Charliecondou: @TheJimMurray make us a cuppa Jim

TheJimMurray: @Charliecondou when in Florida it's customary for the rump ranger to prepare the tea for his master.

Charliecondou: @TheJimMurray rump ranger!! Hahahaha

Charliecondou: RT @ladyhaja: I spoke to @Tom_Guy_, @ParisLees & @Charliecondou about @studentpride happening TODAY. #studentpride http://gu.com/p/3nvhy/tw

Charliecondou: @ParisLees @AttitudeMag congrats on the new job lover. You'll be marvellous x

ParisLees: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag aw thanks, see you soon x

WordGenerators: @Charliecondou Now that you're leaving Corrie, would you consider reprising your role as Jonatton Yeah? I wanted him to be real!

Charliecondou: @WordGenerators I'd love to

WordGenerators: @Charliecondou Cheers! That's the best thing that's ever happened. I loved JY's drug dealer. You've always been fantastic in CS too. Legend!

WordGenerators: @Charliecondou I was given some work experience in the press office of CS in 2007, think I just missed your arrival.

Charliecondou: @WordGenerators cheers dude

chrisgolds: On the plane about to take off. Love flying with @VirginAtlantic. We're going all the way to Disney World! Yay! :-D

MrRobertTimothy: @chrisgolds Shut the front door! I have just landed on a Virgin flight in Orlando. Are you coming here too?! Get out...

chrisgolds: @MrRobertTimothy SERIOUS!!! What are you doing here darlin???? We must meet up. We're staying at Disney. :-D

Charliecondou: @chrisgolds @MrRobertTimothy I'm here too! Leaving Sunday

chrisgolds: @Charliecondou @MrRobertTimothy Let's have a gay old time!

MrRobertTimothy: @Charliecondou @chrisgolds Oh shit! We've driven to West Palm Beach for two days. This is a DISASTER! How long are you in Orlando for?

SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou Corrie - Marcus/Todd fling scores 7.8m ratings on Friday: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a553128/coronation-street-marcus-todd-passion-seen-by-78m-on-friday.html

theteamaker: @Charliecondou you were half naked on my tele last night #thanksforthewarning #quitegoodlookingforaman

Charliecondou: @theteamaker you want me #fauxlezzer

SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou Corrie - Marcus/Todd fling scores 7.8m ratings on Friday: http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/s3/coronation-street/news/a553128/coronation-street-marcus-todd-passion-seen-by-78m-on-friday.html

theteamaker: @Charliecondou you were half naked on my tele last night #thanksforthewarning #quitegoodlookingforaman

Charliecondou: @theteamaker you want me #fauxlezzer
NB. The above video may not play on some Apple products.

Charliecondou: Poor Maria

Charliecondou: My twitter feed has gone mental tonight. Was it a good episode? #corrie

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou #partybottom

Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv lol

Rudimuller: @Charliecondou it was BRILLIANT!! Loved it poor Maria xx

Charliecondou: @Rudimuller I know. But let's face it, it was never going to end well

Rudimuller: @Charliecondou that is true...Todd is just so...out there!! He doesn't care. Oh God I talk about Corrie like its real, love it xx

loranlily: Just wandered past @Charliecondou at Disney and had to explain to my American friends that a soap opera in the UK isn't cheesy

Charliecondou: @loranlily hahaha

loranlily: @Charliecondou I basically explained the entire premise of Corrie lol "no, there's no overacting... It's basically a drama series"

Charliecondou: My twitter feed has gone mental tonight. Was it a good episode? #corrie

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou #partybottom

Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv lol

Rudimuller: @Charliecondou it was BRILLIANT!! Loved it poor Maria xx

Charliecondou: @Rudimuller I know. But let's face it, it was never going to end well

Rudimuller: @Charliecondou that is true...Todd is just so...out there!! He doesn't care. Oh God I talk about Corrie like its real, love it xx

loranlily: Just wandered past @Charliecondou at Disney and had to explain to my American friends that a soap opera in the UK isn't cheesy

Charliecondou: @loranlily hahaha

loranlily: @Charliecondou I basically explained the entire premise of Corrie lol "no, there's no overacting... It's basically a drama series"
NB. I have edited the thousands of comments just down to a few ENJOY

CarlaMcken: Peter Barlow and Marcus got me feeling like I'm watching some Jeremy Kyle storyline goin on all immoral #corrie
Apexsnm100856: #corrie Just had meat balls, twirls & smelly cheese for tea. Ring any bells with u Marcus ??? Poor Maria !!!!
xJANxJAN: @Charliecondou @corriespoil #naughty #marcus
DomandLaceyCox: @Charliecondou Have you broke up from Maria In coronation street
Niallswhxre_ guys:, Todd+Marcus on corrie omg
mynameisbrooke: Todd and marcus was a bit full on for 8 o clock on a friday evenin #corrie
bethanie_brook: I KNEW Marcus and Todd would end up getting off #Corrie
theirvster: @Charliecondou what are your views on this storyline? X
tintoctap1888: @Charliecondou How could you Chucky ??? Maria is a babe. Yon Todd is a wee jobbie !!!
desertgold2: @realsamia @Charliecondou Naughty Marcus!!!!! Poor Maria!
Downes_Bro: Marcus you naughty boy! #corrie
manuarsenal101: Knew Marcus was always a fag #corrie
yellowducky74: RT @Soap_loverxx: OMG!! they kissed!! #Corrie #Marcus #Todd
Andyabccoaching: Will Marcus see sense before it's too late? #Corrie
scotsneedbieber: RT @AlexPearson_: Marcus and Todd well we saw that one coming!!!!#corrieie
jasonpbuckby: @Charliecondou awww you naughty bois!!!!! what am i going to do with you two!
catherinemallon: @Charliecondou - naughty boys!
DannyHilldrup: Omg #Corrie Todd and Marcus! Didn't see it going that far, that quick!
garygazzed: #Corrie oh marcus,you cant hide the feelings,theyll always come back #teamgay
lclark7335: RT @CharlieBunyan: @andyhoyle Is no one faithful in #corrie? Peter and Tina, Gloria and Dennis and now Marcus and Todd. Albert Tatlock must…
brianfruity: Marcus you dirty dog..... #Corrie
chgough: @Charliecondou "How do you solve a problem like Maria?" (Sleep with Todd I guess)
pauline_elison: @Charliecondou its your fault! Ha! Ha! Ha! Only joking ✌
daniellexhx13: @Charliecondou u dirty dawg :)
Mandi_Tinker: @frogcave I've been here...can't believe Marcus #Corrie tut tut
patmobart: @Charliecondou How could Marcus do that to Maria ;)
wot_itsmolly: RT @ShowbizSecrets: So many affairs... Peter & Tina, Dennis & Gloria, Marcus & Todd... It's turning me on. #Corrie.
Apexsnm100856: #corrie Now let me guess !!!! Sean will catch Todd & Marcus in the sack !!!! Or emptying them !!!!
mariastamp1: @Charliecondou what have you done!!!!!!
jules9906: @Charliecondou you naughty boy
In2townmagazine: @Charliecondou well a man has to do what a man has to do
xJANxJAN: @itvcorrie @realsamia @Charliecondou #badboymarcus poor maria ☹
AndyGibsonTV ATTENTION: @realsamia, run back to Coronation Street, quick! @Charliecondou is having it off with @BrunoLangley. #ITVSoaps: #Corrie
mcelderrylover: "@Charliecondou: Poor Maria" Naughty Todd & Marcus ;)
Marcmc23: #Corrie if I was Todd I'd try to get with @Charliecondou he is such a good guy!! And Bruno Langley gets paid for this...#Lucky :P
Georgia_Samia: @Charliecondou just to let you know im blaming you if I break my TV tonight haha ;) xxxx
CharlieBunyan: @andyhoyle Is no one faithful in #corrie? Peter and Tina, Gloria and Dennis and now Marcus and Todd. Albert Tatlock must be horrified.
Gingernut70: Well he didn't waste any time did he....that dirty Marcus! #Corrie
OldRoberts953: RT @Sid_T_Rotter: Marcus is on his Todd. Maria will be on her todd come next week. #corrie
brillbinnie: And there was me thinking Marcus was a good boy#Corrie #watershed
paulalovesvodka: @Charliecondou hope u feel bad
CasparPie: @Charliecondou you dirty dog!! #corrie
LaineyRoss: @Charliecondou I knew it was coming....
youngmaria84: 2 things annoy me bout Marcus and Maria story 1.Their friendship est. over years is ruined 2.Marcus is going to lose another child #Corrie
RAINBOWBLAK: @Tom_TheSequel the sofa was like a brown soggy tea bag just not sexy#Corrie #marcus #tod
KhloeLolxx: What are Todd and Marcus doing in Corrie, Ilean will catch them out she always does
ronansjo: @Charliecondou oooooo marcus how cud u lol .i no i no i no its just a program xx
Kieranu: Yes Marcus, get up them stairs my son! #corrie
RAINBOWBLAK: @Cardiffste lol it's Corrie you know not Mr Gay UK although let's look out for the magazine cover Marcus & Tod special full Torsoed issue !
fre1986: Marcus & Todd....that wasn't obvious at all!! #corriee
AndyGibsonTV: "@Cardiffste: you cant have gay snogging before 8pm on #Corrie especially between Marcus and Todd!" Wise up!
MrJayCrosby: Oh Hello Todd & Marcus! #NaughtyBoys!.. #Corrie #Gays
RobertLilley: @Charliecondou how very dare you charlie boy
rickycarlosa: @Charliecondou you sexy beast
brighton_david: Watching the gorgeous @Charliecondou doin the bizz with @BrunoLangley on#Corrie and can't decide which one I'd rather be! Lol. Poor Maria!
Whittytwit: @Charliecondou and with that slimey evil scheming Todd face....how could you?!
_onthemetro: @Charliecondou tut tut mr
pigs1969: @Charliecondou naughty Marcus!!:)
Meesh_Redshaw: It didn't take Marcus long to give in. Todd is a smug twat. #Corrie.
JessLydall: RT @marksparkyb85x: We know what Marcus and Todd going to do for the next half hour ;) #corrie
sillyolddaniel RT @Tom_TheSequel: I've got a good mind to complain to ITV about Todd and Marcus making out on that sofa. Did you see the hideous throw, co#Corrie
assh2014: A storm of homophobes are incoming! They will be complaining about Marcus & Todd. I feel sorry for narrowed minded people. #Corrie
M_Squalor: What is Marcus doing? #Corrie
JoeCortman: @_faygibbons Marcus is shagging Tod!!!!! #Corrie
Tom_TheSequel: I've got a good mind to complain to ITV about Todd and Marcus making out on that sofa. Did you see the hideous throw, covering it? #Corrie
shazza_berry: RT @OldRoberts953: Todd and Marcus are making me feel all heterosexual. #corrie
MattyIsTrouble: Yaaaaay gay porn on #corrie. Friday night just got hot!! #Todd #Marcus #Fit
_Mellers: Ooh Marcus! *tut* #Corrie
_IamKayleigh: Oh Marcus what are you doing #corrieie
AndyGibsonTV: "@Charliecondou: Poor Maria" How could you, and with @BrunoLangley of all people. Silly, silly boy. xx #ITVSoaps: #Corrie
MrShaneReaction: @Charliecondou I couldn't help but sing Knowing Me Knowing You when Maria began the viewing without Marcus #walkingthroughanemptyhouse #aha
TheRichMrs: @Charliecondou you doity dawg!!
Lilac_Dragonfly: @Charliecondou Nooooooo Marcus, Nooooooo!!! #Corrie
ryparkie: @Charliecondou wow your body is amazing :) great episode of #Corrie tonight.
ben_cassidy: @Charliecondou you bad man! Haha
JoshSpruyt: Marcus you silly bastard Maria is sort! #corrie
gemmasmith__: RT @louisefalconer7: oh my god what is Marcus doing #corriee
guirkie03: Get a room "Marcus and Todd,,"from corrie#naughty
itsLouise_xx: That last bit with Marcus and Todd was a bit cringey as well.. "Let's go upstairs" and he looked well awkward :/ #Corrie
Jack_harris03: RT @mishybabez2014: ok so peter cheating on carla with tina and now marcus is cheating on maria with todd?! Can't anyone be happy on the co#Corrie
Mohindra3: RT @mishybabez2014: ok so peter cheating on carla with tina and now marcus is cheating on maria with todd?! Can't anyone be hapPy on the co#Corrie
peachy100: Ther will be complaints mark my words, Marcus and Todd #corrie
Millsie234: @mcelderrylover yes, disappointed in Marcus poor Maria !!! Love corrie! x
lisaflowers54: Naughty Marcus! #corrie
tinydancerMac: I can't believe Marcus on @itvcorrie #corrie
SparklesMade: @Charliecondou naughty Marcus tut tut x
LJD10000: @Charliecondou u naughty boy lol
Marc_ODonnell: Oh @Charliecondou @BrunoLangley you've got me on the edge of my seat loving Corrie tonight
alipally45: @Charliecondou bad Marcus! Let's go upstairs indeed!
PSJF: @Charliecondou nice tits ; )
weeshona77: @Charliecondou I'm actually screaming at Marcus! Make up your mind. Maria is too lovely..
AlexPearson_: Marcus and Todd well we saw that one coming!!!!#corrieie
Sid_T_Rotter: RT @Yeloop: Marcus and Todd are going to bum whilst EastEnders is on #corrie
heidi78910: Marcus tut tut - poor Maria lol #Corrie
nilsamoreno68: #CoronationStreet Awwwww that was a bit much 4 corrie then..its only just 8pm..#PoorMaria Marcus is a cunt!!
spoilers_corrie: Marcus and Tod! Thoughts on first half? #spoilerscorrie
Floppman: RT @hayleyedwards_: Feel so awkward watching corrie with my nan when Marcus and Todd are almost shagging
joseconnor83: @AndyGibsonTV Well it's been long time coming but knew it was #corriee Marcus & Todd
NickL_1989: Nee good that Marcus la #corrie
DannyStewz: RT @AndyGibsonTV: #Marcus, don't be a silly boy. #ITVSoaps: #Corrie
ConversationStr: Don't do it, Dennis! Don't do it, Marcus! Men of Weatherfield - what's going on tonight!? #Corrie
1011cheryl: @Charliecondou Dirty bugger!
jierobinson: @Charliecondou aw well then
oe74: @Charliecondou What did you do???
Reginald_Jeeves: @Charliecondou Yow dirty dog you. That poor girl lol
thegordiebear: @Charliecondou At last you snog Todd! ;)
sammy_wfan: @Charliecondou yes poor maria!!
1968_ds: @Charliecondou naughty marcus.... bad todd.. tut tut..
clarep1987: @MrShaneReaction @Charliecondou that was kinda hot lol#todd&marcus corrie
Graham2704: @Charliecondou wrong !!!!
GreigChristie: @Charliecondou you wasted no time in getting ur shirt off! #impressed
clarep1987: @Charliecondou yous didn't waste much time
TracyBiram: @Charliecondou you herbert!
ShellxxxSb: @spoilers_corrie cmon Marcus u need to man up !! honesty is needed here - is obvious wher this is leading
JohnGale10: @Charliecondou dirty boy!! ;-)
FionaTiz: Dont blame Marcus. Hes been eating Marias minge for so long now , hes probably mad to return to the backdoors.#Corrie
PSJF: While Maria's walking through the front door, there's Marcus reacquainting himself with the backdoor. #corrie
HarlanCorkhill: Emergency at work Marcus? More like taking it in the arse from Todd! #BattyBoy #Corrie
JReddington99: Marcus is in a bad mood on corrie cause his arsehole hurts #buthurt @itvcorrie
EnfieldGarry: The gilt on Marcus' face, haha! #Corrie
CarlyJay20: Marcus has been playing away............naughty boy #Corrie
CeCe_3000: Why is MARCUS acting like someone just died? NOBODY made him shag Todd. F**king idiot! #corrie
0okelebeko0: #corrie tonight = Peter - unfaithful, Marcus - unfaithful, Dennis - unfaithful... Can no one in that Street keep their pants on!
FUNNY_BUNNY: @Charliecondou how could you cheat on her bad man
YvonneLupton: @Charliecondou Great episode tonight, well done, sorry you are leaving.#goodactor ☆★☆★☆
Beaujangl: @Charliecondou you just couldn't resist that naughty Todd
feckwit: WHAT is going on in Corrie? DENNIS you silly old fool. MARCUS: you stupid , stupid man. TODD: oh, just piss off, you irritating shit.
Groggyalarm: Kate It sure was, though I was very disappointed with Marcus for giving into Todd,how could he! Sean I could understand!@charliecondou
Kat1205: @Charliecondou Oh Naughty Marcus! Poor Maria! That Todd will break his heart! #corriee
CarlaGreensmith: @Charliecondou - it was just the best!
lisfaulkner: @Charliecondou so cross with both you and Dennis! #corrie
Shakila1810: @realsamia I'm so pleased! As much as I like Maria and Marcus, it was never a match made in heaven. They seemed more like bro & sis #corrie
baz2756: And the champion coming back from 1-0 down.. 'The Red Barron'.. Or as he's known Marcus from Corrie...
Graaacie1D_: The Todd/Marcus and Dennis/Gloria storyline shave made me give up Corrie
TracyMLacey: @Charliecondou no you bad lad!
HuntJosie: @Charliecondou A fab episode!! Marcus' turmoil really well done. That Todd......grrrr! Well done all of you X
lisa_magennis: @Charliecondou ifvi replied 2 minutes earlier you might have replied to mee
Sugabrown68: @Charliecondou thought your actions were despicable, Maria deserves better man..Shame on you!!! Hahahahaha!!! Brilliant couple of shows kid!
CadeSar: @Charliecondou you were great. Rita and Dennis storyline so weak. And should have been great...
xxpurplepollyxx: @Charliecondou naughty Marcus!
xJANxJAN: @Charliecondou Can't wait for the poo to hit the fan
ZRodell88: @Charliecondou loved it x
mdna50: @Charliecondou it was fab! Wonder if Emily will get a smart phone lol - what u reckon hilarious ? x
xJANxJAN: @Charliecondou Loved it!
lisa_magennis: @Charliecondou meant IT was amazing lol
sammieantha12: @Charliecondou poor poor Maria! That nasty Todd has sooooo played you!!! Lol xxx
lisa_magennis: @Charliecondou i was amazing but feel really sorry for maria, but love todd and marcus
kellyhoward74: @Charliecondou such a naughty naughty boy, tut tut xx
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