streetworker01: Euston bound.

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 me too. What train are you on??
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Is your train full of footie fans?

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 yes. And corrie fans
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Or are they just Charlie Condou fans?

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 well obviously
Simone_Margett: @Charliecondou when is Marcus back on our screens... He's my favourite Corrie character :) x

Charliecondou: @Simone_Margett tonight!!
Andymerry: #ff My fave onscreen beauties @Angela_Griffin @angellicabell @MikeyUnderwood @auntiegigi72 @nicstep @jollyolly @Charliecondou...

Charliecondou: @Andymerry bless you x
Space Race Moon thingy
_DanielRyan: Wanted to do a shout out to all you Moon Walk tweeps. I wish you a dry night with no blisters and big smiles. Bon Chance mes amis!!

Charliecondou: @_DanielRyan I'm already knackered just thinking about tomorrow
Confidential_CC: @_DanielRyan I would also like to say Bon mes Chance amis!! *HIC* @Charliecondou for the Space Race Moon thingy tonight!

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC thank you muchly x
boydhilton: @Charliecondou @_danielryan We're supposed to be taking it easy; being waited on hand and foot. Instead I'm about to interview @Russelltovey
_DanielRyan: @boydhilton Come on Boyd, thats not work! Send the Tovey my best x
boydhilton: @_DanielRyan I know! Pure pleasure. I will! x

Charliecondou: @boydhilton I've heard he can be tricky
boydhilton: @Charliecondou he's SO difficult
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @boydhilton I've heard Tovey is a nightmare! Especially around that time of the month. And it's that time now! x *MOON WALK*
Crumb Pet
AndrewLancel: Good Morning Everybody.

Charliecondou: @AndrewLancel it's not the same without you
AndrewLancel: @Charliecondou But there are crumpets.
ImogenEJ: Ok - just back from the salon with middle-aged Golf hair - thank god it is only radio with the fabulous @richardpbacon
coffeecampari: @ImogenEJ you'll be fine - "big hair" is totally on trend!
ImogenEJ: @coffeecampari looks quite ridiculous in natural light!
emmafreud: @ImogenEJ nfi to your launch!!!!!!! May never recover. Everyone says it was bliss. Tell your publishers to ask us next time?

Charliecondou: @emmafreud @ImogenEJ I was also nfi and I've slept with her editor! And her husband!

Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou @emmafreud @ImogenEJ This is all very well but with photographic evidence it's hearsay!
ImogenEJ: @Charliecondou @emmafreud My editor and my husband together! I have obviously now broken my super injunction
ImogenEJ: @Tom_In_Oz_ @Charliecondou @emmafreud I have some poor footage on my i-phone - yours for £2.50??? x

Tom_In_Oz_: @ImogenEJ @Charliecondou @emmafreud Since the Oz dollar is doing well that's equivalent of about 50 cents - SOLD! I know it won't go long! x
Things that make you go SHEWEE
alicearnold1: @EmmaK67 Please note ..I was very grateful for the kind offer of a shewee...but said NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
EmmaK67: @alicearnold1 I know. you're mad
alicearnold1: @EmmaK67 If I regret my decision you can tease me for the rest of my life about it!
EmmaK67: @alicearnold1 yes. If you're standing in a queue for 45 minutes I am going to wee AND walk at the same time while flicking you the Vs

Charliecondou: @EmmaK67 @alicearnold1 I can't WAIT to witness the sheweeing
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I am not partaking in this extreme sport a consequence, no liquid will pass my lips between now and Saturday.
EmmaK67: @alicearnold1 yes. If you're standing in a queue for 45 minutes I am going to wee AND walk at the same time while flicking you the Vs
Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou @EmmaK67 @alicearnold1 I won't make you watch Charlie x
EmmaK67: @Charliecondou you won't see any of it. You'll be 3 miles ahead with Champeen Logan

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 @Gabby_Logan @EmmaK67 I'm actually quite jealous. I might get one too (with an extra long tube obviously)
smallbum: @Charliecondou @Gabby_Logan @EmmaK67 @alicearnold1 you could get a condwee, I'll leave you to work it out!
KathViner: @Charliecondou would you like me to get you a shewee Charlie? Sure it would work if you woggled it about a bit

Charliecondou: @KathViner actually I've decided to go the other way. I shall be walking with my own lavatory
KathViner: @Charliecondou haha!! Carried on your back like a rucksack. You'd be popular (poopular)
EmmaK67: @KathViner *house points for "poopular"*
clarebalding1: @EmmaK67 @kathviner if I can pee in their house. In the bathroom, of course. I feel instinctively that they will be supportive. At 3am
clarebalding1: @EmmaK67 @kathviner I've decided I can't use a shewee. I just know it will end in shame & disaster. I'm going to knock on doors & ask nicely

Charliecondou: Watching celeb juice and wondering what Lulu would look like if she'd left her face alone
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I always thought she'd had good surgery. Has it gone bad?

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason oh god yes

Charliecondou: I like to think she'd look like supergran
bendanielsss: I'm a lazy Tweeter! Rehearsals are fun. Fellow actors all top quality. Rehearsing at Lyric Hammersmith, a roof garden, lots of sun and caffeine.

Charliecondou: @bendanielsss with John light?
bendanielsss: @Charliecondou yes! He's being fantastic.

Charliecondou: @bendanielsss ah good. Love him for me

Charliecondou: @jfjford do you still work at Granada?
jfjford: @Charliecondou I work at ITV Manchester. What's this "Granada"?
jfjford: @Charliecondou Matt said you've been giving him grief as per.

Charliecondou: @jfjford only because you're not around. He likes it anyway.
jfjford: @Charliecondou I'm rarely allowed out of the office. I'll come down tomorrow or late next week f'yer around.

Charliecondou: @jfjford I don’t like to cast aspersions but I think @quarterbluematt is stealing marmite from the green room #troutgate2

Charliecondou: @jfjford only because you're not around. He likes it anyway.
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou @jfjford that's true, I fucking love it
jfjford: @Charliecondou @quarterbluematt There's always a suspiciously large amount of Nutella, don't you think...

Charliecondou: @jfjford yes. And mini tubs of cream cheese
you think...
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou @quarterbluemat hahaha !!! #troutgate2

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy where are you lot going?? Who's doing my face later???
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou haha !! Marbella on my hen weekend ... You know where the cupboard is don't you !! Xxx

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy oh bloody hell!! Have fun, I'll get @jfjford to do it
jfjford: @Charliecondou @gillywalshy I'm a dab hand with the manscara.
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou thanks love !! Can't wait to make you well jealous of my tan x
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