Charliecondou: I love her and am totally #teamnigella but I can't help looking at her nostrils now

PGUK78: @Charliecondou I always thought it was flour. Gutted.

BillieMyers: @Charliecondou How long till #nigellasnostrils starts trending... ;)

Charliecondou: @BillieMyers poor Nigella

BillieMyers: @Charliecondou I know..

suddy25: @Charliecondou Noooo no one proved she was an addict and if she was if you were sleeping with Mr Ugly what would you do. ??????

michkeegan: Getting lots of tweets about Corrie tonight.Looking forward to watching it when I get in! P.s it's not the last of Tina... Not just yet! X

Charliecondou: @michkeegan are you STILL in NYC??

ChasCondouFans: @Charliecondou the good news is that Daniel Craig is 46 & still playing Bond so if trying to be the first gay Dr Who doesn't work out there's always a career as Bond. #midlifecrisis #options

OnThisGayDay: LGBT Born 8th January: 1973-Charlie Condou (UK Actor)

lilyallen: Someone's 1st birthday today

kazpoole: @lilyallen happy birthday marnie! And @Charliecondou and meeeee.. It's a good day

Charliecondou: @kazpoole @lilyallen amazing! Me, you and Marnie. All talented singer/songwriters. And natural blondes. Happy Birthday us!!!

RealDanielLee: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Charliecondou: @RealDanielLee thanks x

Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday :) x

Marc_Baylis: @Charliecondou happy birthday sir.... Enjoy x

SoapObsessed5: @Charliecondou happy birthday, hope you have an absolutely amazing day!!❤

IanAFletcher: Happy birthday to @Charliecondou xx

EmmalunaC: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday Mr Condou! Big love to you x x

Charliecondou: @EmmalunaC thanks baby!! X

Charliecondou: @EmmalunaC follow me so I can DM you x

EmmalunaC: @Charliecondou Shit thought I was! My bad. Haha x

MissHannybell: @Charliecondou happy birthday xx

hannahandre: @Charliecondou happy birthday!!xx

ShonamaeKing: Happy birthday @Charliecondou have a great day! Xx

EqualityDepot: Happy Birthday Journalist activist actor Charlie Condou!

benniedenton: Hope you've had a good day @Charliecondou x

georgia_1b: @Charliecondou happy birthday hope your enjoying your day xx

celebdb: Happy 41st Birthday Charlie Condou (@Charliecondou) !

Charliecondou: I love her and am totally #teamnigella but I can't help looking at her nostrils now
PGUK78: @Charliecondou I always thought it was flour. Gutted.
BillieMyers: @Charliecondou How long till #nigellasnostrils starts trending... ;)

Charliecondou: @BillieMyers poor Nigella
BillieMyers: @Charliecondou I know..
suddy25: @Charliecondou Noooo no one proved she was an addict and if she was if you were sleeping with Mr Ugly what would you do. ??????

michkeegan: Getting lots of tweets about Corrie tonight.Looking forward to watching it when I get in! P.s it's not the last of Tina... Not just yet! X

Charliecondou: @michkeegan are you STILL in NYC??


Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou 8th JANUARY in OZ - That means Happy Birthday to Charlie Condou...

ChasCondouFans: @Charliecondou the good news is that Daniel Craig is 46 & still playing Bond so if trying to be the first gay Dr Who doesn't work out there's always a career as Bond. #midlifecrisis #options
OnThisGayDay: LGBT Born 8th January: 1973-Charlie Condou (UK Actor)

lilyallen: Someone's 1st birthday today

kazpoole: @lilyallen happy birthday marnie! And @Charliecondou and meeeee.. It's a good day

Charliecondou: @kazpoole @lilyallen amazing! Me, you and Marnie. All talented singer/songwriters. And natural blondes. Happy Birthday us!!!
RealDanielLee: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday, Charlie!

Charliecondou: @RealDanielLee thanks x
Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday :) x
Marc_Baylis: @Charliecondou happy birthday sir.... Enjoy x
SoapObsessed5: @Charliecondou happy birthday, hope you have an absolutely amazing day!!❤
IanAFletcher: Happy birthday to @Charliecondou xx
EmmalunaC: @Charliecondou Happy Birthday Mr Condou! Big love to you x x

Charliecondou: @EmmalunaC thanks baby!! X

Charliecondou: @EmmalunaC follow me so I can DM you x
EmmalunaC: @Charliecondou Shit thought I was! My bad. Haha x
MissHannybell: @Charliecondou happy birthday xx
hannahandre: @Charliecondou happy birthday!!xx
ShonamaeKing: Happy birthday @Charliecondou have a great day! Xx
EqualityDepot: Happy Birthday Journalist activist actor Charlie Condou!
benniedenton: Hope you've had a good day @Charliecondou x
georgia_1b: @Charliecondou happy birthday hope your enjoying your day xx
celebdb: Happy 41st Birthday Charlie Condou (@Charliecondou) !
Charlie Condou reveals all about Marcus Dent and Todd Grimshaw's lust
"Marcus knows Todd's bad for him but he can’t keep away," says the actor
David Brown 7 January 2014
Scheming Todd Grimshaw looks set to cause more trouble in the coming weeks when he tries to break up Marcus and Maria’s relationship. In scenes to be shown on Monday 13 January, Todd will strip off after receiving a birthday gift of a shirt from Sean. After winking at Marcus, Todd will later corner the object of his affection and make it clear that he fancies him. But will Marcus be able to resist his charms? Actor Charlie Condou tells us more:
So, does Marcus fancy Todd?
Well, Todd’s a good-looking man and he’s very flirtatious and Marcus can’t help but be attracted to him. But he’s very wary and suspicious of him too. Initially, he’s very happy with Maria and doesn’t think too much about it, but he does fancy Todd.
Do you think Marcus has ever been tempted to cheat on Maria with a guy?
No, I don’t think he has. He’s not stopped finding other men attractive, but he’s been very happy with Maria and has never been tempted by anyone until now. In a way, his feelings for Todd take him by surprise. If Todd had just left him alone, then nothing would have happened. But he really sets out to get Marcus – Todd is very forceful and keeps chipping away and it starts to become very difficult.
And how does Marcus feel when Todd strips off, flirts with him and makes it clear he really fancies him?
Really uncomfortable. Todd takes his top off and he’s in very good shape and Marcus can’t help but notice and be a bit turned on by him. But it also upsets him a lot because he’s starting to have feelings for someone else.
What exactly does Todd say to him?
Todd knows that stripping off in the Bistro has had an effect on Marcus. He follows him outside and tells him he stripped off for his benefit and asks if he liked what he saw. Todd’s very flirtatious and really comes onto Marcus, who’s clearly uncomfortable with it. Todd leans in for a kiss at which point Eileen interrupts them. So it’s hard to know if Marcus would have responded to the kiss or not. It’s difficult when lust takes over and you’re in the moment.
What happens when Eileen catches them together?
She gets very angry and immediately wants to know what’s been going on. Marcus tells Eileen that Todd tried it on with him and Todd does confess that it was he coming on to Marcus and not the other way round. Todd’s very good at being manipulative and he knows what he’s doing at this point.
And is Marcus worried that word will get back to Maria?
Yes, he’s really worried. He gets concerned that Eileen’s going to spill the beans and ruin it all.
So is Todd just a moment of madness or is Marcus now more conflicted?
He’s much more conflicted. There’s something about Todd that draws Marcus to him. He knows he’s bad for him but he can’t keep away. He’s determined to make it work with Maria, but the seed’s been planted.
Would he love to get intimate with Todd?
He would but he’s trying to put those thoughts out of his head at the moment.
Do you think Todd could break up Marcus and Maria?
He definitely could. He’s certainly going to cause big problems for them in the future because Todd’s like a dog with a bone and when he wants something he won’t let go. He knows what he wants and he’s going to get it.

djneenoo: @Charliecondou I'm sure I've just watched a mental film with you in dead babies???

Charliecondou: @djneenoo yup, that was me

djneenoo: @Charliecondou you played that role amazing very deep mentally well done really good film :)

Charliecondou: @djneenoo cheers x

djneenoo: @Charliecondou have you got a website I could buy a signed pic :) x

Charliecondou: @djneenoo I don't but you can write to me via United Agents


djneenoo: @Charliecondou I'm sure I've just watched a mental film with you in dead babies???

Charliecondou: @djneenoo yup, that was me

djneenoo: @Charliecondou you played that role amazing very deep mentally well done really good film :)

Charliecondou: @djneenoo cheers x

djneenoo: @Charliecondou have you got a website I could buy a signed pic :) x

Charliecondou: @djneenoo I don't but you can write to me via United Agents


LeighFrancis: Votes are open!

Tom_in_Oz_: @LeighFrancis now if only that tweet said the bar was 'open' I would have responded!

LeighFrancis: @Tom_in_Oz_ you did respond

Tom_in_Oz_: @LeighFrancis well bless me so I did...... And I'll drink to that!

lemontwittor: Got no chance of winning but up for best entertainment program and best presenter! Chuffed. Votes are open now!

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Please can you ask your followers to vote for #Pointless as Best Daytime Programme in the #NTAs?

Confidential_CC: @TeamXander1 yep x

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Thanks xx

Confidential_CC: @TeamXander1 tsk tsk silly @twitter have suspended my @Tom_in_Oz_ account because I was promoting @lemontwittor / @LeighFrancis / Pointless

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Booo! @twitter @Tom_in_Oz_ @lemontwittor @LeighFrancis

LeighFrancis: Votes are open!

Tom_in_Oz_: @LeighFrancis now if only that tweet said the bar was 'open' I would have responded!

LeighFrancis: @Tom_in_Oz_ you did respond

Tom_in_Oz_: @LeighFrancis well bless me so I did...... And I'll drink to that!

lemontwittor: Got no chance of winning but up for best entertainment program and best presenter! Chuffed. Votes are open now!

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Please can you ask your followers to vote for #Pointless as Best Daytime Programme in the #NTAs?

Confidential_CC: @TeamXander1 yep x

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Thanks xx

Confidential_CC: @TeamXander1 tsk tsk silly @twitter have suspended my @Tom_in_Oz_ account because I was promoting @lemontwittor / @LeighFrancis / Pointless

TeamXander: @Confidential_CC Booo! @twitter @Tom_in_Oz_ @lemontwittor @LeighFrancis

SirThomasWynne: Dear UK you have my sympathy. But don't move to Oz we have #mRabbott - all the charisma of a toilet seat pubic hair!


SirThomasWynne: #UK #Starving Gov's plan 'B' has been scrapped too, although media discovered it was cheaper than plan 'A'

Tom_in_Oz_: Wish we had 2 of @SenatorWong in Oz Parliament. Maybe 2 Wongs would make it right! Penny has attacked Cory Bernadi over many of his outdated beliefs!

carla_dog: @Tom_in_Oz_ ooooo... Corybernardi what a lovely bloke #onetermtony

Tom_in_Oz_: @carla_dog all the charm of a black hole x

TheLyingRodent (Little Johnny Howard): It should never be forgotten that all great political leaders (like me), know UNIONS are the real enemy. I knew it, Tony knows it. #auspol

randlight: Australia’s proud car industry, created by Joseph Benedict Chifley. Australia’s proud car industry, destroyed by Joseph Benedict Hockey.

SirThomasWynne: Indonesia says Australian PM is considering giving refugees boats so they can return home. #AusPol #tonyabbott
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