Sunday, May 15, 2011


Below: Boyd Hilton's bra...up for auction on eBay.
see full set of "moonwalk" pics from Charlie, Boyd, kath, Clare and gabby at end of this section

...and they're off...

and who’s that in the lead?

Charliecondou: I’ve just spent £150 in Runner's Need on stuff I will never use. But me and @gabby_logan are now sorted for energy gels and support socks!

streetworker01: @Charliecondou @gabby_logan A man of my age can never have enough support stockings.

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 Ive bought Vaseline too *says no more*

lizzieroper: @Charliecondou I am literaly SHITTING MYSELF!

Charliecondou: @lizzieroper Me too *Paula Radcliffe face*

RussTov_FanSite: @Charliecondou @gabby_logan did you get lip balm for when running into the dry winds? It's important also to have glossy lips for pics!!! x

charliecondou: RT @caitlinmoran: It's the Moonwalk tonight. I did it last year. That's why I'm sponsoring the fuck out of these chicks this year:

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou Just saw your interview in Attitude. It's like you're an A-Gay or something...

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN I know right?? You should be nicer to me

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou You know how they say you don't pay a hooker for sex, you pay them to leave after? It's kinda the same with you & me. lol

boydhilton: @Charliecondou @Gabby_Logan @emmafreud *Importance Of Being Ernest voice* A BUMBAG?

Charliecondou: @boydhilton Ive gone for a little rucksack now. Its more manly. Just like the Corrie-themed bra I'll be wearing

boydhilton: @Charliecondou ph-ew. Rucksacks all the way.

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou ruck sack? Have you got a sherpa? X

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan I was going to share yours. Will he be able to carry my futon?

Charliecondou: RT @KathViner: We've raised £45k. If we hit £50k I'll secretly post pic of @Gabby_Logan @sueperkins @Charliecondou using Shewee. Deal?

Charliecondou: Ive just tried my bra on. Its Corrie themed. It has flying ducks on each nipple. I dont ever want to take it off

streetworker01: @Charliecondou Are you Scaramanga? There are three Corrie ducks...

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 One is in the middle!!!

AlsBoy: @Charliecondou What I love about this is you didn't even provide a context.

Charliecondou: @AlsBoy I would but Ive taken out a superinjunction

AlsBoy: @Charliecondou Superinjunction joke: didn't realise Imogen Thomas was a singer, but apparently she's been doing Giggs for a while.

Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou Good luck love!! xxxx

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley Cheers love, have fun tonight xx

Charliecondou: My bra and me!

KathViner: @Charliecondou amazing abs

Charliecondou: @KathViner I took 457 shots before settling on one where I look like I have a six pack

salihughes: @Charliecondou *does you*

Charliecondou: @salihughes *chucks serum everywhere*

Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou swit swoo lady. Might have to go & sponsor you after that pic! X

Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten Do IT!!!!

Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou Did IT!!!! x

Charliecondou: @Derren_LittenI love you

Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten I love you EVEN MORE now I’ve seen how much you donated!!! I’m going to DM you photos of me in my matching panties!

Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou *faints*

Liam1709: @Charliecondou what's the link again so I can donate. Got a baby in one arm so can't search too well

Charliecondou: @Liam1709

Liam1709: @Charliecondou Done :)

caitlinmoran: @salihughes @EmmaK67 @KathViner @Charliecondou Charlie's a DILF

Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran @salihughes @emmak67 @kathviner I’m retweeting that. I'd like you and all your followers to do the same

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou You've turned me lesbian x

Charliecondou: RT @theolondon: @Charliecondou HOT! You look like Uzbekistans entry to Eurovision, or was it weight lifting. Or both!

sammimakeup: Napping with my baby girl, there's nothing like an afternoon nap when you should be doing other things!

Charliecondou: @sammimakeup She's GORGEOUS!!! Congrats hon xxx

sammimakeup: @Charliecondou words can't describe it!!!!! Good luck tonight xx

JonobiWan: @Charliecondou Looking good there! Wear this in the canteen at work please :)

Charliecondou: @JonobiWan Obviously

jfjford: @Charliecondou Best bra none.

Charliecondou: @jfjford Sally Matthews decorated it for me. I had to remove the pink feathers though, they tickled my pits

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou crumbs. I fancy you in that! Which is a surprise to all of us!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Its because I ooze femininity, youre only human Alice

ChloeD28: @Charliecondou is that for the London Moonwalk tonight?;)x

Charliecondou: @ChloeD28 yup

ChloeD28: @Charliecondou good luck! My mum and her friends are doing it tonight to!:)

twinsmum67: @Charliecondou that is worth £10 Just to see you in that. The boys laughing lots. Will give it you Monday (the money that is!). Good luck! X

Charliecondou: @twinsmum67 haha glad I'm still making them laugh xx

EmmaK67: When I am allowed to put my PE kit on please?

tracey_thorn: @EmmaK67 Oh this is INTOLERABLE isn't it, I am basically pacing about, mentally pacing

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn @EmmaK67 @emmafreud I am in bed desperately trying to nap but worrying that @Gabby_Logan is going to make me HURT

emmafreud: @Charliecondou @Gabby_Logan I want to walk with you and gabby and @sarahdeldesign but clipboard says I can't. She hates me.

tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou See, if only you'd gone slower on the training walks you could be walking at our lovely gossipy pace tonight.

Charliecondou: @emmafreud @sarahdeldesign @Gabby_Logan it's ok, we have about 9 hours to work out how to KILL HER

charltonbrooker: @Charliecondou I've just donated on the basis that we get lots of photos of you in a bra.

Charliecondou: @charltonbrooker your wish... Etc

charltonbrooker: @Charliecondou I DEMAND MY MONEY BACK

Charliecondou: @charltonbrooker I'll do anything for a page in Heat Charlie

whitenosugartv: @hollyquinankrah u like?

Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv oooh, I like the vests

carlhopgood: @Charliecondou very sexy! Definitely worth a donation. How? X

Charliecondou: @carlhopgood

Charliecondou: I should be on a red carpet now. Instead, I'm pummicing my heels and rubbing Vaseline into my nipples. #moonwalk

Charliecondou: To be fair, I'd be doing that at the soap awards too

stacks3stripe: @Charliecondou is it the same route as the marathon? x

Charliecondou: @stacks3stripe no fucking clue mate, I guess so

Charliecondou: If we get up to £50,000 I will get off with all my team members. Apart from @boydhilton who isn't ready for this jelly

nikishisler: @Charliecondou What's the link to sponsor you Bubby?

boydhilton: @Charliecondou i'm ready for every jelly. PS I haven't had a nap. Am I going to die?

Charliecondou: @boydhilton I've been in bed for almost 2 hours. I have never been more awake. We shall die together

alicearnold1: @EmmaK67 oh dear @clarebalding1 has accused me of stealing her socks. Now she doesn't want to walk with me. It's all got very tense!

EmmaK67: @alicearnold1 NO ARGUING ON THE TEAM

alicearnold1: @EmmaK67 she is all dressed and ready to go. Walking round the block to check all her kit is comfy.

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Alice are you bringing fags??

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou yes but we'll be hiding behind the bike sheds!

marcooth: @Charliecondou @alicearnold1 Fag fags or cigarette fags?

Charliecondou: @marcooth either one

Gabby_Logan: Ok one last ask if you can sponsor please do...we start at midnight!

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan MIDNIGHT?? I thought it was 11pm. This changes everything

BernieClugston: @Charliecondou don't worry it does start before midnight, went to the Edinburgh one last year x

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou i read the booklet and it talks of the 'countdown to midnight'.....freaked me too!

KathViner: This is what we're dealing with RT @Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Alice are you bringing fags??

Charliecondou: @KathViner what??? I'm just worrying that she might forget. Obviously I don't smoke, I'm an athlete

KathViner: Ooh give cash everyone, quick! For my sake! RT @Charliecondou: If we get up to £50,000 I will get off with all my team members

Charliecondou: @KathViner (I'm writing a cheque for £5k as we speak)

KathViner: @Charliecondou beat you to it! (you're too lovely) (great abs)

WhichPennySmith: @Charliecondou You had better look JUST LIKE THAT when I see you in two hours time.

Charliecondou: @WhichPennySmith do we HAVE to do it Penny? Can't we go to The Ivy instead?

Charliecondou: Oh, NOW my sister sponsors me. RT @nikishisler: @Charliecondou What's the link to sponsor you Bubby?

charltonbrooker: @Charliecondou I do seem to have fucked up the Giftaid thing though, somehow.

stevie275: @Charliecondou your sister calls you buddy?

Charliecondou: @stevie275 bubby

KathViner: @Charliecondou she wants to see you snogging girls!

exitthelemming: Greatest good luck to all Walkers to the Moon tonight. May the wings of Mercury and the fortitude of Mars help you over the mound of Venus.

Charliecondou: @exitthelemming presumably you'll be at the finish line with croissants?

exitthelemming: @Charliecondou if you're walking to York, yes. g'luck matey xxx

Charliecondou: Who the fuck is @caitlinmoran going to talk to tonight?

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou I've got options *lines up cat, child, Matey bottle*

TheBoy_Ryan: yup, definitely a bit horny...

Charliecondou: @TheBoy_Ryan wow!

ChloLewisW34: @Charliecondou why you not at soap awards?

Charliecondou: @ChloLewisW34 moonwalk

ChloLewisW34: @Charliecondou backwards? x

Jacwaldaf: @WhichPennySmith @Charliecondou I would like to thank you personally as somebody who has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer. Xxxx

Charliecondou: @Jacwaldaf you are very welcome x

Jacwaldaf: @Charliecondou Xx

alexcbeebies: @boydhilton @Charliecondou @gracedent @TracyAnnO Good luck to all of you!!! Hope you make it without too many aches and pains xxx

Charliecondou: @alexcbeebies cheers! And also, thank you for the bedtime hour

alexcbeebies: @Charliecondou hahaha x

boydhilton: @alexcbeebies @Charliecondou @gracedent @TracyAnnO thanks mate! x

JamieSawyerFit: Does anyone else think that @Charliecondou bares a slight resemblance to Chesney Hawks?

Charliecondou: @JamieSawyerFit wow

PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou @sarah_cawood good luck to you and all with the walk x x

Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell xxx

Charliecondou: RT @Wendy_Wason: Have we all forgiven Chris Brown for beating up Rhianna? He seems to be doing quite well again - just checking.

luciecave: Good luck to @boydhilton @gracedent @Charliecondou and your fellow bra wearers on the moonwalk tonight. I hope @boydhilton actually moons

Charliecondou: @luciecave Thank you muchly! If he does, I promise to send it in to Circle of Shame

meamandamealing: @KathViner @Charliecondou @alicearnold1 i'm late to the conversation but `yes' i think you have a few 'fags' with you. x

clarebalding1: Short pause while we wait for @gracedent and @sueperkins to find us at start of the Mall.

KathViner: Moonwalk crowd; amazing:

BernieClugston: @Confidential_CC walk like the wind Charlie xx

clarebalding1: The Buck Palace...This means we have 1 mile left. Thank you so much for all the encouragement & the sponsorship

clarebalding1: We made it over the line just before 7am. Hooray!

Charliecondou: That was bloody hard! RT @KathViner: Some of us

boydhilton: @Gabby_Logan and @Charliecondou amazing team mates....kept the spirits high for 26 miles

emmafreud: @Gabby_Logan I sort of hate you a bit. In a sort of admiring way.

Charliecondou: My amazing team mates @Gabby_Logan and @boydhilton

bainser: In other news yay for the #moonwalk-ers

Charliecondou: @bainser yes thank you. We're fucked

bainser: @Charliecondou I feel your pain. Well done.

drummerwhitey: @Charliecondou well done Charlie good to see you last night

Charliecondou: @drummerwhitey you too fella x

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou And @boydhilton on the way to breakfast!

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