VHols_Press: @DrSarahParish @Charliecondou - hope you've got your #mojos back after a week in the #SunshineState. We'd love to hear how you got on...

Charliecondou: @VHols_Press @DrSarahParish Well one of us just got home and is massively jet lagged, whilst the other is tanning in the Cayman Islands

Charliecondou: @VHols_Press @DrSarahParish Such an amazing trip though. Looking forward to writing about it for @RedMagDaily

VHols_Press: @Charliecondou @DrSarahParish @RedMagDaily - so glad you had a great time! Sarah - hope you enjoy the Cayman Islands!

RedMagDaily: @Charliecondou @VHols_Press @DrSarahParish Yay, glad it was fun. Now stop tweeting & file yr copy!

Charliecondou: @RedMagDaily @VHols_Press @DrSarahParish Im on it!!!

SkintLondon: 'It's ok to be gay' is Wed @LSEpublicevents with a celeb panel that inclu @EvanHD @Charliecondou FREE but must book http://www.lse.ac.uk/publicEvents/events/2014/02/LitFest20140226t1315vSZT.aspx

simonlufcrich69: @Charliecondou I was in Disneys Magic Kingdom on Friday queing for my fast passes and I am sure you walked straight pass me ? Was it you. ?

Charliecondou: @simonlufcrich69 it was indeed

iRobSmith: @Charliecondou I think it'll be a bit weird without Marcus on #Corrie you have been great since the Start. #BigLove

Charliecondou: @iRobSmith thanks rob x

UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I can't keep up with your bisexual dalliances! You've had your quill in far too many ink pots on Corrie ;)

Charliecondou: @UKPositiveLad any hole's a goal

xShawty1981x: @Charliecondou hi can u tell me where the jacket u wear with the corduroy collar is from please? Thanks x

Charliecondou: @xShawty1981x it's from Burberry

Charliecondou: @xShawty1981x eek! I said Burberry when I actually meant Barbour! I blame jet lag

xShawty1981x: @Charliecondou lol oh ok thanks xxx
NB.This video may not play on some Apple products
_sarahmarshall: Omg Todd and Marcus' sex scene on corrie last week is actually haunting me its something I am never going to unsee
bazz83: Eileen outraged! She said to Marcus when Maria ditched Jason "one day you'll remember who you are?" Fitting Todd reminded him. #Corrie.
Silky1409: @AndyGibsonTV No way would Eileen care about Maria?! She cheated on her Jason with Marcus!!?? #Corrie
JamesRapunxel: @Bambi_Heart are you watching corrie? marcus should stay with maria orrrrrrr todd?
CrazehForJB: Marcus is happy with Maria, by the looks of things. With men before or not, why does Todd have to try break that up? Ugh. #Corrie
hyperhellen1: Corrie? Where are the kids? Marcus & maria out wheres her kid. Wheres annas teenager? Wheres joseph? And wheres izzys kid? While they're out
nobs50: Bloody hell ! Double corrie and Todd's knobbed Marcus.............before the watershed#outrageous
gslane11: Cheating on Maria with Marcus #Corrie http://t.co/eFUf7yRMkW
UKPositiveLad: @Charliecondou I can't keep up with your bisexual dalliances! You've had your quill in far too many ink pots on Corrie ;)
nuts_hammy: Go on Eileen tell Maria that her fella got bummed off ur son #todd #marcus #corrie#puffys
Iphied: Lol Eileen that's was too good Hehehehe gotcha Marcus! #corrie
mynameisbrooke: Bet marcus' sigh face just then wasn't dissimilar to his "jizzin up todd's arse" face#corrie
S_R_Fernando: @emwhaaa You fancy Todd in #Corrie...and Shawn and Marcus and Owen...
Yeloop: Marcus says sleeping with Todd was a huge mistake... Where did he think he was sticking it? #corrie
connorwigley: Great news that Marcus is gay again, I can swoop back in for Maria đ#corriee
jackgoodmanmate: Ahahaha Marcus you've caught yourself offside there #corrie
CorrieLovers1: omg Marcus and Eileen #corrie
Henchontheradio: Marcus n Whathername house hunting... #maria #2bedroomsreq #corrie
JamesRapunxel: marcus is a rat sleeping with that guy with the hitler hair minus the mustache#corrie
lewisgregson: How's Marcus gone from batting for the other team to being with Maria ? #corrie
KatrinaSxox: Marcus and Todd deffo bummed #corrie #cheeky #poormaria
niallhoran: Just having a #corrie catchup! Ooh Todd & Marcus doing the wild thing in Eileen's front room! Nice :-) (I not condone cheating lol)
simonlufcrich69: @Charliecondou haha thought it was,I got back yesterday and am jet lagged lol.had a great time hope you did too :-)
AnnaNiF: Overdoing it with the flowers Marcus #corrie #BigNeonGuiltySign
brianj2010efc: Marcus in corrie might as well js say to Maria yeh a cheated on ya with the size of them flowers or get a tatt of it on his head.
jasemouse: Marcus with the guilty flowers....oh dear : / #Corrie Marcus on corrie now is living proof that men only buy you flowers when they cheat ...
lisagrindey_: Haha marcus on corrie! Guiltyyyy
wazz1000: Marcus picked nice flowers for a 'straight' man #homo #corrie
Bigchris_BRFC: What a bounce back by Rita Sullivan. Go get 'em. Marcus is looking very suspicious #corrie
Bigchris_BRFC: What a bounce back by Rita Sullivan. Go get 'em. Marcus is looking very suspicious #corrie
annakirk_: Why the fuck has Marcus fucked Todd when she's got an absolute dream like Maria falling at his knees? What goes on in men's heads #corriee

metamesaloud: my gifs of the gorge @BrunoLangley @Charliecondou

metamesaloud: my gifs of the gorge @BrunoLangley @Charliecondou
seanosborne1: Charliecondou Hi can I get a follow back for the show please love to do an interview with you for the show
_NicoleeLewis_: Naughty Marcus #corriee
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