LSEdiversity: At #LSElitfest It's Ok to be Gay event by @LSESpectrum - the panel looks great!
LSEdiversity: @Charliecondou says gay people are coming out constantly in little ways #LSElitfest

LSEdiversity: What's it like to be a gay parent? @Charliecondou: ppl stare at me all the time anyway (famous!), so it's a non-issue #LSElitfest

N1David: Waiting at #lselitfest for @EvanHD @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou and some people I don't follow on Twitter...

talesfrom: At #LSElitfest talk "It's OK to Be Gay": v splendid panel inc/ Stella Duffy, @EvanHD @alicearnold1 QBoy, Charlie Condou and Claire Harvey

LSEdiversity: Great #lselitfest event today. Thanks @harveysprout @alicearnold1 @EvanHD @stellduffy @Charliecondou @QBoyMusic @shelleysilas & @LSESpectrum

nomad_sw18: Talking about coming out #LSElitfest - from mum asking r u #gay @Charliecondou to 9 years b4 father willing 2 meet partner @shelleysilas

nomad_sw18: Thought lecture title naff 'it's ok to be gay' - discussion anything but. Thanks @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou @EvanHD @stellduffy #honest

stellduffy: @nomad_sw18 @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou @EvanHD well, it's the book title, so ...

harveysprout: @QBoyMusic @LSEpublicevents @alicearnold1 @EvanHD @stellduffy @Charliecondou thanks all, especially @shelleysilas for pulling together

L_Macdougall: @bunny_miranda @Charliecondou Quite. Was a great talk at #LSElitfest this lunchtime. Was glad to be there.

LSEdiversity: At #LSElitfest It's Ok to be Gay event by @LSESpectrum - the panel looks great!

LSEdiversity: What's it like to be a gay parent? @Charliecondou: ppl stare at me all the time anyway (famous!), so it's a non-issue #LSElitfest
N1David: Waiting at #lselitfest for @EvanHD @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou and some people I don't follow on Twitter...

talesfrom: At #LSElitfest talk "It's OK to Be Gay": v splendid panel inc/ Stella Duffy, @EvanHD @alicearnold1 QBoy, Charlie Condou and Claire Harvey

LSEdiversity: Great #lselitfest event today. Thanks @harveysprout @alicearnold1 @EvanHD @stellduffy @Charliecondou @QBoyMusic @shelleysilas & @LSESpectrum

nomad_sw18: Talking about coming out #LSElitfest - from mum asking r u #gay @Charliecondou to 9 years b4 father willing 2 meet partner @shelleysilas

nomad_sw18: Thought lecture title naff 'it's ok to be gay' - discussion anything but. Thanks @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou @EvanHD @stellduffy #honest

stellduffy: @nomad_sw18 @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou @EvanHD well, it's the book title, so ...

harveysprout: @QBoyMusic @LSEpublicevents @alicearnold1 @EvanHD @stellduffy @Charliecondou thanks all, especially @shelleysilas for pulling together

L_Macdougall: @bunny_miranda @Charliecondou Quite. Was a great talk at #LSElitfest this lunchtime. Was glad to be there.

Charliecondou: My first moan RT @AttitudeMag: @Charliecondou discusses his issue with the phrase 'openly gay'. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

MarcAlmond: @Charliecondou @attitudemag we don't get 'Heterosexual Rod Stewart' or 'Heterosexual David Beckham.'

Charliecondou: @MarcAlmond @attitudemag thanks Marc. Its a particular bug bear of mine

AttitudeMag: In his first column for http://attitude.co.uk , @Charliecondou discusses his issue with the phrase 'openly gay'. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

Silverbergirc: @AttitudeMag @Charliecondou god damn it! I was gonna post a tweet about the exact same thing! Are you one of them tomorrow people?

Charliecondou: @Silverbergirc @AttitudeMag I am. You'll meet a tall dark stranger tomorrow. You're welcome

Silverbergirc: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag that's......oddly generic. But we shall see.

BarnabyEdwards: The brilliant @Charliecondou on why the phrase 'openly gay' should be consigned to the dustbin of history. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

Charliecondou: @BarnabyEdwards thank you x

BarnabyEdwards: @Charliecondou My pleasure, Charlie. I thought it was a great piece about an elephant that's been in the room for quite long enough. x

benedictsalter: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag great article!

Charliecondou: @benedictsalter @AttitudeMag thanks love

w_bushby: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag great article! One day we won't even have to be described as gay!

Charliecondou: @w_bushby @AttitudeMag thanks x

IAmJayAtPlay: @Charliecondou Great first article for @AttitudeMag - You make a very good, always overlooked point. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

Charliecondou: @IAmJayAtPlay @AttitudeMag cheers x

furquan: @Charliecondou anything about Neneh Cherry?

Charliecondou: @furquan eh?

furquan: @Charliecondou in your article! It was a silly joke. Never mind. Although it was brill article. Well done CC.

Charliecondou: @furquan oh I get ya. Thanks Furqs x

BarnabyEdwards: The brilliant @Charliecondou on why the phrase 'openly gay' should be consigned to the dustbin of history. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

Charliecondou: @BarnabyEdwards thank you x

BarnabyEdwards: @Charliecondou My pleasure, Charlie. I thought it was a great piece about an elephant that's been in the room for quite long enough. x

benedictsalter: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag great article!

Charliecondou: @benedictsalter @AttitudeMag thanks love

w_bushby: @Charliecondou @AttitudeMag great article! One day we won't even have to be described as gay!

Charliecondou: @w_bushby @AttitudeMag thanks x

IAmJayAtPlay: @Charliecondou Great first article for @AttitudeMag - You make a very good, always overlooked point. http://attitude.co.uk/charlie-condou-open/

Charliecondou: @IAmJayAtPlay @AttitudeMag cheers x

furquan: @Charliecondou anything about Neneh Cherry?

Charliecondou: @furquan eh?

furquan: @Charliecondou in your article! It was a silly joke. Never mind. Although it was brill article. Well done CC.

Charliecondou: @furquan oh I get ya. Thanks Furqs x

fenton_shaun: @Charliecondou cheers for follow mate

Charliecondou: @fenton_shaun no prob x

fenton_shaun: @Charliecondou good acting by the way buddy :) x

Charliecondou: @fenton_shaun cheers!

Charliecondou: @davemorrissey64 rumour has it you're staying in my building in Manchester. Hope you're well x

davemorrissey64: @Charliecondou R u the one having all night parties????

Charliecondou: @davemorrissey64 I prefer the word "soirees"

davemorrissey64: @Charliecondou Isn't that a party when no one turns up???

davemorrissey64: @Charliecondou Isn't that a party when no one turns up???

daveyjones__: Have I just seen @Charliecondou walking the streets of Manchester?

Charliecondou: @daveyjones__ I get about

lee_starkey: @Charliecondou my brothers girlfriend is snapping pics of your bum. Turn around and give her a scare lol

Charliecondou: @lee_starkey I've seen better photos of my arse

lee_starkey: @Charliecondou I can vouch for that after I saw you sashaying down canal street lol

bethanylavin_x: Walked past Marcus from corrie today and did the gayest giggle/wave I've ever done #embarrassing

lee_starkey: @Charliecondou my brothers girlfriend is snapping pics of your bum. Turn around and give her a scare lol

Charliecondou: @lee_starkey I've seen better photos of my arse

lee_starkey: @Charliecondou I can vouch for that after I saw you sashaying down canal street lol

bethanylavin_x: Walked past Marcus from corrie today and did the gayest giggle/wave I've ever done #embarrassing

hugorifkind: @rw0524 @baldhoonbeg @OwenJones84 No, leftwing cheerleading on Twitter is pretty much all I do. Everyone knows this.

rw0524: @hugorifkind @baldhoonbeg @OwenJones84 I didn't say "on twitter", I actually would like to know as it seems you are not living in objectivity

hugorifkind: @rw0524 @baldhoonbeg @OwenJones84 well, there's always Google.

OwenJones84: @hugorifkind @rw0524 @baldhoonbeg I love how the trolls are even baiting you and Iain Dale for being lefties

hugorifkind: @OwenJones84 @rw0524 @baldhoonbeg I get 50/50 most of the time, tbh.

Charliecondou: @hugorifkind @OwenJones84 @rw0524 @baldhoonbeg you guys are lefties?? *unfollows*

hugorifkind: @Charliecondou @OwenJones84 I think people get confused because I'm just so damn right about everything.

LnziRoo: @Charliecondou on same flight, great Hols, virgin was great, helped us with our autistic son when

Charliecondou: @LnziRoo was he ok in the end? I felt for you guys

LnziRoo: @LnziRoo @Charliecondou yes thanks good once on plane, he thought he'd be searched again. His first trip on plane coped better than expected

LnziRoo: @LnziRoo @Charliecondou yes thanks good once on plane, he thought he'd be searched again. His first trip on plane coped better than expected

char_daviess: Look evil in this but met Marcus from Corrie

ishipjadley: Didn't meet 5sos but atleast i met marcus of corrie

Cookie2407: Girl child been band stalking and celeb hunting and it proved productive (to her) @5SOS, Tom Jones and @Charliecondou. Ive heard of last 2
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