littlelisa34: @Charliecondou your children are gorgeous.. Xx
Charliecondou: @littlelisa34 thanks love , won't be long til you have one too!! X
ryanjamesthomas: @Charliecondou love u mate xxx
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas haha love you too x
SP_Richardsonx: @Charliecondou ChaRLIE you going to inside soap awards on 24th sep?
Charliecondou: @SP_Richardsonx not sure yet
"I DO"

david_w_ross: this is GREAT news @idothemovie will be in the Austin Film Festival Oct 18-25th! and I'm a going too!

Confidential_CC: @david_w_ross @idothemovie @outonfilm but will it be coming to Oz so the wife and I can see it?

david_w_ross: @Confidential_CC working on it:)

Confidential_CC: @david_w_ross lovely x and asap plz

Charliecondou: Good luck to all at @PremierInn and Whitbread restaurants on their first National Charity Day supporting @GreatOrmondSt!
simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou @GreatOrmondSt thanks lovely x
Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh @GreatOrmondSt no prob love xxx
GreatOrmondSt: @Charliecondou Thank you so much Charlie. We really appreciate you tweeting about this!
Charliecondou: Congratulations @robbiewilliams & Ayda on the birth of Teddy Rose and welcome to the club mate xxx
HRWright: @Charliecondou The gay parents club?
VictoriaMarkou: @Charliecondou do you literally know everyone?
Charliecondou: @VictoriaMarkou I do yes
brianfruity: @Charliecondou “This Morning” should be interesting at 10.50am
Charliecondou: @brianfruity why?
brianfruity: @Charliecondou Rupert Everett was on they challenged him!! But he stuck by what he said! Twat

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @brianfruity wife and I talked about how Rupert E. reminded us of Neil in the 7Up TV series....He came from a rich family but Neil was a "special needs" kid that wasn't "identified" because his parents didn't want to admit it....Mummy had expectations that haunted Neil for the rest of his life....
mrtobysawyer: Quite a day on the cobbles. Genuine thanks @Charliecondou @realsamia & @antonycotton for being welcoming & wonderful. An ambition fulfilled
aliJcorrie: Busy day ahead #corrie pr team has interviews with @Charliecondou @HERASSol @BrookeLVincent @alanhalsall should be fun x
Charliecondou: RT @ITVLorraine: The legendary Barbara Knox is chatting to @reallorraine now, live from the set of @Coronation_St .
CarlVipGalloway: @alanhalsall @michkeegan @MichaelLeVell @Charliecondou hi I am having a Vip Las Vegas Party on Sunday would like to invite u all. X
Charliecondou: @CarlVipGalloway ah, I'll be in London!
CarlVipGalloway: @Charliecondou ah no probs mate. Come and c us soon. Hope u r ok and not working too hard filming.

CarolynnePoole: Have a great day Tweethearts! X
Charliecondou: @CarolynnePoole just had @alanhalsall showing off that he's your mate. Beautiful audition btw x

CarolynnePoole: @Charliecondou hiya Hun! Awww thank u! @alanhalsall Is my shared hubby! X
alanhalsall: @CarolynnePoole @Charliecondou Corries Green Room is loving you xxx
Charliecondou: @CarolynnePoole @alanhalsall there's a lot to be said for the Mormon lifestyle #bigamy
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou @carolynnepoole Amy is not gonna be pleased with you calling her big?? #bigamy
RachelCorrie: Fab interviews with the boys today @Charliecondou and @herassol loving your work!

The following is an excerpt from The Sun from 16th September 2012.
To read the entire article go HERE
Corrie’s Charlie and Cameron
CORONATION Street actor Charlie Condou, who plays Marcus Dent, lives in Islington, north London, with partner Cameron Laux, 48, a writer, and their kids Georgia, three, and one-year-old Hal. Charlie, 39, says:
When Georgia was born
her mum, my friend Catherine, came to live with us for five months and now both
children divide their time between our house and hers nearby.
People might think
it’s an odd arrangement but it works for us.
I think if you have
the right attitude, children growing up with gay dads shouldn’t have any more
issues than any other kid. After all, kids get bullied for all kinds of
At some point Georgia
will say: “What’s gay, Daddy?” but you try to keep your sexuality away from the
business of parenting so it’ll be some time before it’s an issue.
Biologically the
children are mine and Catherine’s. We had Georgia via IVF, then had an embryo
frozen who is now Hal.
I am “Daddy”,
Catherine is “Mummy”, and Cameron is “Wa-wa”. We tried to get Georgia to call
him “Papa” and that’s how it came out. I always longed to be a parent, but
thought when I came out at the age of 18 that it would be hard.
My sister said: “Why
should being gay stop you being a dad? You’ll be a great dad.” The difference
is, obviously, it doesn’t just happen.
We spent so much time
talking about it that we went into being parents with our eyes wide open.
I know it’s an
unusual situation, but at the end of the day I’m just a dad wrestling with a
pushchair on the Tube, or buying teething rings. We face the issues that all
parents face — sleepless nights, whether Georgia should eat in front of the
Her godparents are
Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly, and Hal’s godmother is Kathy Burke. We’re
surrounded by fantastically supportive people. To be honest, when I go out
people stare anyway because of Corrie, so I wouldn’t know if they are staring
at us because we are two gay dads with young children.
I don’t think we’ll have more children. We talk
to Georgia about the fact that she has three parents, but at this stage it
simply isn’t very interesting to her.
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