Sunday, March 2, 2014



debbie_rush: Everyone asking about my handsome little brother give him a follow @andylavery best PT around #

Charliecondou: @debbie_rush @andylavery I did say to Cam that he was fit. Not as fit as you though Debs. Obv

debbie_rush: “@Charliecondou: @debbie_rush @andylavery I did say to Cam that he was fit. Not as fit as you though Debs. Obv” eeerrrrrr Obvs!!! Xxx


DoctorChristian: OMG. Poirot is on. With Frances de la Tour in it. It doesn't get better than this! My evening is made.
Charliecondou: @DoctorChristian my mate Zoë is in that one!
DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou she is! She's in most of them these days, isn't she? #ariadneoliver
Charliecondou: @DoctorChristian ah no. Different Zoë

DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou oh. Who is your Zoe?! (This is getting complicated isn't it?!)

Charliecondou: @DoctorChristian Telford. (I may have got the wrong Poirot)
James Wharton
jameswharton: @Charliecondou @DoctorChristian are we watching the same one? With Emily Blunt? X

Charliecondou: @jameswharton @DoctorChristian yes. I'm sure she's in that one. Playing F de la T's dykey daughter

DoctorChristian: @Charliecondou @jameswharton yes, it was that one! She's rather good -I like women in a suit and tie, very Yves Saint Lauren!

Charliecondou: G'wan @hayleysoraya ! #doi

Charliecondou: Thank God for the academic Nicky Clarke, who I always look to for wise words
Sparkle__Monkey: @Charliecondou Another person for my most hated list, what a tool.
Charliecondou: @Sparkle__Monkey You would say that, being uneducated
medic914: @Charliecondou ...and after the break, Nicky offers his solution for peace and democracy in Ukraine using only lacquer and a pair of GHDs
MargoJMilne: @petepaphides @Charliecondou I'm eagerly awaiting Joey Essex's opinions on Ukraine.
Charliecondou: @MargoJMilne @petepaphides Ukraine is reem
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou @petepaphides Thank you. I am now equipped for any discussion on the topic.


I presume in life we all come with a name, that is our first "label." Then as we mature we add extra labels onto ourselves to give us status and functionality. I was a middle-income, married with kids, author, historian, mobile disco operator, leftist, male infants teacher, deputy principal...all labels which I still use. Currently, I am using the label "retired deputy" which still gives people a sense of my former purpose as a worker. I have NOT adopted the labels which announce my ethnicity, skin colour, height, age, religion, sexual preference, dietary needs, smoking and drinking habits etc...I tend to put those to one side as they are not important enough for me to worry about.

Most labels in life we usually choose to add onto our list for status, functionality or purpose. It is important to have ownership of your labels and be proud of them. Of course, people being people, often jealous of others, they will use labels to criticize and bring people down and that is what has happened to many. Just the mere mention that Jo is a sanitary worker and you'll assume that Jo is a not-so-well educated person and one of the lower people on the food chain. Which also means, in a class divided society you've made assumptions about his income and status as a man. Without knowing the situation the label is pretty much just an assumption. Of course if you add more detailed knowledge then your assumption will change - Jo is actually a lady who runs a chain of shops that make sanitary items for ladies and appears on the Forbes List.

I don't like the phrase "openly gay" which was the topic of Charlie Condou's recent Attitude Magazine article  but at the moment the LGBT community hasn't fully worked out a way of letting people know which label they'd like us to use. I say that in reference to something that as a former teacher I always tried to talk to my students about. If you want a role model in life you look for a qualities of people you admire (with the labels that you admire). You then try to work towards using that person, or group of people to give you a sense of purpose for your situation in life.

In showbiz, being "openly gay" is far more admired than being a "closeted gay" performer. It seems that "closeted" equals being ashamed to announce that you are in fact a gay actor. Just the word "gay" nowadays is used as a put-down in social settings..."Oh, her sweater is so gay" or "Those shoes are gay!" The only way to beat the bullies is to make the label something you are proud of, positive about and have ownership of.

I'd like the LGBT community to adopt a universal way of labelling things to clear up the confusion. I have a gay brother and he has gay friends that he calls "bum chums" and "fag friends." Is my brother part of the problem facing the gay community? Some individuals in the gay community have adopted the "put downs" but still use then in a derogatory way rather than being proud to simply say, he's my gay friend.

DerrenBrown: Great stuff. RT @AttitudeMag: In his 1st column for us @Charliecondou discusses the phrase 'openly gay'.

Tom_in_Oz_: @DerrenBrown riddle me this? If you are a gay kid in search of a role model how would you know who was gay if there were no labels used?

DerrenBrown: @Tom_in_Oz_ it's the 'openly' that's weird, not the 'gay'. Maybe have another read of the article.


salislee: @ScottNealUK good. It was 9 degrees here yesterday so I am ridiculously brown :-)
ScottNealUK: @salislee 36 here, am literally fighting for a gap in the clouds
salislee: @ScottNealUK I feel for u.. I'll take some nice rainy stormy pics to make you feel at home.. You just wrap up and take care
ScottNealUK: @salislee you're to kind
salislee: @ScottNealUK no you are.
Charliecondou: @salislee @ScottNealUK oh get a room!
ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou @salislee pipe down Condou!!
salislee: @Charliecondou are u still galavanting round the world too?!! :-)
ScottNealUK: @salislee @Charliecondou goodness knows what that one is up to!
Charliecondou: @ScottNealUK @salislee I'm home and changing shitty nappies. Such glamour!
SirThomasWynne: @Charliecondou @ScottNealUK @salislee I still do that at my age but then I like being a grandpa and all that it brings x

ScottNealUK: @Charliecondou @salislee you have always known how to party like the best of em Condou

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