morriseygirl: @Charliecondou Just doing my Corrie catch up. You Sir, rock. You and Stella have stolen some scenes lately

Charliecondou: @morriseygirl why thank you kindly x

cez29: @quarterbluematt oh aye #letbattlecommence

Charliecondou: @cez29 oi oi

cez29: @Charliecondou aye aye Charlie big spuds x

Charliecondou: Skills I have acquired since becoming a Father: Using a urinal whilst wearing a babysling; a lot harder than it seems.
Mummy_Mermaid: @Charliecondou Not as hard as sitting down to piss with a babysling on and a toddler in the cubicle with you! Lol.

Charliecondou: @Mummy_Mermaid I beg to differ! Try aiming without being able to see. Not easy
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou You're bascially Diane Keaton in a montage from Baby Boom

Charliecondou: @Brendan_Surrey youre so right
misterhsk: @Charliecondou you've been able to do something similar years before becoming a dad...

Charliecondou: RT @stonewalluk: Over 500 @stonewalluk supporters are expected in Brighton for the #EqualityWalk - can't wait to see you! You can still register in person :)

Charliecondou: RT @PapaLazerou: @Baddiel hello Dave

Above: Charlie and Canadian fan R.G. Brook, Summertime 2011 Manchester

Above: Antony Cotton, a bear and Charlie Condou in a scene from Coronation Street, Easter 2011

Above: Antony Cotton, a bear and Charlie Condou in a scene from Coronation Street, Easter 2011
The three of us
Two dads, one mum – one family
o Charlie Condou
o The Guardian, Saturday 5 May 2012
[…Well, that's my life now so, finally, I get it. As always though, whenever I have one of these mini-rants, I have to remember how lucky I am. I have two beautiful kids, amazing co-parents and a job I love…]
The above is an excerpt. If you would like to read the complete article go HERE
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