Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I have no idea

nitsohara: Despite a raging hangover, I'm cooking a roast dinner. It's like I'm in the Special Forces or somat.
Wendy_Wason: @nitsohara was Grayson Perry at @Charliecondou's party or did Charlie just wear a dress?
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason @nitsohara it was Grayson. I could never pull off a plunging neckline
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou good boy xx

nitsohara: @Wendy_Wason Grayson was there looking fabulous. I was properly starstruck. By Grayson not @Charliecondou OBVS.
Charliecondou: @nitsohara @Wendy_Wason but I'm amazing

nitsohara: @Charliecondou @Wendy_Wason Of course you are daaahling. xx
beccafosterart: @Charliecondou @Wendy_Wason @nitsohara I can't actually begin to tell you how excited I was he was there. I did an internal squeal.

Charliecondou: @StephenMangan were you there last night?
StephenMangan: @Charliecondou yes! For about 8 minutes. Spent most of it talking to your mum. Totally knackered, had to go to bed #old
Charliecondou: @StephenMangan I was too drunk to see anyway. X
StephenMangan: @Charliecondou I’d forgotten to phone the paps so I thought ‘why stay?‘. X
Charliecondou: @StephenMangan it's fine, I have them on speed dial
MaiaDunphy: @Charliecondou Hope you had a great night! X
Charliecondou: @MaiaDunphy it was great. You and @JohnnyVegasReal were missed!

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou lots of unrest out there...

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC hahaha

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou ........ *bows*

damoncorrie: @Charliecondou well me and Miss C had a laugh
lemonyworld: Thank you so much to @Charliecondou for such a great night last night! Beautiful venue, people, party! @MIKEYBUCKLEY We loved it!
Charliecondou: WHERE'S DENNIS NORDEN??? #alright
CarruthersJamie: @Charliecondou Dead ?
carole_xxx: @Charliecondou lol think he died
DaranLittle: @Charliecondou dead
lynnstevens28: @Charliecondou He died x
Dookist: @Charliecondou He's...erm...dead, I think...
Charliecondou: Lots of people saying Denis NORDEN is dead but not according to google
DaranLittle: @MarkTalksTelly @Charliecondou oops, my bad
JenBrister: @Charliecondou Dennis Norden's ALIVE?
Charliecondou: @JenBrister I know!! And not a scientologist!!
jonw67: @Charliecondou Still with us! 92 this year. Retired due to ill health and failing sight.
britsbest: @Charliecondou found this he went blind
Charliecondou: The season finale of @OITNB was incredible. I am now bereft @TaySchilling @LauraPrepon @Piper
Charliecondou: @UzoAduba your performance on @OITNB is just incredible. A master class in crazy (though I think there's way more to her than that) x
alkadypod: @Charliecondou @UzoAduba @OITNB Your so right she is just about my fave charachter though they all very good
Charliecondou: @alkadypod @UzoAduba @OITNB the finest ensemble cast since Mad Men
alkadypod: @Charliecondou @UzoAduba @OITNB I LOVED & cannot wait for the new series & i also love @Lavernecox such a beautiful inspiring role model
Charliecondou: @EmmaK67 have you seen @OITNB ? It's amazing, and just what I needed after breaking bad finished and left me all alone
EmmaK67: @Charliecondou @OITNB No. *puts it on list*
Charliecondou: @EmmaK67 OMG please put it at THE TOP of your list. It's just amazing

JoG27: @Charliecondou does this help the post oitnb void?
Charliecondou: @JoG27 where is that from?? I want one!
JoG27: @Charliecondou No idea - I just came across it as there’s lots of OITNB twitter activity with the Globes later. Its v. cool!
chrisger21: @EmmaK67 @Charliecondou @OITNB it's ace! (Am on ep 6)
Charliecondou: @chrisger21 @EmmaK67 @OITNB the season finale is just brilliant

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou you can get you fill of posters here @OITNB

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC I love him

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou #SPIDEYsenses tell me everything lol
Charliecondou: I'm about to eat the smallest chocolate bar in the world
amazingexpress: @Charliecondou is that how you're coping with New Year resolutions? :D
Charliecondou: @amazingexpress I'm actually planning on eating 12 of them
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou Is that taken orally?
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou Are you having guilt chips for mains?
CPalfreeman: @Charliecondou or do you just have the worlds biggest hands? ;)
Charliecondou: @CPalfreeman lol
EmmaAVFC: @Charliecondou Is the magazine headline deliberately there? X
thestooshie: @Charliecondou all ur DMs with ur celeb m8s
Charliecondou: Oops, didn't realise you could see my DMs in that photo. Deleted it now!
thestooshie: @Charliecondou Well, you couldn't see the DMs ... just the names of all the people you had been chatting to.
CWebbFan_X: @Charliecondou You were talking to Lily Allen, nothing wrong with that!!x
amazingexpress: @Charliecondou - I've got a bag of #minieggs with my name all over it :D #devour
Charliecondou: @amazingexpress and you live near me I see. I'm on my way

thomjamesmcc: Grilled halloumi & avocado salad to start. Delish.
Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc *gets in cab to putney*
thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou Why!? We live in Windsor!!
Charliecondou: @thomjamesmcc oh. I wonder why I thought you were in putney
thomjamesmcc: @Charliecondou Lol, we moved from there almost a year ago. Hope last night was fab x

Charliecondou: RT @lisamarkwell: Sadly @IndyOnSunday doesn't make the BBC #marrshow as we don't have a Big Brother story, but here's our news

londonfriend: Charlie Condou's Birthday Party at Paramount - London | Demotix #Coronation Street #EastEnders #celebrity

Charliecondou: RT @lisamarkwell: Sadly @IndyOnSunday doesn't make the BBC #marrshow as we don't have a Big Brother story, but here's our news
londonfriend: Charlie Condou's Birthday Party at Paramount - London | Demotix #Coronation Street #EastEnders #celebrity

Sample pictures courtesy of Demotix.

Charliecondou: Hilarious! @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky

msm4rsh: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @KXnicky :-)

jasgra: @Charliecondou photographer may need some lessons on who's who haha

CelebGossPB: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky haha this is hilarious! Don't they realise that @missmcollins is in corrie as well!

HayleyJo1984: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky Haha how many mistakes can one piece have in it?!

HonestBull: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky They are confusing Kym Marsh's character with the actress known for playing Tina McIntyre

PaulPitt: @msm4rsh @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @KXnicky The pictures of Kym Marsh are labelled as @michkeegan they're doing well! X

simonkaston: @Charliecondou can't believe I missed michelle keegan!!

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou so nice to see you last night albeit too briefly . Hope you had a gooden. Was fun. See ya soon (ish).x

Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK Sorry I didnt get a chance to chat (its always the bloody same!). Thanks for coming though xxx

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou I am sure u wouldn't have had anything that interesting to say anyway so that's alright ;) ;) ;) haha.x

Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK I wish I could deny that :-(

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou ahhhhhh. Babe. It's alright. ;)

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou jokes aside, we will have to catch up another time.x

Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK Deffo. Maybe we could all have dinner sometime?

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou defo. Let's work on some dates! X

kathryNawrockyi: @Charliecondou @KXnicky Oh well - at least they didn't say 'Eastender old timer Pam St Clement'...

Charliecondou: @kathryNawrockyi @KXnicky hahaha

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh @KXnicky that is one of the best things I've ever seen! Hahahahaha

beccafosterart: @Charliecondou it was lovely to see you again. Great party!! X

Charliecondou: @beccafosterart You too! x

FeralCole: @Charliecondou great party last night, feeling rather delicate this morning though!

MIKEYBUCKLEY: Happy birthday @Charliecondou but my head hates you right now. Great night x

JohnnyVegasReal: @Charliecondou Hey buddy, so sorry to have missed your birthday celebrations last night. Hoped this miserable cold would lift in time but sadly not. I'd wager it was a fantastic night. Happy (Belated) Birthday wishes to you....cheers! X Sniffler

lane_paula: Fab night, @Charliecondou bday with the most stunning views of London then @SophieAustin1 surprise bday party #feelingdelicate

Charliecondou: @lane_paula I didn't get a chance to talk to you!! What time train are you on? X

lane_paula: @Charliecondou I'm going back tonight, got baby bday celebrations today! Hope u had a fab night xxx

gogibbogo: @FeralCole LINDA COLE! You were centre of attention ALL NIGHT so I didn't get to talk to you. Had to chat to @Charliecondou instead :(

FeralCole: @gogibbogo @Charliecondou hahaha, I seemed to have spent a large amount of time helping @msm4rsh friend find her phone!

gogibbogo: @FeralCole @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Any excuse not to talk to me, hey? By the way you looked FAB.

gogibbogo: Great bash last night @Charliecondou, thanks so much for having us. Hope you're not too fragile today. Cx @N5Marc

JamieMangan: Well.... @Charliecondou certainly knows how's to throw a good party... lovely to celebrate with you! #headhurts

benniedenton: What a party @Charliecondou threw last night I don't drink and I've got a headache that's how fun it was legs so sore from dancing so much in four inch heels that's quite a feat I'll tell u, views over London were stunning what a place @ParamountSoho well done @Charliecondou x

kateford76: Slightly fuzzy head after @Charliecondou birthday bash. Hope you had a good time baby xxx

ShobnaGulati: @Charliecondou by all accounts it were a good do... Sending you love for another great year xxxx

msm4rsh: Such a funny time in London with my bro @uncledaveeed and my bezzies @Nadine8wright and @VincentAllenby for @Charliecondou birthday!

JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had a fab party last night with lovely friends xx

Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I think I'm still drunk :-(

JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou Wouldn't expect anything less! Birthdays are about excess. Hope to see you at our new home soon #itvcorrie

Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I'll be there tomorrow! X

JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou We're neighbours now so you must come and visit. Have a great afternoon with your family before heading north xx

Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I most certainly will xxx

Coronation Street: Maria to become "a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown"
A new storyline will see the life of Samia Ghadie's character "completely ripped apart"
David Brown 10 January 2014
Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) is to be driven to the brink of despair in the coming months in a storyline tied in to the burgeoning romantic tension between her boyfriend Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou) and recent returnee Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley). “It’s going to be a really interesting time for Maria,” producer Stuart Blackburn today revealed to “Her world is going to be completely ripped apart. She’ll become a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Todd is obviously back and he doesn’t think that Marcus is right for Maria. He’s going to push and push. He’s a damaged and dangerous Todd.” A Corrie spokesperson added: “The storyline will take a turn that you wouldn’t necessarily expect. It’s really interesting and Samia is very excited by it.” Speaking to last November, Ghadie confirmed that Maria and Marcus were headed for a split in 2014: “It’s about time they split us up. We’ve been so obviously happy – almost too happy for a show like this. We need a bit of unhappiness and to see Maria crying again.” But when asked whether her character should be paired up with another male resident of the Street, the actress commented: “She needs to be on her own again. There aren’t enough single mums on the show. And I think that, for a while, people won’t want to go near Maria. She’s just doomed. Plus, she’s pretty much had everyone!”

PeterPRandRadio: @CoroStreetBlog Not looking forward to the Marcus and Todd story. Todd is SO slimy! #Corrie

Charliecondou: Hilarious! @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky
msm4rsh: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @KXnicky :-)
jasgra: @Charliecondou photographer may need some lessons on who's who haha
CelebGossPB: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky haha this is hilarious! Don't they realise that @missmcollins is in corrie as well!
HayleyJo1984: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky Haha how many mistakes can one piece have in it?!
HonestBull: @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @msm4rsh @KXnicky They are confusing Kym Marsh's character with the actress known for playing Tina McIntyre
PaulPitt: @msm4rsh @Charliecondou @mrjamieeast @KXnicky The pictures of Kym Marsh are labelled as @michkeegan they're doing well! X
simonkaston: @Charliecondou can't believe I missed michelle keegan!!
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou so nice to see you last night albeit too briefly . Hope you had a gooden. Was fun. See ya soon (ish).x
Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK Sorry I didnt get a chance to chat (its always the bloody same!). Thanks for coming though xxx
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou I am sure u wouldn't have had anything that interesting to say anyway so that's alright ;) ;) ;) haha.x
Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK I wish I could deny that :-(
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou ahhhhhh. Babe. It's alright. ;)
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou jokes aside, we will have to catch up another time.x
Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK Deffo. Maybe we could all have dinner sometime?
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou defo. Let's work on some dates! X
kathryNawrockyi: @Charliecondou @KXnicky Oh well - at least they didn't say 'Eastender old timer Pam St Clement'...
Charliecondou: @kathryNawrockyi @KXnicky hahaha
mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou @msm4rsh @KXnicky that is one of the best things I've ever seen! Hahahahaha
beccafosterart: @Charliecondou it was lovely to see you again. Great party!! X
Charliecondou: @beccafosterart You too! x
FeralCole: @Charliecondou great party last night, feeling rather delicate this morning though!
MIKEYBUCKLEY: Happy birthday @Charliecondou but my head hates you right now. Great night x
JohnnyVegasReal: @Charliecondou Hey buddy, so sorry to have missed your birthday celebrations last night. Hoped this miserable cold would lift in time but sadly not. I'd wager it was a fantastic night. Happy (Belated) Birthday wishes to you....cheers! X Sniffler
lane_paula: Fab night, @Charliecondou bday with the most stunning views of London then @SophieAustin1 surprise bday party #feelingdelicate
Charliecondou: @lane_paula I didn't get a chance to talk to you!! What time train are you on? X
lane_paula: @Charliecondou I'm going back tonight, got baby bday celebrations today! Hope u had a fab night xxx
gogibbogo: @FeralCole LINDA COLE! You were centre of attention ALL NIGHT so I didn't get to talk to you. Had to chat to @Charliecondou instead :(
FeralCole: @gogibbogo @Charliecondou hahaha, I seemed to have spent a large amount of time helping @msm4rsh friend find her phone!
gogibbogo: @FeralCole @Charliecondou @msm4rsh Any excuse not to talk to me, hey? By the way you looked FAB.
gogibbogo: Great bash last night @Charliecondou, thanks so much for having us. Hope you're not too fragile today. Cx @N5Marc
JamieMangan: Well.... @Charliecondou certainly knows how's to throw a good party... lovely to celebrate with you! #headhurts
benniedenton: What a party @Charliecondou threw last night I don't drink and I've got a headache that's how fun it was legs so sore from dancing so much in four inch heels that's quite a feat I'll tell u, views over London were stunning what a place @ParamountSoho well done @Charliecondou x
kateford76: Slightly fuzzy head after @Charliecondou birthday bash. Hope you had a good time baby xxx
ShobnaGulati: @Charliecondou by all accounts it were a good do... Sending you love for another great year xxxx
msm4rsh: Such a funny time in London with my bro @uncledaveeed and my bezzies @Nadine8wright and @VincentAllenby for @Charliecondou birthday!
JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday!! Looks like you had a fab party last night with lovely friends xx
Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I think I'm still drunk :-(
JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou Wouldn't expect anything less! Birthdays are about excess. Hope to see you at our new home soon #itvcorrie
Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I'll be there tomorrow! X
JaniceTroup: @Charliecondou We're neighbours now so you must come and visit. Have a great afternoon with your family before heading north xx
Charliecondou: @JaniceTroup I most certainly will xxx
Coronation Street: Maria to become "a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown"
A new storyline will see the life of Samia Ghadie's character "completely ripped apart"
David Brown 10 January 2014
Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) is to be driven to the brink of despair in the coming months in a storyline tied in to the burgeoning romantic tension between her boyfriend Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou) and recent returnee Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley). “It’s going to be a really interesting time for Maria,” producer Stuart Blackburn today revealed to “Her world is going to be completely ripped apart. She’ll become a woman on the edge of a nervous breakdown. Todd is obviously back and he doesn’t think that Marcus is right for Maria. He’s going to push and push. He’s a damaged and dangerous Todd.” A Corrie spokesperson added: “The storyline will take a turn that you wouldn’t necessarily expect. It’s really interesting and Samia is very excited by it.” Speaking to last November, Ghadie confirmed that Maria and Marcus were headed for a split in 2014: “It’s about time they split us up. We’ve been so obviously happy – almost too happy for a show like this. We need a bit of unhappiness and to see Maria crying again.” But when asked whether her character should be paired up with another male resident of the Street, the actress commented: “She needs to be on her own again. There aren’t enough single mums on the show. And I think that, for a while, people won’t want to go near Maria. She’s just doomed. Plus, she’s pretty much had everyone!”
PeterPRandRadio: @CoroStreetBlog Not looking forward to the Marcus and Todd story. Todd is SO slimy! #Corrie
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