Wendy_Wason: My mother is here. Loon tweets to follow. #mumchat

Wendy_Wason: "I never used to know what a wanker was but I know what that is now"#mumchat

Wendy_Wason: "Wendy have you heard of the word "muff-diver"? Do you know what it is?" Oh dear god. #mumchat

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I love your mum

Wendy_Wason: "I never used to know what a wanker was but I know what that is now"#mumchat

Wendy_Wason: "Wendy have you heard of the word "muff-diver"? Do you know what it is?" Oh dear god. #mumchat
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason I love your mum
(Edited from The Weatherfield Gazette Online)
Samia Ghadie, who plays Maria Connor on Coronation Street, previews the shock health scare that Maria is about to experience after she finds a lump in her breast, and how her worried character reacts and the impact it has on her relationship with Marcus Dent (Charlie Condou).
Q: Why do you think Maria confides in Marcus?
Samia: It is timing really, she doesn’t knowingly think ‘ooh I will tell Marcus’ he comes in and finds her crying on the sofa and gets it out of her. She tells him and it is quite a relief for her to tell somebody. She hasn’t consciously chosen him over Jason but then again I am not sure she would have told Jason if he had found her crying.
Q: How does Marcus react to her news?
Samia: Marcus is just gobsmacked and shocked and says he is absolutely going to be there for her. Maria says she can go on her own but he insists. His medical training helps hugely he is very supportive and says all the right things. When Jason does find out and says he will go with her the second time Maria has already been with Marcus once and she uses the fact that he knows everyone at the hospital and understands what is being said as the reason she wants to go with him the second time for the results.
Q: What are her feelings for Marcus at this stage? Is she beginning to see him as more than a friend?
Samia: Well Audrey has spotted it and Sean has even started to wonder if Maria has in fact had a crush on Marcus. Maria is aware and has been aware that she has had feelings for him but has pushed it to the back of her mind. But she is confused by it, she is fighting against it. She has been more aware of having feelings than Marcus has. But she has tried to tell herself that it is a harmless crush.
Q: Tell us what happens after they get back from getting the results?
Samia: Everything has got on top her and with the thoughts that have been going through her head that she may die, that Liam may not have any parents, it has been such an emotional week for her everything has hit home and she tells Marcus that he is incredibly special to her and she would not have got through the week without him, the enormity of it all takes over and they find themselves kissing. She kisses him first and then he responds and you don’t know how far it would have gone because Jason arrives and they jolt apart and are immediately shocked by what has happened.
Q: What do they say to each other?
Samia: They both agree that it is never going to happen again and laugh it off. It isn’t uncomfortable they just put it down to the emotions of the week but when they get to the party there are lots of looks and sideways glances, it clearly isn't over.
Q: How do they try to put the kiss behind them?
Samia: Marcus goes out and gets really drunk but Maria immediately says to Jason she does want him to move in, that is her way of telling herself that there is nothing between her and Marcus. She goes all out to prove that she is happy with Jason.
Q: Does she still secretly hope that she can have a relationship with Marcus?
Samia: I don’t really know at this stage. It is not black or white, it is not straight forward. They love each other but are they in love with each other or do they just love each other as friends? It is two different things and I don’t think at this stage they have worked it out.
Marcus has also become a father to Liam and she loves that about him and they kind of appear to be a family unit. But he is gay so it doesn't appear to be an option.
Q: What is it like working on this story with Charlie Condou?
Samia: It is lovely, I couldn’t wish for anyone more lovely to work with on this. He is a good friend and he can relate to this story in a real way as a gay man so we are both enjoying exploring Marcus and Maria’s emotions. We spend a lot of time talking about it and we are taking it really seriously.
and Marcus are in shock
Marcus and Maria pull back from their kiss when Jason rings the doorbell. Their shock is interrupted by a none-the-wiser Jason asking for news of Maria's hospital visit. Taking it in, Jason tells Maria to meet him to Eileen's party.
Alone again, Maria and Marcus try to fathom out what made them kiss, and are adamant that they both want to be with their other halves. They agree to forget it and move on, but they're both clearly rattled and are awkward later at Eileen's party. Maria apologises to Jason and tells him that he should move in after all. Later, as Eileen's party winds down, Maria takes Jason back home and Marcus heads off clubbing with Aiden. But will Marcus and Maria really be able to forget what happened?

Charliecondou: RT @PixelDandy: Always dreamt of being underneath @Jakeshears. Albeit article form in Attitude Mag #Horrorgami

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Charliecondou: RT @PixelDandy: Always dreamt of being underneath @Jakeshears. Albeit article form in Attitude Mag #Horrorgami

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