lane_paula: Thank u all so much for your wonderful support, means so much to me! And my London Marathon time was 4 hrs 42 mins just checked it! Xx
Charliecondou: @lane_paula good work darlin! X

Angela_Griffin: Train full of marathon-ers on their way back to Manchester, there's a lot of painful, uncomfortable walks to be seen
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin what train are you on??

Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou 6.15! U?
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin 5:15 :-(

Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou balls! At some point we have to see each other.x
Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean I'm on the 17:15 what are you on?
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou @streetworker01 Standard, natch, on the 16.35. Which is clearly stopping in Moronville so that all these knobbers can alight.
streetworker01: @Charliecondou @thegarethmclean @Angela_Griffin Am I the only one not on a train to Manchester (until tomorrow)?
francesbarber13: @streetworker01 @charliecondou @thegarethmclean @angela_griffin must be cos I am Too !
streetworker01: @francesbarber13 @charliecondou @thegarethmclean @angela_griffin I feel left out!
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin I'm texting you!
streetworker01: @thegarethmclean @charliecondou You see why I always travel first...? x
Charliecondou: @francesbarber13 @streetworker01 @thegarethmclean @angela_griffin Frankie! How long are you up for??
francesbarber13: @Charliecondou @streetworker01 @thegarethmclean @angela_griffin just 2 going to RX tomorrow night , leaving tues.seeing sean too.
Charliecondou: @francesbarber13 Can you not stop by Granada and say hello? We could even fix it for you to be an extra in the Rovers!
thegarethmclean: @francesbarber13 @streetworker01 @charliecondou @angela_griffin I'm the one weeping softly in the quiet coach.
francesbarber13: @thegarethmclean @streetworker01 @charliecondou @angela_griffin don't fib, I saw you conga to the buffet a minute ago.

Angela_Griffin: @francesbarber13 @thegarethmclean @streetworker01 @charliecondou I'm the one squashed in a corner next to the blaggers
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin @francesbarber13 @thegarethmclean @streetworker01 I'm sat opposite a woman who keeps waking herself up when she snores
francesbarber13: @Charliecondou oh if only. Next time Am at media city doing radio play & having dinns with antony & Pete tonight.but if i could I so would x
Charliecondou: @francesbarber13 Alas! Let's do something dahn sarf soon, perhaps a luncheon with Kath? It's been too long x

katemagowan: @Angela_Griffin am I seeing you in about 20 mins?.. x
Charliecondou: @katemagowan @Angela_Griffin Are you in Manchester too???

katemagowan: @Charliecondou @Angela_Griffin no! But always happy to see you mr?? ! Xx
Charliecondou: @katemagowan @Angela_Griffin soon please!

katemagowan: @Charliecondou @Angela_Griffin we will make it happen! Xx
gillywalshy: Playing wife today ..
Charliecondou: @gillywalshy you and your role-play games Gill
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou today's game .. Somebody else's wife !!.. Ooops ! Lol

MatthewCainC4: Had fab walk on Hampstead Heath today with sensational @francesbarber13 - training for Moonwalk! Although felt sheepish on day of marathon!
Charliecondou: @MatthewCainC4 @francesbarber13 I did it last year. it's really bloody hard! Thank god for @boydhilton and @Gabby_Logan
francesbarber13: @Charliecondou @matthewcainc4 @boydhilton @gabby_logan we are only doing half...but I am the oldest so I'm allowed. I'm nearly 101 .
boydhilton: @Charliecondou @matthewcainc4 @francesbarber13 @gabby_logan I don't know why I'm doing it again. Massive error. 20 miles today. Shattered.
Charliecondou: @boydhilton @matthewcainc4 @francesbarber13 @gabby_logan because you're a fool Boyd. And because @EmmaK67 probably shouted at you
boydhilton: @Charliecondou @matthewcainc4 @francesbarber13 @gabby_logan @emmak67 She's hypnotised me. Doing 22 miles day after Soap awards next week!
DanMartinIsNot: @thegarethmclean @francesbarber13 @streetworker01 @charliecondou @angela_griffin This sounds like quite the party you guys are having there
Charliecondou: @DanMartinIsNot @thegarethmclean @francesbarber13 @streetworker01 @angela_griffin it would be if we weren't all on different trains
thegarethmclean: @DanMartinIsNot @francesbarber13 @streetworker01 @charliecondou @angela_griffin It's like a Royal Variety Performance on wheels. And rails.
Jennyfremma: @thegarethmclean @Charliecondou last time I went on virgin a pitbull vomited next to my daughter & I had to listen to business twats ...showing off about paying for strippers on the company card #happy days
Charliecondou: Every time I pull into Stoke on Trent station I look to see if Robbie Williams is on the platform. I once got drunk with Robbie in London. He got into a cab and gave his Stoke address by mistake. Passed out and ended up at his mum's at 4am
ian262: @Charliecondou And is he?
Charliecondou: @ian262 he never is
xerinkx: @Charliecondou i love that man! when i was little i used to pretend he was my dad and that i was married to him haha
Charliecondou: @xerinkx Erm? haha

stonker75: @Charliecondou Every time i pull up at Lime Street Liverpool i look to see if any Pro's are on the platform
Charliecondou: @stonker75 hahaha
ryanjamesthomas: @Charliecondou I'll pick up that "massive name" for u mate! Haha x
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas and you thought you were my most famous mate!
fionalaird: @Charliecondou Was that at the Tara/Helen/Rob Delamere party in West London?
Charliecondou: @fionalaird haha no. But I was at that!
fionalaird: @Charliecondou I remember chatting to him at that. He was rather melancholy...(and a bit fat.) Bless.
Charliecondou: @fionalaird sounds about right
bryony1963: @Charliecondou you know Paul Simon wrote "Homeward Bound" on Widnes Station
Charliecondou: @bryony1963 I did know that actually. My mums from Widnes
DuncanBannatyne: @Charliecondou Are you in Manchester this evening?
Charliecondou: @DuncanBannatyne I am indeed. You?
DuncanBannatyne: @Charliecondou I will be in about 2 hours from now, drink?
Charliecondou: @DuncanBannatyne certainly. I'll need to eat something too if you fancy a curry
DuncanBannatyne: @Charliecondou Not into curry but something else. Italian?
Charliecondou: @DuncanBannatyne lovely. Let's go to @jamieoliver 's place
DuncanBannatyne: @Charliecondou @jamieoliver Deal
misterhsk: @Charliecondou every time my bus passes Afghan Kitchen I look to see if you're inside...
Charliecondou: I usually am!
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin my phone won't send texts for some reason!! Come have dinner with me and @DuncanBannatyne

Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou @DuncanBannatyne will you test me on my lines??
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin @DuncanBannatyne Yes!!! I need an early night too, filming FIRST THING tomorrow! (10:30)

Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou @DuncanBannatyne this is how it starts, dinner, drinks the next thing I wake up in the V&A covered in vomit with a stripper
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin @DuncanBannatyne that's my average Sunday night in Manchester love

[ hour later...]
Angela_Griffin: Sneaked a little
glass of red with @Charliecondou and @duncanbannatyne, now to bed, lines to
learn, sleep to have, Dairy Milk to eat
Charliecondou: What a lovely evening
@DuncanBannatyne @Angela_Griffin
DuncanBannatyne: @Charliecondou very
nice. It was good to see you again
chrisgolds: Oh my days. My hair appears to have garnered a positive reaction. I shall take it out tonight to celebrate. :-D
Charliecondou: @chrisgolds very dashing
chrisgolds: @Charliecondou Wow. Thank you Charlie. Very sweet of you to say. :-)

soapgirluk: @Charliecondou Would you rather be a Pirate or a Ninja? #randomsunday
Charliecondou: @soapgirluk ninja and anyone who says different is a fool

SP_Richardsonx: @Charliecondou Are you working on Thurs Charlie?? Be good to meet you again =)
Charliecondou: @SP_Richardsonx nope, off all week except tomorrow

driftingcamera: some new portraits added, Jeff Tweedy of Wilco, Lawrence from Felt and @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @driftingcamera my god I'm beautiful

driftingcamera: @Charliecondou I'll put a proper one up too, but I've always liked this one!
Eamonn_Forde: @driftingcamera @Charliecondou I love that photo of Charlie.
Charliecondou: @Eamonn_Forde @driftingcamera dick!
Charliecondou: RT @ericstonestreet: I’m not watching modern family 2night. Not cause I’m 1 of those actors who lie & say they hate watching themselves. I just have other plans

realsamia: Good luck to @lane_paula and @NiknakOfficial today running the London marathon! Go girls.. U r amazing! X
Charliecondou: @realsamia @lane_paula @NiknakOfficial I'm in bed EATING a Marathon. Does that count?

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ Paddington
Tom_In_Oz_: @edwardclarke Aww the real Paddington of Paddington Station at last. Mwah x

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ mwah mwah! Beautiful day here in London! Yippee!

edwardclarke: @Tom_In_Oz_ I went to the exhibition of Howard Hodgkin's Moghul paintings! Apparently he has a very important collection

Tom_In_Oz_: @TnVol19 what topic you thinking of at mo.... Money?

TnVol19: @Tom_In_Oz_ I'm always thinking of money!
Tom_In_Oz_: @TnVol19 also asking if you have been burning something saw smoke rising in a vision or fires nearby

TnVol19: @Tom_In_Oz_ I hope not! We've had a drought here & wildfire season is approaching. Did break down & have a ciggie.
Tom_In_Oz_: @TnVol19 Just how much of a smoker are you? lol

TnVol19: @Tom_In_Oz_ I don't know the costs yet of fixing up new house! That's a worry & the smoking trying to give up. Down to the occasional one to keep from feeling murderous.
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett did you clean up around your pc again I feel like something has changed
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ nope, a mess like always
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett Bubs I had a feeling like something is missing from your pc area did you clean up screen of's ya dad still annoying you?
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ Dad’s gone fishing, have cleaned room up a bit, pc area is missing a plug which I left at Hammy’s by mistake
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett I knew you had your pc on your that EXPLAINS it... Also get feeling dad is gonna annoy you soon

czyzselska: At a loose end in London this evening? Come to southwarkplayhouse to hear Jane @czyzselska in conversation with @rosiewilby and others, 8pm
Charliecondou; @czyzselska great piece in the Indy x

czyzselska: @Charliecondou thanks! hopefully it might be a wake-up call to all those in the music biz who *still* feel it’s better to hide lesbians away
Charliecondou: RT @czyzselska:
meamandamealing: #LondonMarathon with the gorgeous Michell Roux, Danny Crates, Iwan Thomas, Sophie Raworth No turning back now.
Charliecondou: @meamandamealing @lane_paula break a leg!! Not literally obviously x

frankieruff: @meamandamealing thinking of you today! Xxx
Charliecondou: @frankieruff @meamandamealing yes I'm thinking of you too. From my bed #ithinkyouremad

meamandamealing: My marathon time 4:44 thank you everyone. Xxx

Charliecondou: @meamandamealing be honest, did someone carry you? (I'm proud of you really)
meamandamealing: My marathon time 4:44 thank you everyone. Xxx
Charliecondou: @meamandamealing be honest, did someone carry you? (I'm proud of you really)
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