Charliecondou: Jesus CHRIST its early
Jwmason85: @Charliecondou I've been presenting all night. I just got in. Urgh!!

Charliecondou: @Jwmason85 Then you really should be in bed. Stop watching youporn!
djy12345: @Charliecondou Not as early as it was just before then

Charliecondou: @djy12345 true, though it's later now

CharlieCondou: RT @RexHuppke: It was Osama, we're 100 percent sure it wasn't Cat Stevens, right?
ElizabethTan8: @Charliecondou hello early tweeter bird! Why are you up so early? X

Charliecondou: @ElizabethTan8 first train up to Manchester, I'm in work at 9am. Are you in today?
ElizabethTan8: @Charliecondou Awww that's early...yes, I'm in today. See you later Lovely Chuckster X

Charliecondou: Can you imagine the dramas at The Sun if he'd been killed on Friday #obl
Actornabil: @Charliecondou Morning! U back anytime soon?

Charliecondou: @Actornabil I'm up in Manchester all week baby
Actornabil: @Charliecondou Would be nice to see ya when ya back pal.. x

Charliecondou: @Actornabil indeed. Maybe next week??
Actornabil: @Charliecondou Would be great! Text me some slots and we'll lock it in!

Charliecondou: @Actornabil I will when I know my schedule x
Actornabil: @Charliecondou Nice one.
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou Is it true that you were first round the course in the celebrity walk on Sunday...??? News to Oz needs clarification please??

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC Yes! (actually I was third). Sorry, didn’t get photos.
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou and has the blister gotten bigger? Does it have its own post code?? Or are things on the mend?

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC on the mend ta x

CharlieCondou: RT @heawood: RT @Eamonn_Forde: Can you imagine the panic at Radio 4 as its team of crack satirists stand around a piano trying to come up with songs?

Charliecondou: Well this is going to be a tough choice for Tatler but who will go on the June cover, Kate or Osama?

Liam1709: @Charliecondou William?

Charliecondou: @Liam1709 haha
Monkeytrouser: @Charliecondou no idea, but her sister looked amazing

Charliecondou: @Monkeytrouser thank GOD

CharlieCondou: RT @heawood: @Charliecondou Al-Exander McQueen

Charliecondou: @heawood scream!!
CharlieCondou: RT @DianaInHeaven: No sign of Osama here
lilyroseallen: It is my birthday, I am 26.
Charliecondou: @lilyroseallen "Go Shorty, it's your birthday" etc. Have a good one lover x
david_w_ross: UK peeps: I got 4 pages in @AttitudeMag coming out this week:) some of you may already have it! :)
Charliecondou: @david_w_ross me too!
Charliecondou: @lilyroseallen By the way, I mentioned in ONE interview I babysat for you once and now it's all anyone's asking me about.
charliecondoue: RT @planetjedward: It Is really cool the way you are able to use numbers as words
Katharine_T: @planetjedward It's gr8! If you really start tweeting like that - we're thru. Spelling mistakes I can handle. Text speak. Just no!
Shenanigans06: @Charliecondou so Charlie......you babysat for Lilly Allen. What was it like ...just kidding...X
PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou is it true you babysat for @lilyroseallen, it's all I want to know!
Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell yes, why? Do you need a sitter?
PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou no I'm ok,terribly anti social & have no desire to go out, but you're welcome to stay over ANYTIME & get up to give me lie in
Coronation Street actor Charlie Condou, who plays gay parent Marcus Dent in the soap and star of BBC 3’s Lip Service Heather Peace will join 500 walkers at Brighton Pavilion, on Sunday 1 May, at the start of the 2011 Stonewall Brighton Equality walk.
Explaining why the Equality Walk is important to him Charlie Condou – who also plays gay parent Marcus Dent in Coronation Street – said, ‘As a parent myself I’m very concerned about bullying in schools; it harms everyone involved. It really worried me when I found out that teachers in our schools lack the resources and training to make their lessons inclusive, so I’m really pleased to be one of the hosts of this year’s Equality Walk as it’s raising money to support Stonewall’s work with primary schools.'
'We need to help teachers in those schools make the environment inclusive for children from all types of families. This benefits all children and it’ll make them more confident to challenge homophobic language and bullying if it happens to them or their friends in the future.’
The annual walk supports the lesbian, gay and bisexual equality charity’s work to tackle homophobic bullying in Britain’s schools and make them a safe and inclusive place for children from all families.
‘The Equality Walk is a vital event for Stonewall and is a fantastic opportunity for people to make the most of the Royal Wedding Weekend in Brighton. Not only can you soak in the sunshine during the Walk, there’s also a post-Walk party to round the day off,’ says Stonewall Deputy Chief Executive Laura Doughty.
The 2010 Stonewall Equality Walk raised £63,000 for the charity’s Education for All programme. The 2011 Stonewall Equality Walk is raising money towards the distribution of Celebrating Difference, a teacher-training pack for primary school teachers.
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