ChadLDN: @Charliecondou are you in LDN next week or up norf?

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN I'll be in London Tue afternoon and all day Wed

Charliecondou: Now if all of you give a quid each, we'll raise exactly £13,397. Go on, its for charidee http://www.justgiving.com/-Charlie-Condou
PaulSchnaars: @Charliecondou I will love X

Charliecondou: @PaulSchnaars Cheers lover xxx
lizfraser1: @Charliecondou I just gave you £5 instead, to make up for four lazy bastards who couldn't be arsed ;-) GOOD LUCK with it!

Charliecondou: @lizfraser1 THANK YOU!!!
ChicUniqueUK: @Charliecondou u where just on midsummer murders

Charliecondou: @ChicUniqueUK So I heard. Repeat fees a gogo!!

boydhilton: And a reminder this amazing signed David Bowie item is up for auction. All proceeds to our Moonwalk fund: http://tinyurl.com/6apxslw

boydhilton: @mfhorne ha, we aim to please!

Charliecondou: @boydhilton Can you get someone to send me photos of @mfhorne ??

boydhilton: @Charliecondou @mfhorne I'll bring along the file to the Moonwalk. Or the ten-miler this Sunday?
mfhorne: @boydhilton @charliecondou "The File"

Charliecondou: @boydhilton Oooh, a 10 miler? I may well be able to do that. What time??

boydhilton: @Charliecondou Hyde Park 9am - did you not get the Clipboard final talk of doom?!

Charliecondou: @boydhilton Yes but Ive stopped reading them all the way through

Charliecondou: RT @WadeyWade: That's DAVID BOWIE, raising cash and yourself feeling good ALL AT THE SAME TIME http://bit.ly/jxvC4G

Charliecondou: Dearest @BoyGeorge , you might want this http://bit.ly/jxvC4G
outsideorg: @Charliecondou Thank you for that x

Charliecondou: @outsideorg Du rien (thats French)

Charliecondou: RT @12stringplay: @Charliecondou hiya bummer lol,can u Rt my song to help me out http://www.youtube.com/user/replicam?feature=mhum random act of kindness thx

Charliecondou: @12stringplay Ok. But only because you called me bummer
12stringplay: @Charliecondou well I couldn't get you a beer and a fag on the train so it's the least I could do lol Thanks Charlie. How's the blister?
quarterbluematt: @Charliecondou That face always looks the same so it's hard to tell when you aren't paying attention or even when you're acting - The Runner
Charliecondou: @quarterbluematt Its taken me about an hour to figure out who you are and what you were talking about. Its been a very long week Matt
GreatRock: Jumps For Dads TM http://lockerz.com/s/99280508
whitenosugartv: @GreatRock are you riding a tracer2 at the minute Ed?
Charliecondou: @whitenosugartv Can I buy one of those hoodie things that everyone at work seems to have? Ta
whitenosugartv: @Charliecondou yeah for sure, just DM'd u
AndrewLancel: Dining with the leaving legends of @craigazey and @Graeme_Hawley. yfrog.com/h2ex2bwj
Maxeesmith: @AndrewLancel hey Andrew have a great time with the boys! Sorry I can't be there..! Love @Maxeesmith aka samia! Xx
Charliecondou: @Maxeesmith Follow me BEE-ATCH!
Maxeesmith: I'll upload a pic very soon.. I'm not very technology savvy haha! Enjoy your weekend guys.. X
Charliecondou: @Maxeesmith I knew you'd figure it out eventually xxx

peacockpete: @DillonBuck Cool. Steve and I are hoping to see it this weekend.

DillonBuck: @peacockpete good you must see it it is a cool film

IanAFletcher: @DillonBuck @peacockpete hey chaps, I saw it in 3D. Wasn't too bad but I'd say see it in 2D. How are ya both?

DillonBuck: @IanAFletcher @peacockpete yes 2D is the future...3D is for pussies

Charliecondou: @DillonBuck when do we get to see a Dillon Buck movie in 3D?
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @DillonBuck Charlie, Dillon had a 3D movie out this month, actually - "Here we go around the Maypole!" Did you miss it?

Charliecondou: @Confidential_CC lol

DillonBuck: @Charliecondou Sadly probably never as i think i have now officially retired from the Gay Adult Film Industry

Charliecondou: @DillonBuck probably for the best. 3D would have been terrifying

DillonBuck: @Charliecondou I think so too....but thank god it would never get to 4D!!! you'd drown

Charliecondou: @DillonBuck hahaha
CharlieCondou: RT @timlusher: My Pret wrap has "lovingly handmade" all over the packaging. I find that a bit creepy and off-putting, tbh.

Charliecondou: @karljordinson yep!
cathtyldesley: Lines - check, smoothie- check, coffee- check, giddy as a jack russell needing a wee- check!!!! Wahhoooo!!!

Charliecondou: @cathtyldesley we've got a scene today! Can't wait to see you lover x
cathtyldesley: @Charliecondou I know!!! So excited. I'm already in green room! #eagerbeaver x
shhsoapsecrets: @cathtyldesley hope u have a fab first day on the Cobbles eek bet ur super excited xx

Charliecondou: @cathtyldesley hahaha I'll be there in 20 x
LGBTWeekly: Are you a gay parent? What challenges do you face? Read Charlie Condou's thoughts on same-sex parenting: http://bit.ly/kaVIrT

Charliecondou: @LGBTWeekly thanks!
carolvorders: I can confirm if u have not yet opened your curtains. .... IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY ... Don't let it get away xx

Charliecondou: @carolvorders you're obviously not in Manchester Carol

CharlieCondou: RT @antonycotton: Ok. I'm in the Rovers with Samwise Gamgee (Maria). She would like free parking at Kendals and free food. How does she become a lady mason?

CharlieCondou: RT @antonycotton: Samwise has signed up to Twitter. She's @maxeesmith. She doesn't know what to tweet...

CharlieCondou: RT @antonycotton: Yes tweeps @Maxeesmith is Samia Smith. Bear with her while I give her some Twitter lessons! x
Charliecondou: Stephanie Cole called me a tit earlier. I'm a bit in love with her
alicearnold1: @Charliecondou oh I am too. I did a radio play with her once. Then she remembered my name about 6 months later. Always loved her for that.
Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 Shes lovely Alice! And to think, she spent all those years in that women's prison camp
Tom_In_Oz_: @Charliecondou my question purely for interest sake...are you a double "d" or bigger?
jtr1812: @Charliecondou Loved your interview in this months Attitude.
Charliecondou: @jtr1812 thanks very much
fountain1987: Just had @Nandos_Official with my dressing room roomie @Charliecondou #goodtimes
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