Below: Charlie Condou attends 'The Tunnel of Love' held at the Proud, Camden. London - 29.05.2012
antonycotton: @ryanjamesthomas Happy Birthday Jayboy, from the brother you never wanted! Love you xxx
alanhalsall: “@ryanjamesthomas: @alanhalsall love u xx” He really does !! Xx
antonycotton: @alanhalsall @ryanjamesthomas Not as much as I do...Ever since that time after @officialkeith's drinks thing. You know...THAT time...
alanhalsall: @antonycotton @ryanjamesthomas @officialkeith haha I'm blushing !! X
ryanjamesthomas: @alanhalsall @antonycotton @officialkeith lets hav a sleep over when I'm back lov u Ant thanks mate xx
fountain1987: @ryanjamesthomas sent it early this morning, buzzing i got a mention! give the kids some soul clap! take loads of pics, love to everyone x
Charliecondou: @fountain1987 I didn't get a reply from @ryanjamesthomas I guess he's run out of credit on his phone #no-top-up-in-Kenya
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @fountain1987 @ryanjamesthomas me neither. Maybe he'll send us a pigeon? Let's decorate his dressing room as a treat? ;-)
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @fountain1987 @ryanjamesthomas Actually Cath, you didn't reply to my tits-dream tweet either #totesdevastated
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @fountain1987 @ryanjamesthomas you had a dream about my tits? #onlyhuman x
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley @fountain1987 @ryanjamesthomas Actually MY tits. It's complicated. I'll fill you in tomorrow. So to speak
Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou ha ha! Just seen this tweet! You do have great tits... I can't compete x
Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley thanks babe, but it's all clever lighting and a strong support bra
Charliecondou: I have a question. Why do so many people on twitter call me Chas? Why not Charles, or Chuck or Charlotte?
fionalaird: @Charliecondou I secretly call you Steve.
Charliecondou: @fionalaird I'll answer to anything to be honest
fionalaird: @Charliecondou *sigh* Me too...
percybiz: @Charliecondou Actually I think you should be called Lush. Because you are :)
Charliecondou: @percybiz bless you
Gatz77: @Charliecondou oh I'd always go with Chuck. Mostly because it makes writing humorous limericks that much easier.
Charliecondou: @Gatz77 lol
brianfruity: @Charliecondou I could not tell u on here what I call you?!! Would have to DM... But then I may be blocked lol
Charliecondou: @brianfruity hahaha oh god, I dread to think
shelleyanorphan: @brianfruity @charliecondou Because you look like Chastity Bono, Cher's daughter #caseclosed
brianfruity: @shelleyanorphan @charliecondou OMG Charlie that is so not true!!!
Charliecondou: @shelleyanorphan @brianfruity she has a bigger cock
Alisonkingfan88: @Charliecondou Never had a tweet from you Charlie :( Love you loads, you're an amazing actor.♥
Charliecondou: @Alisonkingfan88 ta very much
toppingl: @Charliecondou or condom no offence x
Charliecondou: @toppingl that's what @msm4rsh calls me
MIKEYBUCKLEY: @Charliecondou @brianfruity I think you look like a Consuela.
Charliecondou: @MIKEYBUCKLEY I like it
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I call you dick. Does that help? X
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason you joke but my Mum actually does call me Dick. It's a whole Famous Five story, I'll tell you another time
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou I'm not joking. But I call you that because you are one. Where are you this week? X
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason Manchester. But I'm breaking friends with you so it doesn't matter.
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou haha. Good luck with that. The difference between a friend and a stalker is ONE UNRETURNED PHONECALL. xx
Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason haha see you Sunday! #forgottorsvp
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou the naming ceremony is quite formal and starts at 2. Carnage from then on xx
jadakaz: @Charliecondou how's it going chuckles?
Charliecondou: @jadakaz I like it!
MIKEYBUCKLEY: @Charliecondou Consuela Condou it is then x
Charliecondou: @MIKEYBUCKLEY I suddenly feel like Gloria in Modern Family
marcooth: @Charliecondou I cal you Chucklebunny.
Charliecondou: @marcooth but only in the bedroom
marcooth: @Charliecondou Ssssssh. Don't tell EVERYONE.
Charliecondou: Please let this one stick RT @leejonathan: @charliecondou or chaka
leejonathan: @charliecondou chaka khandou
MIKEYBUCKLEY: @Charliecondou you're so versatile
Charliecondou: @MIKEYBUCKLEY it has been said
SonikBoomBoy: @Charliecondou I call you something else beginning with C.
Charliecondou: @SonikBoomBoy yes Chirp, but I rarely answer you #trynottotalktothecrew
SonikBoomBoy: @Charliecondou oh I don't call you it to your face! #toomuchlikehardwork
amyp1305: @Charliecondou Chazza? Char? Che? C-dog?
Charliecondou: @amyp1305 oh I like C-Dog
ChasCondouFans: @Charliecondou Chas is the official shorthand for Charles as is Thos for for Thomas - you silly William!
mouthwaite: @Charliecondou goodnight Charlotte! X
Charliecondou: @mouthwaite it has a ring to it I think
mouthwaite: @Charliecondou love it!
stephanie_todd_: @Charliecondou I love you on corrie, if you tweet me back it would make revision soo much easier!x
Charliecondou: @stephanie_todd_ get off twitter and do some bloody homework!
Charliecondou: @msm4rsh RT @BigBoyler: About 5% of men have a severely curved penis. Now there might be a cure - click link ” - Banana hammock?
NatalieGumede: “@CoroStreetBlog: Corrie hunks sign new contracts #corrie” @alanhalsall you're a hunk!
Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede @CoroStreetBlog @alanhalsall hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou really ??? That funny ?? That hurts !! Xx
Charliecondou: @alanhalsall it was the photo comparing ryan in a towel covered in baby oil with you in a vest mid-gurn
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou I'm sexy and I know it !!!
NatalieGumede: @Charliecondou @alanhalsall well let's face it, both this pics are out of date ;)
Charliecondou: @NatalieGumede @alanhalsall they were both very big gay icons in the early 90s
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou @nataliegumede gotta love the pink pound !!
JOJEHARVEY: @alanhalsall @charliecondou @nataliegumede WTF?? You've taken a pink pounding?
alanhalsall: @JOJEHARVEY @charliecondou @nataliegumede here he is lowering the bloody tone !! Xx
JOJEHARVEY: @alanhalsall @charliecondou @nataliegumede whaddanaccusation'
NatalieGumede: @alanhalsall @jojeharvey @charliecondou and you wouldn't know anything about that, would you Alan? ;)
jamielomas1: Omg look at the new addition to the family my baby niece Elkie, so cute
Charliecondou: @jamielomas1 that photo is hilarious!! Polly looks pissed!
jamielomas1: @Charliecondou haha,how are you pal x
Charliecondou: @jamielomas1 I'm good mate, you ok?
jamielomas1: @Charliecondou yes mate,you need to come round for your tea this week x
Charliecondou: @jamielomas1 sounds good to me!
francesbarber13: I love the Irish socks. #girltweet
Charliecondou: @francesbarber13 I love the Irish thighs #gaytweet
francesbarber13: @Charliecondou hahaha
welsh_gas_doc: @Charliecondou @francesbarber13 "When Irish thighs are smiling…." *pours another glass of wine*
thegarethmclean: Now reaching epic proportions: my list of People I'd Like to See Choke on Their Own Smugness.
Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean I'm on that list aren't I?
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou That would be telling. You have to wait for publication like everyone else...
Charliecondou: My daughter told me she did a fart earlier. I said, "Really sweetheart?". She said, "Yes, but I didn't follow through". #imuststoptalking
Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou If only all men could do the same the world would be a nicer smelling place! ;) xx
Emmiesmc: @Charliecondou haha my daughter turned to me earlier and said mummy I have hairy legs just like you!!!!!!!
Charliecondou: @Emmiesmc lol
MrMattLister: @Charliecondou HA she definately sounds like me n her would get on like a house on fire ;-) hope youre well stranger
Charliecondou: @MrMattLister very well matey, you ok?
MrMattLister: @Charliecondou yeah not too bad. Just trying to catch up on desperate housewives while @murray_webber trims his beard. Exciting sunday! ;-)
Charliecondou: @MrMattLister @murray_webber my word, he's a handsome chap!
MrMattLister: @Charliecondou @murray_webber he's not just a pretty face either :-) im a very lucky boy woop! You had a good weekend?
Charliecondou: @MrMattLister @murray_webber very good ta, on the train to Manchester now :-(
MrMattLister: @Charliecondou @murray_webber aahh booo. I'm back off up to Notts tomorrow too when the husband heads off to work at 4am :-(
brianfruity: @Charliecondou will this be on your father’s day list next week lol
Charliecondou: @brianfruity haha obviously
brianfruity: @Charliecondou how did I know lol
leejonathan: do any gays like football?
Charliecondou: @leejonathan I do! Oh wait, I thought you said macramé
leejonathan: @charliecondou if only there was a macrame marathon on somewhere. *sulks*
Charliecondou: @leejonathan sing it sister!
ryanjamesthomas: Thank u to everyone at home for my birthday tweets & text love u all very much u no who u are x #luckyguy #blessed
Charliecondou: @ryanjamesthomas happy birthday big boy xxx
BobbieeLeighx: Just seen @Charliecondou down Angel!
LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou Mr Condou, how are you, hopefully see you soon!
Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 yes! When are you coming up??
BoyGeorge: The original message!! Love it!!
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