Charliecondou: Lets remind ourselves how good Mel B is in an audition

barneynewman: Brilliant! Nice one Charlie.

Charliecondou: @barneynewman were you walking through barnsbury with a lady and a dog earlier?

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Yes I was. That was my lady Amy and Jess the dog who we have hired for the weekend. You're an Islingtonite too aren't you?

Charliecondou: @barneynewman I am indeed! I nearly ran you over!

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Well, I am very appreciative you didn't, we were having a lovely day. Hopefully see you locally then...

Charliecondou: @barneynewman deffo, maybe a pint sometime

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Yeah, that sounds good. Plenty of nice places to choose from...

PaulBurston: So, Mel B and Eddie Murphy - that was real love, right?

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston well he's into trannies, so yes I imagine

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou that man is not a 'tranny fucker'! Not from what I've heard. Quite the opposite in fact

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston ALLEGEDLY!!!

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou ten years ago, Mel B and I shared the same 'supplier'. The stories he told me! ALLEGEDLY!!!

Charliecondou: @PaulBurston DM me immediately

nitsohara: About to watch Shame. Been looking forward to seeing Michael Fassbender's performance for ages.

Charliecondou: @nitsohara "performance"

nitsohara: And by performance I do of course mean cock.

Charliecondou: @nitsohara damn, you beat me to it!
nitsohara: @CharlieCondou Haha. Great (dirty) minds

stacks3stripe: Right. This won't mean fuck all to most, but.. Apparently Burn It is now on YouTube. Let me know if this is true.

Charliecondou: @stacks3stripe we were talking about how brilliant that was at work yesterday!
Charliecondou: Lets remind ourselves how good Mel B is in an audition

barneynewman: Brilliant! Nice one Charlie.
Charliecondou: @barneynewman were you walking through barnsbury with a lady and a dog earlier?

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Yes I was. That was my lady Amy and Jess the dog who we have hired for the weekend. You're an Islingtonite too aren't you?
Charliecondou: @barneynewman I am indeed! I nearly ran you over!

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Well, I am very appreciative you didn't, we were having a lovely day. Hopefully see you locally then...
Charliecondou: @barneynewman deffo, maybe a pint sometime

barneynewman: @Charliecondou Yeah, that sounds good. Plenty of nice places to choose from...

PaulBurston: So, Mel B and Eddie Murphy - that was real love, right?
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston well he's into trannies, so yes I imagine

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou that man is not a 'tranny fucker'! Not from what I've heard. Quite the opposite in fact
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston ALLEGEDLY!!!

PaulBurston: @Charliecondou ten years ago, Mel B and I shared the same 'supplier'. The stories he told me! ALLEGEDLY!!!
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston DM me immediately

nitsohara: About to watch Shame. Been looking forward to seeing Michael Fassbender's performance for ages.
Charliecondou: @nitsohara "performance"

nitsohara: And by performance I do of course mean cock.
Charliecondou: @nitsohara damn, you beat me to it!

nitsohara: @CharlieCondou Haha. Great (dirty) minds

stacks3stripe: Right. This won't mean fuck all to most, but.. Apparently Burn It is now on YouTube. Let me know if this is true.
Charliecondou: @stacks3stripe we were talking about how brilliant that was at work yesterday!
Above: Charlie Condou as Marcus Dent - ITV Coronation Street.
If you click and enlarge the picture you'll notice Betty Driver is looking over Charlie's shoulder from her portrait on the Rover's wall. The other thing you may see is the "no name" or generic beer mentioned in the advertisement...I wonder if ITV can't have product placement?

Charliecondou: After yet another 4am start, I have decided I no longer want to be a parent. Does anyone want my kids?

LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou Swap??!!!

Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 NOT A BLOODY CHANCE! #twins

LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou CHARMING!!!!!

minx_1983: @Charliecondou throw them my way I'm in slow labour with number 7 a few more would keep me occupied x

Charliecondou: @minx_1983 bloody hell! Good luck

LeeBinding: @Charliecondou are they amusing? I'll take 'em if they're amusing.

Charliecondou: @LeeBinding Oh they're totally amusing. One of them tries to eat his own shit! I'll bring them right over

Shmouise: @Charliecondou I'll have em.

Charliecondou: @Shmouise But if we get rid, we can turn it into a Disco room!!!

Shmouise: @Charliecondou lose the bin lids, I'm on me way.

Charliecondou: RT @Alt_Parenting: Looking forward to hearing from @Charliecondou and @stonewalluk at The Alternative Parenting Show Sat 15th Sept,

baby_rachi: @Charliecondou loo just go sit in the bathroom again pretending to have a poop n get some peace lol

Charliecondou: @baby_rachi Im already there
Charliecondou: After yet another 4am start, I have decided I no longer want to be a parent. Does anyone want my kids?
LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou Swap??!!!
Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 NOT A BLOODY CHANCE! #twins
LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou CHARMING!!!!!
minx_1983: @Charliecondou throw them my way I'm in slow labour with number 7 a few more would keep me occupied x
Charliecondou: @minx_1983 bloody hell! Good luck
LeeBinding: @Charliecondou are they amusing? I'll take 'em if they're amusing.
Charliecondou: @LeeBinding Oh they're totally amusing. One of them tries to eat his own shit! I'll bring them right over
Shmouise: @Charliecondou I'll have em.
Charliecondou: @Shmouise But if we get rid, we can turn it into a Disco room!!!
Shmouise: @Charliecondou lose the bin lids, I'm on me way.
Charliecondou: RT @Alt_Parenting: Looking forward to hearing from @Charliecondou and @stonewalluk at The Alternative Parenting Show Sat 15th Sept,
baby_rachi: @Charliecondou loo just go sit in the bathroom again pretending to have a poop n get some peace lol
Charliecondou: @baby_rachi Im already there
Below: These pictures have nothing to do with Charlie Condou, I'm just showing you what I got for my granddaughter who turns one today. I hope she will take after her grandfather (I'm an ex-mobile disco operator amongst other things), I taught my daughter the mobile disco ropes when she was growing up and she is hoping my DJ-ing legacy will live on through my granddaughter...Meanwhile, my mother-in-law hopes that her great grandchild becomes a concert pianist like she was!
Tom_In_Oz_: It's all go in Ozmania the present is wrapped.... Big and red ain't it?

TMarkstahler: @Tom_In_Oz_ HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDDAUGHTER IN OZ! First year's the hardest. Things get smoother after U've opened Ur first Twitter account :-)
AubreyEMiller: @Confidential_CC Tom have a lovely day hope you granddaughter enjoys her musical president I bet she will x x x

Lorraine @FoxyLorri64: @Confidential_CC awwww please give her a cuddle from me,and a kiss xxx
Salmondoors: @Confidential_CC whats inside?
Tom_In_Oz_: This is what is inside - a kind of disco keyboard / sound mixing table - ideal for a kid that is one year old!

pekelika: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett @tmarkstahler Cool and very educational toy! :-)
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty Have arrived for birthday party it's all very girly...
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty son in law is vacuuming still and I have decorated little's work is never done!...
NB.The cakes I decorated are on the striped plate at the bottom.
The ones my wife made are on top two levels of the tower.
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty Mrs Oz made the big birthday cake including the picnic items on the top ...

JaneMarkland: @Confidential_CC Wow that's superb, does she make them professionally, it's beautiful xx
Tom_In_Oz_: @JaneMarkland No wife makes them as a hobby. She is a principal of a small school and ex-nurse.

pekelika: @Tom_In_Oz_ #birthdayparty That's so beautiful! The cake is definitely delicious! :-) xx

anniescedarfarm: @Tom_In_Oz_ how cool! Enjoy :D

JaneMarkland: @Tom_In_Oz_ Tom, pls say well done to Mrs Tom! I need to up my game for my grand daughters x 2 birthdays in October. HELP!
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty yes party is underway now hundred of free-loaders ... Hundreds!
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty you can tell it's a party in Oz the BBQ is occurring ...

Nicky_Pluto: @Confidential_CC have a few tinnies.. (not sure right spelling) that's the way to do it!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: #birthdayparty this is my daughter's house. It's her first home and she and her hubby may be moving to a bigger place soon ...


marcyeats: @Confidential_CC Tom how did you get started?

Confidential_CC : @marcyeats I have had a lot of sickness so forced to retire on medical grounds. Am vice principal at a little Oz school....Why I promote @charliecondou is the fact that I think he's a 'champion' for a few causes that need champions....and I just followed Charlie on Twitter from back in the days when I ran my blog for Russell Tovey (the TV werewolf guy) so when I retired the Tovey blog I started one for Chas... I've known Charlie since the week I fixed up his Twitter avatar and gave him a nice tan pic (fake tan of course) x

marcyeats: @Confidential_CC blogging for someone else is pure dedication. I have a full time job keeping up with my own stuff. Sorry to hear you're not so well as that has a big impact on life. X

marcyeats: @Confidential_CC thanks for the info.

davemcCabe1: @Charliecondou jonatan yeah?

Charliecondou: @davemcCabe1 oui
davemcCabe1: @Charliecondou jonatan yeah?
Charliecondou: @davemcCabe1 oui
davemcCabe1: @Charliecondou sorry to go on the past but nathan barley is legendary
Charliecondou: @davemcCabe1 Ta muchly
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