bourbonbiscuits: @Charliecondou in his pants? That'll do nicely.. #GimmeGimmeGimme

Charliecondou: @bourbonbiscuits I still get letters about those pants!


ItsMeChrisChris: @Confidential_CC hell yeah!!!!

NoNoNannette30: @ChasCondouFans This better be a cat when I click on it lol #JustSaying
PhxJoe: @ChasCondouFans lol. Cute!
GaydarRadio: @ChasCondouFans We love your pussy :) so cute!!! xxxx
MarkMMerrett: @ChasCondouFans lovely thing tho :-)

TopCatTC69: @ChasCondouFans Cute!!!!!!!!! xx

rudehamster: @Confidential_CC This is why I prefer men. Childhood trauma of being too close to a large, sweaty, overbearing pussy.

michaelbosc: @Confidential_CC lol ohh you are awful...x

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ cute!

ByronStol: @Tom_In_Oz_ hahaha you're naughty :)

Wolfie_Rankin: hey @mrsslocombe1 What's your opinion of @ Confidential_CC‘s pussy?

Lionesskeeper: @Tom_In_Oz_ Awww, cutie ^_^

welshfreak: @Confidential_CC ... My pussy right back up 2 ya'. X

EssexyLegs: @Confidential_CC nearly ignored that tweet lol! So... Cute :-)
Bootz01: @Confidential_CC Aww, that's so cute.
Bootz01: @Confidential_CC I hope you don't have a snake.

Confidential_CC: @Bootz01 erm yes I do but he's not for public viewing lol

charliehendy: @Confidential_CC aww how sweet those cats are x

Brendan_Surrey: @Confidential_CC Awww, that is all kinds of cute with a ribbon on top :o)
Janhatesmarmite: @Confidential_CC Am I the only one you're not showing your pussy too? Don't worry I had a sneak at someone else's, ahhhh blesss lol xxx

Ozilad: @AWOLTom great GIF. The wife loves it LOL. Thanks for sending it through.

walabytrack: @AWOLTom How come I am loving cats now?

imjustanerd: @Tom_In_Oz_ Awww!
Sopa253: @Confidential_CC cute
Below: Charlie Condou in the BBC series "The Impressionists"
The Three of Us
Two dads, one mum – one family.
By Charlie Condou
Saturday 21 April 2012
Cam and I got together he, like a lot of gay men, just assumed that having kids
was something that was off the table for him…And what about now?..]
The above is an excerpt from Charlie's weekly newspaper column. This week Cameron Laux (aka Wawa) explains his side of the story. To read the complete article click HERE

ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou just read your column and am welling up over my cornflakes here. *sniff*. We love Wawa!! x
Charliecondou: @ClareMariscal oh he's alright I suppose

ClareMariscal: @Charliecondou I can tell you're one of those hopeless romantics. Emphasis on the "hopeless" :-P

crazyfred83: @charliecondou fantastic column this wk.I think ur family is amazing.I've always wondered hw Cameron felt. Thank u for showing us his side.
Charliecondou: @crazyfred83 thanks very much x
Below press play to see a clip by 1980s Aus pop group WaWaNee

soxysmurfy: 7 Tweets away from 16000 !! Gobby wee bugger that I am lol ;o))
Tom_In_Oz_: @soxysmurfy Hi, am up to 61,873 tweets here and that's just this Twitter name god only knows what the others added wud make me - CONGRATS x

soxysmurfy: @Tom_In_Oz_ eeeek that many he!he! Ur a bigger waffler than me lol ;o))x
Tom_In_Oz_: @soxysmurfy yes my waffler is bigger than most *wink* btw did you get my tweet about scotch? Don't know what it was about just a vision of you needing a stiff drink.

soxysmurfy: @Tom_In_Oz_ yeah could have done with one lol when u txt'd that one :o))x
Tom_In_Oz_: @soxysmurfy well, I know what to send at Xmas time now besides the porn I'm saving up for you and @rappy lol

soxysmurfy: @Tom_In_Oz_ He!He! ;o))x
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