Picture this…
StaaaceyC: @msm4rsh @Charliecondou i didnt know u were still in corrie,or are u making a come bck charlie x
StaaaceyC: @Charliecondou ooooo how exciting,loved u in it last time xxxx
michkeegan: Guys please follow the 2 genius's in my life my hairstylist @VincentAllenby and my make-up artist @ArmandBeasley.......

'Coronation Street' gay plots divide opinion
Monday, May 2 2011,
By Paul Millar, TV Reporter
Coronation Street's recent influx of more gay characters has attracted a mixed response.
At present, two same-sex couples reside on the cobbles: Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) and Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou) alongside Sophie Webster (Brooke Vincent) and Sian Powers (Sacha Parkinson).
Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley) and boyfriend Jools recently paid a visit to the street and have been tipped for a future return, while there will also be appearances from Ken Barlow's grandson James Cunningham (James Roache), who was also revealed to be homosexual last year.
Ben Summerskill of Stonewall praised the ITV soap for its involvement of gay characters, saying: "When it comes to reflecting modern Britain, the Street really is streets ahead."
However, former star Jean Alexander - speaking to the News of the World - argued that the number of gay characters is "excessive".
The 85-year-old, who played Hilda Ogden, said: "Every community has people who are gay and they are very nice people. I'm not running the Street down, and let's not forget its creator Tony Warren is gay. But three couples seems excessive."
Nick Cochran - who originally played Andy McDonald between 1989 and 1996 - agreed: "I'm not sure these storylines are realistic. I've got plenty of gay friends but they don't all live in a street full of gay people.
"How many streets in Britain would have schoolgirl lesbians, gay married couples, a transsexual and children to gay couples? It is a little bit far-fetched," Cochran added. "Fans love Corrie for its traditional values. I don't think it's the right platform to highlight so many gay issues all at the same time."
Meanwhile, a supposed insider suggested that the present cast agree with Alexander and Cochran, stating: "Many cast and crew think the storylines unrealistic."
tashdev: Off to Bristol yahhh!!
Confidential_CC: @tashdev having been 2 Bristol I know what kinda place it is...take 4 sets of clothes 4 the 4 seasons u r about 2 experience in 1 day
tashdev: @Confidential_CC yes it was windy cold and hot even got a tan!
Confidential_CC: @tashdev I drove from Bath to Bristol and back a few times when living in the UK from industrial town to Roman town within a few mins amaze
Gabby_Logan: Well done Norwich, amazing back to back promotions.
Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan You and me Gabby! It has been written
Charliecondou: RT @thegarethmclean: Maybe America should go easy on the triumphalism, what with it taking 10 years, billions of dollars and thousands of lives to find #OBL
david_w_ross: .@Darth_Ming haasn't changd online yet. i wanna read my article! LOL
Derren_Litten: @david_w_ross hey David, do you want me to scan yr article and email to you?? Dx
david_w_ross: @Derren_Litten oh my god would LOVE that:) i saw that it was 4 pages but it was low res so couldn't read:-/ xxxx
Derren_Litten: @david_w_ross proving he still got it! Oooof! (email on way) x

Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou Haha. You look gorgeous Mr C. I have missed Corrie lately, gonna catch up with it all tonight! V pleased u in it again :-) x
Liam1709: @Charliecondou @Derren_Litten post it!!
Charliecondou: @Derren_Litten bless you dear x
Derren_Litten: @Charliecondou I don't think yr neck looks big in Attitude magazine. Your hair photographs much lighter than it is tho.

dan_storry: @Charliecondou will u be returning to corrie Charlie?
Charliecondou: @dan_storry I will indeed
dan_storry: @Charliecondou great. Thought so, as u moved to Manchester right? Aw im glad, the London ep was great.
emmabphilosophy: @Charliecondou if you're looking for clothes for the NSA's I run a vintage website http://www.myvintage.co.uk take a peek & let me know x
Charliecondou: @emmabphilosophy thanks but I can't go this year
emmabphilosophy: @Charliecondou awww sorry - my presumptions were wrong! stoopid me x
The Long & Winding Road

Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan you're in Manchester?
stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou maybe
Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan brilliant! *leaves*
stephen_hagan: @Charliecondou are you leaving London to rush up and see me?
Charliecondou: @stephen_hagan obviously
twinsdad72: Back to work tomoz.... had a good day in weatherfield met some really nice cast members night all.....
"It's a knock out"
Above is an animation from the following video clip of Charlie Condou in Gimme Gimme Gimme. Charlie plays Nino the boyfriend. Australian audiences are very familiar with Charlie in this role as this show rated extremely well for the ABC TV Network.
"It's a knockout"
In the next clip from my own private Coronation Street collection is a little bit of Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou) punching a character called Tom who is "allegedly" after Marcus's boyfriend played by Antony Cotton.
Charlie does a right mean punch too! This segment is diametrically opposed to the softer character Charlie plays in the above Gimme Gimme Gimme role.
Only online!

BoyGeorge: A glass of Coconut water with a teaspoon of each powder is very rehydrating and looks very green! Alien drink!

Confidential_CC: @BoyGeorge must be European brands only don't recognize any of them...on the other hand I don't got to health shops much ! Tom in Oz xx

BoyGeorge: @Confidential_CC Online!
Confidential_CC: @BoyGeorge I shall have a look thanks x
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