Steph061992: @Charliecondou thanks for stopping earlier xx
Charliecondou: @Steph061992 you're welcome x
londonirish74: @Charliecondou ooo. You're in attitude. Nice work. X
Charliecondou: @londonirish74 why thank you, it's a nice piece isn't it?
londonirish74: @Charliecondou definitely. it's very nicely done. A very mature approach.
Charliecondou: @londonirish74 well I am very mature as you know
londonirish74: @Charliecondou quite. Mature is absolutely the first I would I think of.... :) Hope all well besides?
Charliecondou: @londonirish74 All very good. Apart from the hangover xxx
londonirish74: @Charliecondou berocca and a bacon sandwich. It's the way. (not together obviously) xx
Charliecondou: Jesus Christ my HEAD!! @craigazey
Charliecondou: The lovely Paul Flynn from @AttitudeMag interviewed me for this month’s edition, if any of you are interested. It's a rather good piece IMHO
Usztan: @Charliecondou Do you get your tits out?
Charliecondou: @Usztan no, just my cock
Usztan: @Charliecondou Shan't buy it then.
Liam1709: @Charliecondou I'll purchase it and check you out. Is it a pictorial interview too?
Charliecondou: @Liam1709 it is
heawood: @Charliecondou Oh Paul Flynn is brill. I thought his cover interview with @lilyroseallen in i-D was about the best piece on her ever written
Charliecondou: @heawood @lilyroseallen oh I didn't see it. I wonder if he'll do me for Womans Realm
heawood: @Charliecondou Showbiz's Charlie Condou Reveals All About His Corrie Boomerang Years Hell And Real Life Gayby.
Charliecondou: There was a piece in The Sun yesterday that said "Charlie told The Sun..." and then quoted an interview from another paper. I hate that.
gaffo63: @Charliecondou Morning Charlie. One of my fave actors in the world. Seeing as you're chatting with Liam, I thought I'd say hi!!!!
Charliecondou: @gaffo63 hi back!! X
Charliecondou: Ooops, my bad. It wasn't The Sun, it was another publication quoting their article. Sorry The Sun!
Sparklemonkey: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag I love buying mags with you in them and drooling x
Charliecondou: @Sparklemonkey Well buy it and dribble to your heart’s content!
Sparklemonkey: @Charliecondou I damn well will x
Charliecondou: Just got to work. Apparently I'm not called til 10. This is Matt the runner's fault. He should've known I wasn't listening to my call-time
Actornabil: @Charliecondou STOP SHOWING OFF. YES, we know you’re on telly.
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I HATE that kind of fuck up. I once went to a VoiceOver a week early.
Actornabil: @Charliecondou I was SLAGGING you off to your folks last night at dinner. I will usurp your inheritance. I will.
Charliecondou: @Actornabil there'll be nothing left, I'm spending all their money NOW
Actornabil: @Charliecondou I may well pop up and say hello if i done see you soon brother!
shobnagulati: @Charliecondou read the call sheet #goodidea ?
Charliecondou: @shobnagulati you have a point
percybiz: @Charliecondou Bought Attitude on way to work after seeing your tweet. Nice piece if a tad too fluffy! You look well sexy in the main pic!
Charliecondou: @percybiz thanks, though I think I look a bit odd in that photo
hayleyunlikely: Just had a look at Attitude magazine (belongs to @percybiz). Nice & condescending, isn't it? The "fashion" is...interesting.
jakehewkin: @hayleyunlikely It's a glossy cock mag. What did you actually expect? @percybiz @AttitudeMag
hayleyunlikely: @jakehewkin in fairness, the interview with @CharlieCondou in @AttitudeMag is excellent, but that's because he is erudite & entertaining.
Charliecondou: @hayleyunlikely bless you x
hayleyunlikely: @Charliecondou If only there were more role models like you, to be honest. I admire you very much, sir x
hayleyunlikely: @Charliecondou oh, and the photos of you are really nice! Don't know what you mean about looking odd!
Charliecondou: @hayleyunlikely my neck looks wider than my head!
hayleyunlikely: @Charliecondou Only if you were to chop your ears off (not advised)! Well, @percybiz and I both think you look rather cute, so there! x
Wendy_Wason: I can't bear it when Dr's receptionists patronise old people. Stop it.
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason You're not old Wendy. Though I suppose comparatively.....
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou yeah I guess. I'm not as old as you I suppose.
missmcollins: And I ve just been to my tescos my life is so exciting these days night in with the chorlton boys gary and jan !
Charliecondou: For all you Michelle Collins fans (particularly @scouserachel) here is her official twitter @missmcollins
Pretty in pink

May the 4th be with you - Revenge of the 5th
emilyaturner: I think I am still recovering from trying to prise my stubborn son out of the car and into nursery this morning. He refused to move. Sit in.
Charliecondou: @emilyaturner I just got the postcards!!! I'm assuming it's too late?
emilyaturner: @Charliecondou No! Do it, Charlie! The exhibition is on until 31 May! x
Charliecondou: @emilyaturner right, I'll get people onto it!
emilyaturner: @Charliecondou Thank you so much!
Charliecondou: Doing a scene with Craig Charles who tells me his afro is trending. It's not looking too high today
Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou Hope you told him that if he's trending he should be tweeting! :) xx
Charliecondou: Can’t wait to see ya! RT @cathtyldesley: Excited for my first day on the cobbles this Friday??? Just a bit!!!!
GemmaLovesAlex: @Charliecondou I'm looking forward to seeing her on the street too. Good to see you back as well! X
scouserachel: @Charliecondou WHERE IS COLLINS?
Charliecondou: @scouserachel IM WORKING ON IT!!
scouserachel: @Charliecondou Acceptable answer. For now.
Charliecondou: Please. Can we make it a law that nobody else says "May the fourth be with you"? It simply isn't funny
charliecondou: RT @stitch_85: @Charliecondou Wait til tomorrow when everyone starts on "Revenge of the Fifth"...
Charliecondou: You should all be following @cathtyldesley, she's playing the part of Eva in Corrie
clarewilson31: @Charliecondou I am Charlie can't wait to see her on the cobbles
charliecondou: RT @CharlieCondou: Can you please give a shout out & follow to @CTyldesleyFans, for the wonderful @CathTyldesley :')

Doctor's with Hardeep Singh-Kohli & Charlie Condou
Press play to see Charlie Condou and Hardeep Singh-Kohle in a slightly naughty skit about being examined by a doctor...
It does have a happy ending though, just not the ever after kind!

Gay pals give Corrie star Charlie Condou stick
03 May 2011
CORRIE star Charlie Condou said he only gets hassle about being a gay dad from his gay friends.
The actor plays Marcus Dent and has a little girl, Georgia Mae, who he's raising with his boyfriend Cameron Laux and the baby's mum.
He said: "Almost everyone was fine with the idea of it apart from a couple of my gay friends. Someone asked me why I was trying to fit into a heterosexual stereotype.
"I thought I was doing the opposite, proving we can do it, too. It doesn't have to be them or us."
Now the 38-year-old's character is set to be involved in a same-sex parenting plotline with knicker-stitcher Sean (Antony Cotton).

andybakerwriter: There's a lovely interview with @Charliecondou in this month's @AttitudeMag. I thoroughly loved reading it.

Charliecondou: @andybakerwritr glad you liked it x

Charliecondou: @naomirainey hello! Just to let you know it was my real life situation that some of my gay friends had issue with, not the Corrie plot xx

CorrieIS50years: @CharlieCondou found the following article for you:
Wednesday, May 4 2011
By Naomi Rainey, Entertainment Reporter
Coronation Street actor Charlie Condou has said that the soap's gay parenting storyline is a positive image for the community and for homosexual couples.
The actor, who recently returned to screens as Marcus Dent and will reunite with former boyfriend Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) to raise the barman's son Dylan, told The Sun that the storyline has been applauded by many people.
However, he went on to reveal that he faced some criticism from gay friends when he revealed the plot.
"Almost everyone was fine with the idea of it apart from a couple of my gay friends. Someone asked me why I was trying to fit into a heterosexual stereotype," he explained.
"I thought I was doing the opposite, proving we can do it, too. It doesn't have to be them or us."
In real life, Condou is raising a daughter, Georgia Mae, with boyfriend Cameron Laux.
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