Saturday, July 21, 2012


waterloomain: I'm at Platforms 1 to 6, London Waterloo (WAT). Just had Charlie Condou come up to me asking where his train was!
djpaulrudd: Ready for a good time tonight at The Kensington Club Celebrity Launch w/ @danny_dyer @OdemwingieP @missmcollins @Charliecondou @Dexfletch

Above: Charlie Condou poses with Corrie fan Lucy at ITV Manchester.
Below: Charlie and the Corrie cast in July 2012.
Should Sean and Marcus get back together - Yay or Nay?
 Frosty the Snowman said...NAY! Sean is a self centred arm folding attention seeking mega childish drama queen. He certainly does not deserve the lovely Marcus but unfortunately as Cotton will never leave the cushy number he has in the Street, I also think this "break up" is the prerequisite to them getting back together and having a civil ceremony, Marcus DONT!!! 

Anonymous said...No way...the less of Antony C on screen the better. He doesn't change character at all...he's the same in real life! But..seeing as how Phil C is one of his bessy-mates, they'll shove them back together so we can all look forward to more cozy morning chats in Eileen's crowded house.
Where's Jason?

Nemo said...Nay - only because I'd like to see Marcus develop as his own character than forever standing in Sean's shadow.

Cobblestone said...A resounding Nay. I've been wanting them to split for ages. Charlie Condou is so much better an actor than Anthony Cotton and having them shackled together inhibits Marcus' character development. I've never found them believeably as a couple; a 2-dimensional stereotype like Sean would be very unlikely to attract a guy like Marcus in real life. Sean's fine in a Greek Chorus role but as an actor lacks the emotional range to carry stories like this (although in fairness he did raise his game in the actual break-up scene - but it was somewhat undermined by his channelling of Bet Lynch in the preceding hospital scene, hand on hip et al)

Anonymous said...Marcus could do much better than Sean. Sean is too clingy and whiny! Imagine a guy married to a chick like that?! He'd kill her or leave her. And yes, I agree - Aiden is VERY creepy. ~JB in Canada



iMat75: There are a lot of guys in very tight trousers this morning in Clapham! Must be a Friday thing!

Charliecondou: @iMat75 I had a dream I was wearing very tight trousers last night & everyone was staring at my knob. I don’t think I was in Clapham though

iMat75: @Charliecondou were you not wearing any pants? I'm not surprised they were looking ;-)

Charliecondou: @iMat75 I wasn’t. Which isn’t like me. I normally strap it down

iMat75: @Charliecondou well I hope the looks you got were dirty grins rather than shameful ones ;-)

Tom_in_Oz_: @iMat75 ya know it’s true @Charliecondou was a strapping lad…

Above: Kirk & Marcus discuss the beer from Azerbaijan.


16DIGGIN: #FF @misswinyard @Ellis__x @Charliecondou Charlie my jäger bomb friend can I get a retweet need some more followers. :-)

Charliecondou: Do NOT trust this man. He makes you drink like a teenager #FF @16DIGGIN

16DIGGIN: @Charliecondou haha thanks mate

Nolinhoward: @Charliecondou @16DIGGIN are you feeling delicate this morn Mr. Condou

16DIGGIN: @Nolinhoward @charliecondou no this was last weekend. We drank enough to last until new year!!

How to send your fan mail and autograph requests to Charlie Condou:
Fan Mail Addresses:
Charlie Condou
United Agents Ltd.
12-26 Lexington Street
London, W1F 0LE

Charlie Condou,
c/o Coronation Street,
Granada Television Studios,
Quay Street,
M60 9EA

If you want to request an autograph, follow the guidelines below:
If you just want to mail a letter with the address above, and do not want anything back, then you can stop reading! If you live in UK send a properly stamped and self addressed envelope (minimum size 8.5" x 4") with your request letter and a photo. You can include a piece of cardboard to keep the photo from bending in shipping and also add "Do Not Bend" on the envelopes. Send your letter and wait. On average, there is going to be a 3+ month wait for a response. If you do not live in UK, add several* International Reply Coupons. The International Reply Coupons (IRC) will be used by the receiver to purchase English stamps. You can only get them at your point of origin post office. Place the IRCs into the envelope, not on it. For more information on reply coupons click here. *For information on postage prices to receive a letter from UK click here.

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