.
djy12345: @Charliecondou Chariots?
Charliecondou: @djy12345 Didnt you burn it down?
djy12345: @Charliecondou I thought you cut the ribbon at the exclusive relaunch?
curu: @Charliecondou the one by Wenlock & Essex is good. Angel Therapy Rooms I think it's called.
Charliecondou: @curu ah yes, ta x
will_young31: Me and my friend Sarah at green park

Charliecondou: @will_young31 who's the lad applying lipstick in the background?

clarebalding1: @damekellyholmes every part of me hurts. I had a hot bath. Should I have a cold one tonight?

Charliecondou: @clarebalding1 I'm in SO much pain. The hot bath helped though
gracedent: @Charliecondou i may need a double amputation. i don't think i'm being dramatic.

Charliecondou: @gracedent why didn't you come to the brekkie?
gracedent: @Charliecondou i went to find the car then lay in the back seat and couldn't move.

Charliecondou: @gracedent are you still there?
gracedent: @Charliecondou no I'm crashed into snappy snaps window now.
Charliecondou: @gracedent hahaha
fionalaird: @Charliecondou You need to ring Sam West's masseur. He travels. I have number.

Charliecondou: @fionalaird oh yes! He gave me his number once before (which I lost)
fionalaird: @Charliecondou Shall I DM it? X

Charliecondou: @fionalaird Found it!!
fionalaird: @Charliecondou Hurrah! And bloody well done btw. Xx

Charliecondou: @fionalaird cheers, though I'm paying for it
Lily Allen has her say!
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps as wonderful as my old man is, I don't think I'd credit him with 'raising' me. My mother did that.
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps no he didn't abandon us, it was a mutual agreement I believe. And we saw him often enough. He has failed nothing.
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps I'm pretty sure god doesn't hate anyone, but I'm sure he's pretty disappointed by you.
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps you are not gods spokesperson, historically he's pretty good at PR and I doubt very much that he'd hire you for the job.
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps A friend just sent me this, and it made me laugh. "Perhaps Margie should know that according to John Niven in 'The Second Coming'
lilyroseallen: @MargieJPhelps God actually LOVES fags! I believe Margie would end up in Level Eleven in Hell. And according to Mr. Niven: 'Level Eleven Hell '
lilyroseallen: And according to Mr. Niven: 'Level Eleven of Hell leads onto a bleak stone corridor with cells all along one wall. Bare bulbs hang from the
lilyroseallen: low ceiling spreading weak, murky light. On the other wall a huge picture window overlooks an endless burning canyon filled with row upon
lilyroseallen: row of people - there are millions of them - pedalling what appear to be exercise bikes. They are all screaming (noiselessly, the glass
lilyroseallen: is a foot thick) because the pedalling motion is causing a ten-foot-long, cast-iron, barbed- wire-spiked dildo attached to each bike to
lilyroseallen: Pound relentlessly in and out of their anuses. “False prophets and religious hypocrites,” Satan says by way of explanation.

Charliecondou: @lilyroseallen hell sounds great. And let's face it, who will we know in heaven?
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou How did u get on Linford?? xxx
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley 6 hours 42 mins, one of the first back! I ache in places I didn't know existed! How were the soaps?
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou Brill! Well done!!! They were great. V.emotional!x
brightondream: @Charliecondou @boydhilton - YOUR Photo's from last night in a video
Charliecondou: Feeling the effects of the chaffing now. Ive liberally applied my daughter's nappy cream between my buttocks. Its helping
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou how's your perineum bearing up?
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma In the words of Natalie Imbruglia, nothings tight, it's torn
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou are you cold and ashamed lying naked on the floor?
Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma yep, bound and broken
Charliecondou: Some photos (not of the chaffing)
philipmcginley: @Charliecondou I wanna see chaffing! Send me the link to sponsor you. xx
Charliecondou: @philipmcginley http://bit.ly/eIk2qZ
Charliecondou: One of @WhichPennySmith and @Gabby_Logan

Charliecondou: Our captain @EmmaK67
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