Charliecondou: IM HAVING A PARTY!! (I'm posting this in the hope people turn up)
lizmatthewspr: Wonder how many people will be doing #dryjanuary at @Charliecondou birthday party later?!
Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr just me and you babe
lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou YOU ARE NOT DRINKING?!!
Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr Pah! As IF!!!
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou Charlie your parties always have a million people at them! Have a ball x
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason You'll be missed xxx
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I'm always so shy. No-one will notice :) Is it today?
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason please don't make me post the photo
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou stop. Don't you dare.
Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou You forgot your address :) x
photogirluk: @Charliecondou happy birthday lovely... Sorry to miss the bash
UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I'm on my way, red or white?
marshyswife: @Charliecondou @addley_70 happy birthday love have a great night tonight xx
squaddietony: @Charliecondou I'm free
DelVonBoy: @Charliecondou Anyone of influence? Should I bring business cards? (Cc: @ROARGlobal)
Charliecondou: @DelVonBoy yes bring cards. I will definitely try to get you in
DelVonBoy: @Charliecondou I'll wear a warm coat just incase it takes a while and I have to queue.
Charliecondou: @DelVonBoy I hear @MarkW right_ does some nice coats
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou Happy belated birthday, Charlie! x
RealLucyGaskell: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday Charlie! Hope you have a great bash. Sorry I can't make it, hope to see you soon xxxxxxx
Charliecondou: @RealLucyGaskell boo!!! Next year maybe?? X
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou :-) :-) :-) :-)

streetworker01: @Charliecondou Have a great night. Wish I could be there. One of these years I'll make it. Unless you stop inviting me! xxx
freedompruk: @Charliecondou happy birthday and gutted cannot be there. Hope you have a blast xx
Charliecondou: @freedompruk I know! Thanks for my card xxx
freedompruk: @Charliecondou just keep your superman pants on xx

WhichPennySmith: @Charliecondou Hmm. Was I invited? Or is it limited to friends?

Charliecondou: @WhichPennySmith DM!!!!
TimJRSullivan: @WhichPennySmith @Charliecondou Don't think I was invited either! Probably because my hair was a mess after run in M&S. Have a good one

Charliecondou: @TimJRSullivan @WhichPennySmith hahaha
boydhilton: @Charliecondou I am sick. I may not make it. Try to cope. x

Charliecondou: @boydhilton Boo!!!
boydhilton: @Charliecondou Gutted.
SirTomShaw: Back in foggy Londontown for some birthday party action for that @Charliecondou - tonight we play for keeps! #MakeMineALargeOne

Charliecondou: @SirTomShaw Ive got a bottle of vodka under the table @stephen_hagan @Wendy_Wason
lane_paula: See you soon @Charliecondou #birthdaycelebrations xxx
lane_paula: “@Charliecondou: @SirTomShaw Ive got a bottle of vodka under the table @stephen_hagan @Wendy_Wason” the best way!!! Xx

Charliecondou: @lane_paula woo HOO!!
Wendy_Wason: @lane_paula @Charliecondou @SirTomShaw @stephen_hagan still can
stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou @SirTomShaw @Wendy_Wason you're starting to sound like a 60 year old man in a Brian May wig
realsamia: @Charliecondou have a mega time darlin!! Sorry we can't be there.. Ill raise a babycham to u later! Xx

Charliecondou: @realsamia No worries babe, I'll see you Monday for my pressie ;-)
realsamia: @Charliecondou ah ur too old for the pressie thing now aren't u?! #looksgoodforfiftytho

Charliecondou: @realsamia I suppose so. I'll just settle from one of your *special* presents in the dressing room
realsamia: @Charliecondou u always cross that line don't ya.. #pottymouthcondou :-) still love ya!

Charliecondou: @realsamia Hahaha I knew that'd get you! Love you too darlin xxxx
Beverleycallard: @Charliecondou is it your birthday. X

Charliecondou: @Beverleycallard it was on Wednesday x
Beverleycallard: @Charliecondou oh have a great one! Much love. X
stuarthalton: @Charliecondou I've now got a stupid car coming for me at 4am tomorrow - don't think it would be clever :-(
ViscountLeighto: @Charliecondou Happy belated birthday.
thanksdan: @Charliecondou lukin fwd 2 c-ing u l8r m8
leo_richardson: @Charliecondou it's just going to be you, Kirk, @damoncorrie and I.
Charliecondou: @leo_richardson @damoncorrie As it should be. See you in the hot tub x
damoncorrie: @leo_richardson @Charliecondou see you later boys xx
leo_richardson: @Charliecondou @damoncorrie *puts on speedos* ... *takes off speedos due to post Christmas love handles*
damoncorrie: @Charliecondou @leo_richardson *trims diwnstairs*
MissHannybell: @Charliecondou have a good party xx
Charliecondou: @MissHannybell Thanks x
TedShowbizDog: @Charliecondou are showbiz dogs invited? #hopefulface
Charliecondou: @TedShowbizDog Only if they bring their owners x
TedShowbizDog: @Charliecondou buts she's SO BORING
Charliecondou: @TedShowbizDog True
ingridoliver100: @Charliecondou shaving my legs as I tweet.
Charliecondou: @ingridoliver100 me too!
DJstewartwho: I have to say, my 4 hour detox went surprisingly well. Now, back to business...getting gladrags/face on for @Charliecondou birthday bash.
nitsohara: Heading to @Charliecondou 's birthday party. Trying to decide whether to make a holy show of myself, or him. Maybe both "to be safe".
Charliecondou: @nitsohara you date @Eamonn_Forde. The "holy show" has already been made
nitsohara: @Charliecondou @Eamonn_Forde It's not dating, it's hating.

Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou @nitsohara BUM-OFF, you BUMOZ.

Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou just waiting for someone to put their false eyelashes on x

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou aw have an amazing time ! #thisisnotajoke

Charliecondou: Just arrived at my party venue. I'm the only person here. Apart from a paparazzi who managed to get in. Good start

SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou WELL, I DID ALERT THEM X

AttitudeMag: We're at @Charliecondou birthday bash. It's wall to wall Corrie hotties!

ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou at least you won't have to wait to get served at the bar. #billynomates

shebahronay: @Charliecondou Sorry, lovely man. Can't be there but shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Can you hear us? Xx

The_Lexel: My parents were in the same restaurant as Marcus off Corrie just now. Thought I would share that with you all.

HRWright: Lovely seeing (inter alia) @Charliecondou, @pierrecondou, Mr & Mrs @Henry_Leon & @CatherineLoubet tonight. Lots of high-altitude fun.

DaranLittle: Lovely catching up with beautiful @kateford76 and gorgeous @msm4rsh tonight. And birthday boy @Charliecondou looked pretty hot too!

Charlie_Rowe: @Charliecondou Thanks for the invite tonight - we all had a great time X

Charliecondou: @Charlie_Rowe Good to see you, sorry I didnt get time to chat. It was crazy in there x

thanksdan: @Charliecondou Awesome birthday party as usual Charlie! So lovely to see you. Hope you're still partying! X

lizmatthewspr: Thank you for an amazing party @Charliecondou - we love you x @ingridoliver100
Eamonn_Forde: @Charliecondou @nitsohara BUM-OFF, you BUMOZ.
Philippa_Perry: @Charliecondou just waiting for someone to put their false eyelashes on x
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou aw have an amazing time ! #thisisnotajoke
Charliecondou: Just arrived at my party venue. I'm the only person here. Apart from a paparazzi who managed to get in. Good start

SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou WELL, I DID ALERT THEM X
AttitudeMag: We're at @Charliecondou birthday bash. It's wall to wall Corrie hotties!
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou at least you won't have to wait to get served at the bar. #billynomates
shebahronay: @Charliecondou Sorry, lovely man. Can't be there but shouting HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Can you hear us? Xx
The_Lexel: My parents were in the same restaurant as Marcus off Corrie just now. Thought I would share that with you all.
HRWright: Lovely seeing (inter alia) @Charliecondou, @pierrecondou, Mr & Mrs @Henry_Leon & @CatherineLoubet tonight. Lots of high-altitude fun.
DaranLittle: Lovely catching up with beautiful @kateford76 and gorgeous @msm4rsh tonight. And birthday boy @Charliecondou looked pretty hot too!
Charlie_Rowe: @Charliecondou Thanks for the invite tonight - we all had a great time X
Charliecondou: @Charlie_Rowe Good to see you, sorry I didnt get time to chat. It was crazy in there x
thanksdan: @Charliecondou Awesome birthday party as usual Charlie! So lovely to see you. Hope you're still partying! X
lizmatthewspr: Thank you for an amazing party @Charliecondou - we love you x @ingridoliver100

Tom_in_Oz_: @lizmatthewspr ... as I put that pic on the @charliecondou blog I touched it up a bit with some vaseline (just over Charlie's face obv) x
_DaCattos: Tonight was excellent thanks @Charliecondou :)
ANTONYROW1: @Charliecondou the proper iron,,, scaffolders in islington.. great to meet you
Charliecondou: @ANTONYROW1 Hahaha you too mate

Charliecondou: RT @daverigs: Yay! My new book is now out for Kindle. The link is below - please RT and share wherever you can? http://www.amazon.co.uk/7th-Time-Lucky-Dave-Rigby-ebook/dp/B00HQMVU4U/ref=tmm_kin_title_0
Hosting the awards will be Charlie Condou and Sophie Ward.
Guests include the Captain of the Paralympics Sitting Volleyball team and sportswoman Claire Harvey.
In addition, Alison Moyet will be giving a special vocal performance during the evening.
06 January 2014
Diversity Role Models and their Chief Executive Suran Dickson have both been nominated for awards in the 2014 Out-G3 Awards. Here is where you go to vote but before you do, let's give you an update on how we got here and some reasons to support us. Since Suran founded the charity in 2011, with the help of an amazing group of like-minded people, it has progressed from one staff member (Suran) to a team of four full-time staff and over 100 volunteers. Over 7,000 young people have now taken part in workshops. Children's reactions measured by attitude change and feedback on the workshops is overwhelmingly positive; 92% say they would now treat an LGBT person better after participating in a DRM workshop. Having started in London, in 2013 DRM expanded its delivery to (amongst others) Birmingham, Bournemouth, Oxford, Barnsley, Newcastle and Poole. 2014 sees DRM running a pilot project in Liverpool working with established Liverpool facilitators and local role models. DRM Carnival has established itself a key part of the London LGBT social calendar raising over £80,000 this year to support our work. DRM now has major corporate sponsorship from Royal Bank of Scotland, as well as other corporate partners (BNY Mellon, Bank of America Merrill Lynch, Sigma - the list grows regularly). This shows the strength of belief in the effectiveness of DRM's work in tackling the issue. DRM is working in partnership with the London Borough of Islington to create supported and thorough programmes, including our workshops, in many Islington schools. Our targets for 2014 include achieving delivery in every London borough; building on the Liverpool project to deliver in two other major cities and becoming the No.1 go-to organisation for delivery in schools which challenges homophobic and transphobic bullying. A vote for Diversity Role Models and Suran will demonstrate your support for the success we have achieved and also, through the publicity if we win, help us to achieve our ambitious plans for expansion.
Thanks for your support
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