Charliecondou: I'm bored on the train avoiding line learning so I'll do one of those "Ask me any question" things that people on twitter seem to enjoy

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou but nobody else does....

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY that's not a question Joje, you know the rules

HThorrington: @Charliecondou What's your favourite snack you can buy on a train? x

Charliecondou: @HThorrington I only travel first class where the snacks are obviously free (this may be a lie)

abbiemelonhead: @Charliecondou how much do your fans mean to you? XXX

Charliecondou: @abbiemelonhead lots and lots

_alisarmy: @Charliecondou Who is your favourite cast member to work with? :') #askcharlie

Charliecondou: @_alisarmy sue cleaver, Ali king, @ryanjamesthomas @msm4rsh , Katy cavanagh and @realsamia

WasMK: @Charliecondou Is there a book you've read that you wish you'd written?

Charliecondou: @WasMK Beloved by Toni Morrison

crazyfred83: @Charliecondou if you could only ever eat one food for the rest of your life what would it be?

Charliecondou: @crazyfred83 marmite on toast

Robo_Mum: @Charliecondou how do you like your eggs?!

Charliecondou: @Robo_Mum poached

PocaMac: @Charliecondou ooooh! cld you pull that Jonatton Yeah? face till the next station?...awwww, go on

Charliecondou: @PocaMac that's the way my face naturally falls

shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou If Anne Kirkbride was a flavour of Super Noodles which flavour would she be?

Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan sweet and sour NUTS

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou I have a question. How should I wear my hair??

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY clippered but not shaved (pubes right)

thomjamesmcc: @JOJEHARVEY @charliecondou I have a question too... Why is Tulisa Number 1??

Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc @JOJEHARVEY it's all down to the sex tape

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou thanks Charlie, you should have an agony column in a mag n shit x

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY it's my super objective

JOJEHARVEY: @Charliecondou should I fake my orgasms?

Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY only with your boss

Lucycoffeehouse: @Charliecondou Hey it’s me! (Phaidon!) How's Cameron?

Charliecondou: @Lucycoffeehouse howdy! He's great, give him a call

scottm1967: @Charliecondou so, where exactly is walley range?

Charliecondou: @scottm1967 hahaha ask @JOJEHARVEY

paulalovesvodka: @Charliecondou if Sean wasn’t ure on screen boyfriend who would u want out of corrie cast #terryduckworth??

Charliecondou: @paulalovesvodka definitely @ryanjamesthomas

hayleyisablondy: @Charliecondou have u slept with Bill Roache? #obvious

Charliecondou: @hayleyisablondy I'm afraid I can't comment

Maribeeb: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie, what sort of mortgage should I apply for?

Charliecondou: @Maribeeb a tracker
southern_george: @Charliecondou are you enjoying life on coronation street

Charliecondou: @southern_george loving it

alexbaugh3: @Charliecondou hi , who are your closest pals on corrie ?#askcharlie

Charliecondou: @alexbaugh3 sue cleaver @msm4rsh Ali king and @ryanjamesthomas

HoldenMinogly: @Charliecondou have you caught up with @Amanda_Holden recently?? :) xx #AskCharlie #AskMeAnyQuestion

Charliecondou: @HoldenMinogly @Amanda_Holden haven't seen her for AGES

Megmac1987: @Charliecondou Will Sean and Marcus get married? Would love to see it :-)

Charliecondou: @Megmac1987 it's very unlikely

ryanbeard2010: @Charliecondou who is the best actor/actress in coronation street???!!!

Charliecondou: @ryanbeard2010 I am

painedot: @Charliecondou Wots your son's name

Charliecondou: @painedot Hal

LauraaTweedy: @Charliecondou who do you tend to hang out with out of the cast on your days off etc.

Charliecondou: @LauraaTweedy sue cleaver or Ali king or @msm4rsh

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou How much improv or character wriggle room was there on Nathan Barley?

Charliecondou: @Brendan_Surrey loads, it was almost all impro

Dempster2000: @Charliecondou When did you last knowingly consume parsley?

Charliecondou: @Dempster2000 lunchtime

cyc1984: @Charliecondou can I have a snog?

Charliecondou: @cyc1984 sure

Wolfie_Rankin: @Charliecondou If Being Human was real life, and you could eat someone, who would it be? (better not say)

Charliecondou: @Wolfie_Rankin obviously @russelltovey

TommyMoseley: @Charliecondou Question: Should Steve Carroll be my weird crush or just plain Crush?

Charliecondou: @TommyMoseley who's Steve Carroll?

TommyMoseley: @Charliecondou Should Steve Carrell be my weird crush or just plain Crush? (US Office, Date Night)

Charliecondou: @TommyMoseley crush

AliKingFansx: @Charliecondou did you watch corrie growing up and do you watch it now you’re in it?

Charliecondou: @AliKingFansx yes and yes

oldirtymozart: @Charliecondou do you think jonatton yeah was the greatest role you'll ever play?

Charliecondou: @oldirtymozart probably etc
misskubelik2: @Charliecondou if you could swap jobs in coro would you work in the rovers or underworld? I've always fancied working in the rovers :)

Charliecondou: @misskubelik2 rovers

Juliedodds1: @Charliecondou how long r u staying I'm Coronation Street? Xx

Charliecondou: @Juliedodds1 as long as they'll have me

Layton_Wright1: @Charliecondou who's your all time favourite bar maid in corrie?

Charliecondou: @Layton_Wright1 Bet Lynch

Alison_KingFans: #AskCharlie Describe Ali King in one word.. @Charliecondou #alisarmy ♥

Charliecondou: @Alison_KingFans barking

lissiewright_: @Charliecondou who's your celeb crush??

Charliecondou: @lissiewright_ definitely @ryanjamesthomas

Rwpg007: @Charliecondou top or bottom?

Charliecondou: @Rwpg007 ;-)

CatherineLoubet: @Charliecondou what's your favourite place to eat?

Charliecondou: @CatherineLoubet oh it's not there anymore, but a lovely little bistro on frith st in the 90s

Carlas_Wino: @Charliecondou what was it like working on gimme gimme gimme?#askcharlie

Charliecondou: @Carlas_Wino amazing
Erin1503: @Charliecondou who's the best singer in the cast?? x

Charliecondou: @Erin1503 ooh, probably @Cath_Tyldesley or @msm4rsh

hayleyisablondy: @Charliecondou can u get me and my husband a table at the fat duck? U can join us???

Charliecondou: @hayleyisablondy I probably could

James_Isherwood: @Charliecondou who would play you in the movie of your life?

Charliecondou: @James_Isherwood Meryl Streep

Sophiee34: @Charliecondou Have you got any irrational fears? #askcharlie

Charliecondou: @Sophiee34 frogs, though I don't think it's irrational

shebahronay: @Charliecondou has no one asked you anything? (that's my question)

Charliecondou: @shebahronay just you (bloody hundreds, it was a bad idea!)
AlisonKingFansx: @Charliecondou #askcharlie describe Ali King when she’s drunk in one word?

Charliecondou: @AlisonKingFansx frisky

LaurenPopeFans: @Charliecondou Who's the funniest backstage at corrie?

Charliecondou: @LaurenPopeFans Alan halsall

realmissrebecca: @Charliecondou do you enjoy working on the cobbles????

Charliecondou: @realmissrebecca love it

realmissrebecca: @Charliecondou who's it fave to work with? xx

Charliecondou: @realmissrebecca at the moment @realsamia

mollyessextowie: @Charliecondou are you good friends with @michkeegan I love her xxx

Charliecondou: @mollyessextowie @michkeegan I love her too

SP_Richardsonx: @Charliecondou Which other cast member are you closest to?

Charliecondou: @SP_Richardsonx lots but sue cleaver Ali king and @msm4rsh

marshy54: @Charliecondou Do you wish you'd never asked us to ask you questions?

Charliecondou: @marshy54 yes!

kays1: @Charliecondou where ya been? Where ya going? lol ,are you staying in corry??????xxxx

Charliecondou: @kays1 London to Manchester and a good while yet
AnnaJoy_: @charliecondou have the majority of your questions somehow featured Ali King? :')

Charliecondou: @AnnaJoy_ hahaha yes!

mollyessextowie: @Charliecondou do you watch towie?xxxx

Charliecondou: @mollyessextowie I don’t

AliKingFansx: @Charliecondou who is most unlike their character on corrie?

Charliecondou: @AliKingFansx actually Ali!

amnotfunny: @Charliecondou how is your little boy doing?

Charliecondou: @amnotfunny he's great, not so little! #fatbaby

TeamTonyHirst: @Charliecondou do you enjoy sharing a dressing room with Tony? :) x

Charliecondou: @TeamTonyHirst I love it, he's always in his pants lol

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou when it comes to lady hair - how long is too long?

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma yours is never long enough

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou who is your favourite celebrity dog?

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma you are

TeamPhilSchofe: @Charliecondou @TeamSueCleaver want to know why you blocked them? :) x

Charliecondou: @TeamPhilSchofe @TeamSueCleaver oh, that must have been a mistake! Unblocked now

stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou is that you by the toilets?

Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan yes. Stop masturbating

stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou FINISH!

BlaacckHeaart: @Charliecondou do you think us #Aliettes need to see a drunken Ali ;) #AskCharlie <3 xx

Charliecondou: @blaacckheaart Ali drunk!
Erin1503: @Charliecondou who's the best singer in the cast?? x

Charliecondou: @Erin1503 ooh, probably @Cath_Tyldesley or @msm4rsh
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @Erin1503 @msm4rsh Kym - that girls got beltin larynx!! Power-house! x

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley the things @msm4rsh can do with her throat!

Charliecondou: this is my ridiculously cool God-Daughter @_CattDampier

tweddellv: @Charliecondou who would be your 4 ideal celeb dinner guests? X

Charliecondou: @tweddellv Kathy Burke, @Wendy_Wason , @SarahKSilverman and Jon Hamm

Gracelevix: @Charliecondou what can you see right now outside the train window?

Charliecondou: @Gracelevix stoke on Trent station

Gracelevix: @Charliecondou I met you once yay

faerymadness: @Charliecondou Are you going to see Street of Dreams this week?

Charliecondou: @faerymadness yep, on Thursday
HealthTherapist: @Charliecondou Q on behalf of my mum. Do you remember a day out@ what was then called Chessington Zoo? Cast your mind way back mum says hi.

Charliecondou: @HealthTherapist I don't. But did you live in Fulham in the early 80s?
HealthTherapist: @Charliecondou I certainly did! :)

Charliecondou: @HealthTherapist lol hello!
HealthTherapist: @Charliecondou Hello 2 u too. I don't rem the day trip but mum does, She had to look after us and 1 or 2 others. U wanted to see all the zoo

Charliecondou: @HealthTherapist haha send her love

Charliecondou: RT @PaulBurston: Please vote here for equal marriage. The bigots will. @C4EqualMarriage http://t.co/5UnMk4ZU

furquan: Off to see #avengersassemble. In Joss Whedon We Trust. #geektweet

Charliecondou: @furquan my boyfriend has gone to see it this eve for the second time! #whedonfreak

Amanda_Holden: For more info on tonight's look visit my website

Charliecondou: @Amanda_Holden thank GOD! I simply must know how to put your look together

SteveH1982: @Charliecondou lol ;-) (I'm not related)

Charliecondou: @SteveH1982 you too would look lovely in a backless dress with an up-do

SteveH1982: @Charliecondou I regularly dream of an up-do...

shelleyanorphan: Oh Lord, that vase is sodding horrible #AntiquesRoadshow

Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan of the 1,397 people I follow you are the only one not watching bgt

shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou That makes me feel so proud! I'm the wedding guest that stoppeth one of three #orsomething

ThatJoelfella: @Charliecondou Like @Shelleyanorphan you mean?

shelleyanorphan: @ThatJoelfella *shrieks* That was a one-off and you used Rohypnol! @charliecondou

Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan @ThatJoelfella haha

ThatJoelfella: @shelleyanorphan @charliecondou You may of lost yr inhibitions that night, but you also found something, something deep inside you...

shelleyanorphan: @ThatJoelfella Yeah, three Lego bricks and a Moulinex hand whisk thanks a lot lol @charliecondou

brianfruity: @Charliecondou @shelleyanorphan what!!!! Fuming!!

Charliecondou: @brianfruity @shelleyanorphan what's upset you Brian?

brianfruity: @Charliecondou @shelleyanorphan how as my dear friend Ricardo been lucky to be followed by you!! I am going to counselling lol

Charliecondou: @brianfruity @shelleyanorphan resolved

shelleyanorphan: @Charliecondou @brianfruity Gawwwwd Fruity will be like a peacock with his first erection now looool

brianfruity: @Charliecondou @shelleyanorphan o my happy days fruity has a big smile lol!! @aliJcorrie look at my new follower @Charliecondou

James_Spunki: @Charliecondou @brianfruity @shelleyanorphan uh oh now you gotta do me ... I'm equally as hurt etc

Charliecondou: @James_Spunki @brianfruity @shelleyanorphan you realise I'm now expecting FILTHY DMs

Charliecondou: I think I follow too many "adult performers"

gretahughson: @Charliecondou You mean on twitter, right?

Charliecondou: @gretahughson no. Just in the street and stuff

ScotteeScottee: @Charliecondou at first sight I thought you meant children entertainers. x

Charliecondou: @ScotteeScottee you say potato....

Charliecondou: @westbrookdanni are you still doing "those" films Danni?

westbrookdanni: @Charliecondou ??

Charliecondou: @westbrookdanni joke x

themaverickmen: @charliecondou c'maaaaaaan ;)

Charliecondou: @themaverickmen oh you guys were the first!!

themaverickmen: @charliecondou yay!!!!! :D

trim_hooptone: @Charliecondou I have a few 'adult performers' following me because I follow you. Family occasions have become even more awkward...

Charliecondou: @trim_hooptone haha sorry

trim_hooptone: @Charliecondou Heh, no worries. My cousin (female) is dating a pre-op trans-sexual (also female). Takes the heat off somewhat.

Charliecondou: @trim_hooptone speechless

ryanbeard2010: @Charliecondou does @michkeegan die in coronation street this week??

Charliecondou: @ryanbeard2010 @michkeegan yes

Charliecondou: RT @Ballstocancer: @Charliecondou can you please retweet this http://t.co/N178Aw7j

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I love your mum

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou she's making me watch #BGT. Want to hear what Max said to her yesterday when she was reading Sunday Times about thalidomide?

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I've never wanted to hear something more!

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou "that guy with the tiny arms looks so cool. Like a T-Rex"

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason HAHAHAHAHA

Charliecondou: RT @CFM14: @Cath_Tyldesley Your boobs are huge and you seem like a nice person. You should be priminister
Cath_Tyldesley: weird craving for beetroot... Im so normal...

aliJcorrie: @Cath_Tyldesley ask @SteveHuison to make you a beetroot curry he's a bit of a whizz with the purple root veg aren't you steve?

Charliecondou: @aliJcorrie @Cath_Tyldesley @SteveHuison beetroot curry? Really??
simperman: Love the little twinkle of support between Jonathan and Charlotte. But my heart is still fiercely with Ashleigh and Pudsey #BGT

leejonathan: @simperman I love the gay ballroom dancing couple but they've not been on yet.
simperman: @leejonathan Yup. Like them too.

Charliecondou: @simperman @leejonathan they are my faves!

leejonathan: @charliecondou @simperman I’m saving all my phone votes for them. I’m limiting myself to 33 votes, though.
simperman: @Charliecondou @leejonathan There's something very lovely and supportive and serene about them but Pudsey is possibly my all time BGT fave.

leejonathan: @charliecondou look at your guns on corrie, have you been working out?

Charliecondou: @leejonathan no. I'm just well fit

brianfruity: @Charliecondou @james_spunki @shelleyanorphan things just get even better I have just spotted tattoo on you Charlie grrr

Charliecondou: @brianfruity @james_spunki @shelleyanorphan yes. It says "Brian"

leejonathan: @charliecondou I’m predicting more short sleeved tops in your corrie wardrobe.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan I have my first underwear scene to film tomorrow!

leejonathan: @charliecondou *sets video*

NatalieGumede: Thanks for all you #FF's last week - on my hols, keeping warm whilst watching the sea whip up a storm x

Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede where are you??

Charliecondou: RT @jenniemcalpine: I asked for poached eggs on a toasted muffin. I kid you not....

TVKev: I have to admit... I really liked The Wanted. Apart from the singing.

Charliecondou: @TVKev haha
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