The map above and the scroll bar picture below show that Charlie Condou was Twitter trending at No.2 in Northern England and breaking world wide because of his snap of Ryan Giggs. Charlie trended from Australia to America and all across the UK for hours..
Wendy_Wason: Ahh. So Rapture guy got his dates wrong. The new date for the end of the world is 21st October 2011.
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason The end of the world was always in the 21st Oct. Rapture was just the start of Judgement Day. Tsk, call yourself a Christian??
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou it's just been on BBC World smart arse and no - I don't call myself "Christian" it's "Wendy". Tsk. Moron.
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason Mormon!
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley deansgate?
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou that's my second favourite. Eva might knock on 4 Marcus today. C if ur playin out!
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley Do it! We could meet for a quick hotpot
auntiegigi72: @Charliecondou lovely to see your gorgeous face on corrie last night! U made me smile :)
Charliecondou: @auntiegigi72 ah bless you! How's tricks? Finished the book yet?
auntiegigi72: @Charliecondou finished the writing, start the photos next week!!!
Charliecondou: @auntiegigi72 woop woop! Can't wait to see it
Charliecondou: RT @JamieSawyerFit: summer is coming, Looking for a bespoke training and nutrition plan? drop me an email jamie.training@ntlworld.com
Charliecondou: RT @Stobbers: Not again.
Charliecondou: @holymoly are you nicking my tweets??
Charliecondou: @holymoly oh. It seems you posted it first. Bugger.
holymoly: @Charliecondou posted what?
Charliecondou: @holymoly that Giggs photo.
holymoly: @Charliecondou STOP NICKING MY TWEETS CONDOU etc etc etc xxx
Charliecondou: @holymoly haha bollocks
Charliecondou: @cpmcltd hello. Can you tell me when my phone contract is up? My iPhone isn't working properly and I need an upgrade! Ta
cpmcltd: @Charliecondou Hi Charlie, I just left you a voicemail please feel free to give me a call when you have time. Best Wishes James
cpmcltd: @Charliecondou great to speak to you, your order has been placed. Enjoy the rest of your day
Charliecondou: @cpmcltd cheers for sorting it!
Charliecondou: RT @JerryUntz: Ive decided Beyonce needs to a cover/remake of Neneh Cherry's Buffalo Stance....!
Charliecondou: Whatever happened to Amy Winehouse?
semadivad: @Charliecondou I heard she's doing panto.
iMat75: @Charliecondou I think she might be on holiday still. Whenever you see a pic she's in a bikini.
whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou well she didn't go to rehab no no no!
premofunk: @Charliecondou Working in a hairdressers with Kate Bush
PantsManchester: @Charliecondou shes living in Jamiaca at rehab... A country known for it weed and crack problems... Clever girl that Amy
FergusonRJ: @Charliecondou I think she's in the bathroom, grouting, with Richard Prior
Stobbers: @Charliecondou same as me. Waiting for a toilet roll delivery.
GemmaLovesAlex: Me and @Charliecondou :) x
Confidential_CC: @MatthewCainC4 my question is about your blog... Matt is this lady who used to write to your blog? (floracameron aka carol duncan) as she now follows 2 of my Twitter addies.
floracameron: @Charliecondou Just to let you know I have never written to Matthws blog.
Charliecondou: @floracameron who's Matthew?
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @floracameron sorry Charlie this was a question I asked Matt Cain and you got the answer xx
Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC ah, no prob
Jamieeborthwick: @Charliecondou hey buddy you good? :)
Jamieeborthwick: @Charliecondou yes am good thankyou follow @JamesFordee he new to twitter build him up :)
JamesFordee: @jamieeborthwick @Charliecondou woow Jamie i didn't want blowing up ha but cheer for following , hi
JamesFordee: @Charliecondou hi u ok
JamesFordee: @Charliecondou yes am fine thankyou for following me! Did you go to the awards?
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Hey, Charlie, there was someone who looked like you on Corrie tonight. x
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Can't have been. John Stape has Chesney locked in a cellar with Marina from Last Of The Summer Wine. x
msm4rsh: Hey everyone it's finally happened!! Charley Webb has joined twitter! Please follow her @MissCharleyWebb she is da best!! X
PeteRIGBY: @Charliecondo you can't u be gay in real life lol z
PeteRIGBY: @Charliecondou really?! Lol I thought you were married lmao ;) happy now haha xx
JamesFordee: @Charliecondou i have DM you!.
JamesFordee: @Charliecondou 1 from @msm4rsh they go up no time with her help!
Marshyswife: @MissCharleyWebb hi babe welcome to Twitter good luck for tomorrow x
MissCharleyWebb: Morning guys...thanks for all the lovely messages. Bit tired this morning, we stayed up too late! Naughty!! X
Charliecondou: @MissCharleyWebb I thought you had a cold!
Marshyswife: @Charliecondou she's so gorgeous isn't she love her grandad is obsessed with her lol x
Marshyswife: @Charliecondou no way ha ha sorry x
Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou @missmcollins is it really Michelle charlie ?? Xx
Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou coolio thanks love and there's her saying she wouldn't come on xx
Emmafreud: Freud supper a triumph. Couldn't decide what to cook, so cooked everything I could think of. 15 freuds all happy.
MatofKilburnia: @Charliecondou @emmafreud v. good
Beckybartlett: @Charliecondou Brilliant!! If I had have said that, I would die smiling knowing that I was an effin funny bugger and my work was done! Funny!
Charliecondou: I spend 80% of my time in Manchester eating cake in @teacupandcakes.
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