alexpvfc1: @Charliecondou hi mate! Was good seeing you on friday again! Been too long! You working next friday too?

Charliecondou: @alexpvfc1 I am indeed

alexpvfc1: @Charliecondou thanks! I'll be there till about 4:30 ish probably! I'll drop you a tweet when I'm on my way!

Charliecondou: @alexpvfc1 sure

Charliecondou: @alexpvfc1 I am indeed

alexpvfc1: @Charliecondou thanks! I'll be there till about 4:30 ish probably! I'll drop you a tweet when I'm on my way!

Charliecondou: @alexpvfc1 sure
scouserachel: anyone know if there is a photo of usain bolt doing mo farrah's celebration and mo doing usain's celebration floating about?

Charliecondou: @scouserachel Do you mean this?
Charliecondou: @scouserachel Do you mean this?
Charliecondou: @scouserachel Arghhh, it wont let me copy the right link to the photo!!!
scouserachel: @Charliecondou GOT ONE *does the mo-bot*
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou @scouserachel she means this!

scouserachel: @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou okay this is my favourite
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou @scouserachel I know..I know..
Charliecondou: @scouserachel @alicearnold1 amazing!

Above: Aww, Maria and Marcus are as cute as June bugs on a log.
The Corried hot-pot thickens.
Charlie Condou, should be (hopefully), a little bit chuffed with the publicity generated through this fan blog as currently he has nearly 50,000 weekly visitors to this site.
Visitors from 91 different countries have viewed the site since April 2011, Guatemala being the newest country to visit.
This site is 100% Charlie:
67% of visitors are from the UK.
10% of visitors are from the USA - the last new visitor as indicated below was from Michigan USA.
6% of visitors are from Australia.
17% of visitors are from the rest of the world - some of these places don't get Corrie or speak English!.
Above: Click to enlarge graph.
Above & below: Charlie Condou mentions the word GAYDAY in a tweet and before you know it he's trending in London with followers re-tweeting his message. I mean, look below, I have no idea why anyone would associate using GAYDAR with the 2012 Olympics!!!
Above: The strategically placed banners are courtesy of the Olympic broadcasters who wanted to keep their "g" ratings..

Confidential_CC: If you didn't know – I (Tom in Oz), was Twitter born on Black Friday Aug 2010 along with @RussellTovey we signed up on the same day. My Twitter Godfather is @SineadKeenan she co-starred with Russell in 'Being Human'.

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC I joined the same day as a young lad called Justin Beiber

Confidential_CC: @Potentilly please tell me you washed thoroughly after x

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC lol it wasn't that bad ! He's amassed 26+ million followers to my quality 500+ so he's the loser.

Confidential_CC: @Potentilly it wud take weeks for him to actually block his followers - to get down to the quality 500 x

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