Charliecondou: I absolutely adore the Sugar Dandies #bgt

Charliecondou: RT @liamwaterloo: JEEZ SIMON. We get it, you AREN'T gay. #BGT

Charliecondou: I bet Simon doesn't buzz this one #bgt

Charliecondou: RT @AndrewHart07: I have nothing against homosexuality, but flaunting it like that?'sugar dandies'? That is irritating

Charliecondou: It's such a shame that even in this day and age, people are upset by seeing two men in love #sugardandies #bgt

Charliecondou: RT @AlisonMoyet1: Sugar Dandies - There's a marriage getting something right #BGT

leejonathan: @Charliecondou that boy deleted his tweet.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan lol I bet he did

NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou u not on stage yourself tonight? #eyupchuck x x

Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede not a fucking chance. You having a good hol?

NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou lovely ta. In Cornwall with mum x x

Charliecondou: RT @BarackObama: Video of the President's interview on same-sex marriage:

Charliecondou: @Amanda_Holden please let the gays go through!

scottyspecial: Anyone got any suggestions for @ryanjamesthomas ! He's bored out of his head but doesn't wanna drink or party! Help him out!!

Charliecondou: @scottyspecial @ryanjamesthomas tell him to learn his lines #somethingnew

Lucycoffeehouse: @Charliecondou do you need a photographer on corrie?! X

Charliecondou: @Lucycoffeehouse not as far as I know, sorry x

Cath_Tyldesley: Awake... And not too thrilled about it..

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley I woke up at 5am. I feel like I've had a full day already

Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou Im gonna be well moody later. I may throw things...Diva stylee.

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley oh I'm going to kick right off, probably at @quarterbluematt

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt they were clogs and I'll have you know they are very fashionable. Probably. In The Hague. In 1974

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt in case you didn't notice, I was wearing those too

Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt oh god

sarajcox: On way to Daybreak to talk about something random.Stylewise I'm channelling a noo yoik business woman #skirtnsneakers

Charliecondou: @sarajcox oooh, I'm watching Daybreak with the baby! I'll expect a wave

aliJcorrie: @Cath_Tyldesley @charliecondou can I join you! Woken at 5.25am by a phone call from Daybreak! #maybegrumpyallday

Charliecondou: @aliJcorrie @Cath_Tyldesley haha who hadn't turned up Ali??

aliJcorrie: @Charliecondou @cath_tyldesley ha ha no one they were trying to check a story! I didn't even know what day it was lol x

RachelT12201595: @Charliecondou mornin x

Charliecondou: @RachelT12201595 morning

ShitneyQueerz: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley Charlie up @ 5am. Cath up @ 6am. What kind of fuckery is this!?! x

Charliecondou: @ShitneyQueerz I know!!

adz0576: @Charliecondou morning!! Why u up so early petal? X

Charliecondou: @adz0576 bloody baby woke up

emmak247: @Charliecondou Awake early too but excited, surprising our 7 and 5 year olds, taking them to Disneyland Paris tomorrow! Can't wait!

Charliecondou: @emmak247 amazing! Have fun

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 oooh, they were just talking about you on the news. Well done you! X

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou oh lorks!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 yup. Page 3 of The Times
Charliecondou: RT @AlsBoy: Hoodies are basically sweatshirts with mullets.

Charliecondou: I met a guy in the States about 10 years ago who told me John Travolta had made a pass at him during a massage. #justsaying

brokenbottleboy: @Charliecondou I know several bell boys who have had similar experiences. Open secret for YEARS.

Charliecondou: @brokenbottleboy totally

brokenbottleboy: @Charliecondou I have also seen the rather bulging file of spiked stories on him in possession of one of the tabs. Eye opening.

Charliecondou: @brokenbottleboy doesn't surprise me in the least
stevehorler: @Charliecondou that's a Mwah!

ITVLorraine: According to one paper, life is cheaper in the North of England. So we want to know where you think life is best and why? North or South?

Charliecondou: @ITVLorraine I spend half my time in London and half in Manchester filming corrie. Best of both worlds!
Charliecondou: I absolutely adore the Sugar Dandies #bgt
Charliecondou: RT @liamwaterloo: JEEZ SIMON. We get it, you AREN'T gay. #BGT
Charliecondou: I bet Simon doesn't buzz this one #bgt
Charliecondou: RT @AndrewHart07: I have nothing against homosexuality, but flaunting it like that?'sugar dandies'? That is irritating
Charliecondou: It's such a shame that even in this day and age, people are upset by seeing two men in love #sugardandies #bgt
Charliecondou: RT @AlisonMoyet1: Sugar Dandies - There's a marriage getting something right #BGT
leejonathan: @Charliecondou that boy deleted his tweet.
Charliecondou: @leejonathan lol I bet he did

NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou u not on stage yourself tonight? #eyupchuck x x
Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede not a fucking chance. You having a good hol?

NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou lovely ta. In Cornwall with mum x x
Charliecondou: RT @BarackObama: Video of the President's interview on same-sex marriage:
Charliecondou: @Amanda_Holden please let the gays go through!

scottyspecial: Anyone got any suggestions for @ryanjamesthomas ! He's bored out of his head but doesn't wanna drink or party! Help him out!!
Charliecondou: @scottyspecial @ryanjamesthomas tell him to learn his lines #somethingnew

Lucycoffeehouse: @Charliecondou do you need a photographer on corrie?! X
Charliecondou: @Lucycoffeehouse not as far as I know, sorry x
Cath_Tyldesley: Awake... And not too thrilled about it..
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley I woke up at 5am. I feel like I've had a full day already
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou Im gonna be well moody later. I may throw things...Diva stylee.
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley oh I'm going to kick right off, probably at @quarterbluematt
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt they were clogs and I'll have you know they are very fashionable. Probably. In The Hague. In 1974
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt in case you didn't notice, I was wearing those too
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt oh god
sarajcox: On way to Daybreak to talk about something random.Stylewise I'm channelling a noo yoik business woman #skirtnsneakers
Charliecondou: @sarajcox oooh, I'm watching Daybreak with the baby! I'll expect a wave

aliJcorrie: @Cath_Tyldesley @charliecondou can I join you! Woken at 5.25am by a phone call from Daybreak! #maybegrumpyallday
Charliecondou: @aliJcorrie @Cath_Tyldesley haha who hadn't turned up Ali??

aliJcorrie: @Charliecondou @cath_tyldesley ha ha no one they were trying to check a story! I didn't even know what day it was lol x
RachelT12201595: @Charliecondou mornin x
Charliecondou: @RachelT12201595 morning
ShitneyQueerz: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley Charlie up @ 5am. Cath up @ 6am. What kind of fuckery is this!?! x
Charliecondou: @ShitneyQueerz I know!!

adz0576: @Charliecondou morning!! Why u up so early petal? X
Charliecondou: @adz0576 bloody baby woke up
emmak247: @Charliecondou Awake early too but excited, surprising our 7 and 5 year olds, taking them to Disneyland Paris tomorrow! Can't wait!
Charliecondou: @emmak247 amazing! Have fun
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 oooh, they were just talking about you on the news. Well done you! X
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou oh lorks!
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 yup. Page 3 of The Times
Charliecondou: RT @AlsBoy: Hoodies are basically sweatshirts with mullets.
leogregs: My little bro has been in a bad accident abroad, hopefully getting an air ambulance back today for an op. #fingerscrossed

Charliecondou: @leogregs shit, hope he's ok mate, big love x
Charliecondou: @leogregs shit, hope he's ok mate, big love x
Charliecondou: I met a guy in the States about 10 years ago who told me John Travolta had made a pass at him during a massage. #justsaying
brokenbottleboy: @Charliecondou I know several bell boys who have had similar experiences. Open secret for YEARS.
Charliecondou: @brokenbottleboy totally
brokenbottleboy: @Charliecondou I have also seen the rather bulging file of spiked stories on him in possession of one of the tabs. Eye opening.
Charliecondou: @brokenbottleboy doesn't surprise me in the least
stevehorler: @Charliecondou that's a Mwah!

Charliecondou: @stevehorler haha

allyska: @Charliecondou nothing surprises me! I am generally unshockable - until mate's husband was shagging men in toilets. My gaydar was way off!

Charliecondou: @allyska blimey!

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou "met a guy"

Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast met, bummed, it's all the same to the gays Jamie

mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou that's not what I meant!

whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou was it in a sauna?

Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv obviously
allyska: @Charliecondou nothing surprises me! I am generally unshockable - until mate's husband was shagging men in toilets. My gaydar was way off!
Charliecondou: @allyska blimey!
mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou "met a guy"
Charliecondou: @mrjamieeast met, bummed, it's all the same to the gays Jamie
mrjamieeast: @Charliecondou that's not what I meant!
whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou was it in a sauna?
Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv obviously

ITVLorraine: According to one paper, life is cheaper in the North of England. So we want to know where you think life is best and why? North or South?
Charliecondou: @ITVLorraine I spend half my time in London and half in Manchester filming corrie. Best of both worlds!
Charliecondou: RT @thegarethmclean: A piece I wrote, w/ interviews with @Alancumming @Markgatiss and @MatthewcainC4, about being out
felixhuxtable: @Charliecondou Your articles are brilliant, i'm very impressed, in fact you are quoted quite a bit in my dissertation! So thankyou Charlie.
Charliecondou: @felixhuxtable excellent, thank you!
JackieReflex: @Charliecondou Settle an argument please, where you in the Crown on Saturday? Sure it was you
Charliecondou: @JackieReflex I most certainly was
JackieReflex: @Charliecondou Long way from Manchester !! Hope you enjoyed. Great food in there
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