Charliecondou: I think I might be
caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou
*brightly* I feel great! Tennis?
Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran You left
at a fairly reasonable hour didnt you? Its mostly a blur from that point on
caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou Haha I
left at 2am dear
Charliecondou: @caitlinmoran Is that
true? Oh dear, I thought you left to take @laurenlaverne home?

djtomstephan: Happy Birthday Elvis
and @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @djtomstephan Thanks.
When you back?

djtomstephan: @Charliecondou tuesday.
post bday lunch?
Charliecondou: @djtomstephan Yes
but dont know when. Baby arrives this week
stevefurst: @Charliecondou Happy
Birthday Charlie....I was trying to text Wendy this morning then thought....ah
- they were at Charlie's last night!!
Charliecondou: @stevefurst Yes. Just
call social services instead
katemagowan: @Charliecondou Hello
darling - so sorry couldn't join in the frivolity. Was feeling rather
hellish. Sounds like you had a wonderful
night! X
Charliecondou: @katemagowan I
had a dream about you last night! We were sunbathing with loads of kids around
us. A premonition?? See you very soon I hope x
katemagowan: @Charliecondou GOD
that sound AMAZING?! Shall we just book a holiday in the sunshine NOW?!
Charliecondou: @katemagowan YES!!!
katemagowan: @Charliecondou Right.
Lets put a plan together! x
Charliecondou: @katemagowan Fuck it,
I'll just meet you at Heathrow in an hour
kazpoole: @Charliecondou chazza!
Happy bday!! Sorry I'm not around for the fun.please soon we must get together
with @denise_vanouten and Kirsty x
Charliecondou: @kazpoole You too
baby!!! Lots of love xxx
lankystevo: @Charliecondou Happy
Charliecondou: @lankystevo ta xx
fleetstreetfox: I went out. And am at
a party with Dr Who.
Charliecondou: @fleetstreetfox Nice
to meet you xx
fleetstreetfox: @Charliecondou did
we? Hello. My poor head. Happy birthday.
Charliecondou: @fleetstreetfox Haha
yes but only very briefly. Glad you had fun x
JaneHillNews: @Charliecondou Happy
Birthday Charlie. Lovely to see you both, and thanks for a tip-top bash! Good
luck for the coming weeks x
Charliecondou: @JaneHillNews It was
fun wasnt it? Lovely to see you xx
JaneHillNews: @Charliecondou Hope you
enjoyed yourself. 'Twas fab - in fact so good I've missed a press screening I'm
supposed to be in right now..oops x

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou Happy
birthday Charlie xxxxx
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Thanks
Alice xxx
indiaknight: @Charliecondou Happy
(boxing?) birthday!
Charliecondou: @indiaknight Lol Thank
you x
ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou Happy
birthday Charlie! Get well soon Charlie's liver. X
Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal Lol xxx
Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou Happy
Birthday for today Darling it was a great night good to see you shame we didn't
get to chat your mums lovely xx
Charliecondou: @Bennielawrence Good
to see you, sorry we didnt get a longer chat xx

ceurov: @Charliecondou hope you
enjoyed your 30th birthday party (lol)
Charliecondou: @ceurov I did
indeed x
JamieSawyerFit: @Charliecondou sorry
I missed you last night, I'm sure it was epic. If you're in town this week come
in for a session.
Charliecondou: @JamieSawyerFit Having
a baby in a couple of days so that might have to wait! x
olivermellor: @Charliecondou gutted I
missed it!! Good night then?? x
Charliecondou: @olivermellor
apparently x
sueperkins: @Charliecondou That was
so so so lovely last night. Thank you, and imminent congrats on the new arrival
Charliecondou: @sueperkins You are so
completely welcome xxx
emperorsclothes: @Charliecondou What
a fantastic night last night. Here's to lots more fun in 2012. Happy birthday
& good luck for Wednesday xxxxx
charlieclemmow: @Charliecondou Thank
you for a brilliant night. (I'm only 5ft and I tried to keep up with the big
boys. I'm ruined, Charlie, ruined.) x
Charliecondou: @charlieclemmow All I
remember was telling you not to fall down the stairs and 20 seconds later you
fell down the stairs
nitsohara: @Charliecondou lovely to
meet you last night and thanks very much for today's hangover. xx
jenniefava: @Charliecondou Thanks for
yet another epic party and this year we went away with all our clothes intact
which was nice....x
Charliecondou: @jenniefava Its
not a party unless someone gets disrobed by Joey Tribiani
decath10n: @Charliecondou Happy
Birthday Charlie. Lovely to meet you last night. That was quite the party.
Charliecondou: @decath10n You too.
Thank you for being one of the few people not to fall over x

mrskutcher: Thx to Harper's Bazaar
for supporting me, my pal @amandadecadenet &…
Charliecondou: @mrskutcher Thanks
for coming last night, hope you got home ok xxx

john_simm: @caitlinmoran Cool. Thanks. Got any Beatles...?

Charliecondou: @john_simm @caitlinmoran Welcome to Twitter. You'll never leave

caitlinmoran: @Charliecondou @john_simm I know. "I won't use it much." That's what they all say.

akalaurent: @Charliecondou Haha great fun last night, tho didn't think your strip was appropriate... do you remember?

Charliecondou: @akalaurent it was your own fault for tucking £20 notes into my waistband

Charliecondou: @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 @lizmatthewspr Any news on Victor? I last saw him slumped in a corner with cuts all over his face :-(

ingridoliver100: @lizmatthewspr @kvhendry watching The Hangover II. Feels like I'm watching a live action replay of last night.

KVHendry: @Charliecondou @ingridoliver100 @lizmatthewspr here he is ! I called everyone on my phone to help. I left him. Ashamed.

Charliecondou: @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 @lizmatthewspr (you can tell him from me he's still remarkably attractive)

Charliecondou: @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 @lizmatthewspr Thank God he stayed sober last night. Can you imagine if he wasnt detoxing??

verbalictor: @Charliecondou definitely detoxing now. Mortified. Crivens.

Charliecondou: @verbalictor Oh Victor. And it was all going so well

verbalictor: @Charliecondou I think falling over Kelly did me in....people bothering and the night on a doorstep. Classy.

Charliecondou: @verbalictor Well, it could have been worse. *Struggles to think of ways it could have been worse*

verbalictor: @Charliecondou eek. Live (just) and learn. Sober me is far more entertaining.

sueperkins: @KVHendry @Charliecondou @ingridoliver100 It appears I left before 'NIght of the Battered Limbs'. Did anyone bar me NOT fall down stairs?

Charliecondou: @sueperkins @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 IdidntIdidntIdidnt!!! (I sort of did)

sueperkins: @Charliecondou @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 I kind of staggered backwards into a cupboard, but it didn't merit the title of full fall

Charliecondou: @sueperkins @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 Me either. And oh, there were some spectacular falls

sueperkins: @Charliecondou I saw Laverne's and a lovely blonde girl called Charlie. That's two. then there's Kelly and Victor, that's four....

verbalictor: @Charliecondou @sueperkins @KVHendry @ingridoliver100 i have the face to prove it

Charliecondou: @sueperkins yes but Kelly and victor's falls were multiple. Like modern day Marx brothers

katherine_kelly: Don't forget to vote people! Not long now!

Charliecondou: @katherine_kelly I barely spoke to you!! Mind you, I barely recognised you either. xxx

katherine_kelly: @Charliecondou hehe! Don't worry! It's always the way when it's your party. It was a brilliant night. Thank you lovely! Happy Birthday! x

Charliecondou: RT @damoncorrie Another hilariously star-studded birthday party for Charlie Condu last night. It was like the green room at 'Lorraine'

brianfruity: @Charliecondou sorry its a late but belated birthday wishes! Hope you had a good one! X

Charliecondou: @brianfruity Thanks x
fifi05: Happy Birthday @Charliecondou. Hope u have had a fabulous day, & enjoy the night 2. Love ya x x x

Charliecondou: @fifi05 ta xxx

Charliecondou: RT @StephenRMoore V concerned about the venue for @Charliecondou 's party last night. My timeline is full of tweets about people falling down stairs...

WhoJulia: @Charliecondou Never seen @DJstewartwho laugh sooo much, one of your friends asked as siblings who was older? followed by was I a lesbian?

Charliecondou: @WhoJulia @DJstewartwho hahahahaha

WhoJulia: @Charliecondou @sueperkins
The doorman was laughing at me clinging onto both handrails taking 30 seconds a step !!.. I made it eventually !
iamtonydenton: @StephenRMoore @Charliecondou there was a lot of high heels and
alcohol lol
nickdiscoblood: Had a right good
laugh at @Charliecondou's party last night

Charliecondou: @nickdiscoblood It was alright wasnt it. Your mate seemed very nice too
nickdiscoblood: @Charliecondou yeah he's a top lad. Thanks mate, it was a great night x

Barnsieee: @Charliecondou Who
was the surprise guest (gatecrasher) this year? Robert Pattinson? Matt le

Charliecondou: @Barnsieee Matt
was last year. Rob was 4 years ago. This year was Rebecca Hall #alwaysatleastonefamousgatecrasher

francesbarber13: @Charliecondou DEVASTATED
to miss your party darling. Combo of flu & early call. Judging by timeline
it was as expected fabulous. Hppy Bday

Charliecondou: @francesbarber13 Thanks
lover. Never mind, I'll see you soon anyway. Get well and big love xxx

lizmatthewspr: Gorgeous peeps @Charliecondou
and @ingridoliver100 #charlie's party Charliecondou:

sarah_cawood: @Charliecondou are
you alive? So lovely to see you last night & the Condou Massive:-). Wish I
could have got drunk with you all. Next year!

Charliecondou: @sarah_cawood You
wish! Next year you'll be on your second baby ;-)

sarah_cawood: @Charliecondou mmmm,
not sure I can lay off the gin for 2 years on the trot;)).

Charliecondou: @lisemayer I've just
demolished the box of chocs you gave me. Amazing! X

Charliecondou: Amazing work from Andy
Whyment. AMAZING!
Wendy_Wason: Did you have to be on telly tonight to get invited to @Charliecondou's birthday party last night?

Below: Click Trend Map to enlarge.
The following picture is a Twitter record of Charlie Condou's birthday held the night of the 7th January 2012 UK, which time-wise, was the 8th January in Australia. Mr. Condou had numerous Coronation Street actors as guests. Not only did Mr. Condou’s party trend but the other Twitter names I use to distribute pictures and information trended as well.
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