My son sent me this animated GIF for the blog. He said that I wouldn't be able to resist putting it up for others to see. He was right.


Charliecondou: @michkeegan make us a brew

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou MINE! MINE! MINE!!!!!!! #terribletwos

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma I blame the parents

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou I blame the vodka

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma I KNEW she was drunk! #pissedmidget

Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou she's always drunk. #boozebritain
Charliecondou: RT @DiversityRM: @Charliecondou Our CEO Suran is raising last minute £ for DRM in London marathon. Let's show her some support!

jackjpridmore: @Charliecondou Thought you were amazing as Jonatton Yeah? made me laugh weekly. Well played, sir #peaceandfucking

Charliecondou: @jackjpridmore excellent. Thank you


susankilkenny: @Charliecondou Really enjoyed you on with @SeanMoncrieff t'other day. Long (long) time Corrie fan. Glad you're back as Marcus :)

Charliecondou: @susankilkenny @SeanMoncrieff thanks very much x

PeteLordAardman: Late-night chocolate rewards wise, this is getting better and better.
My son sent me this animated GIF for the blog. He said that I wouldn't be able to resist putting it up for others to see. He was right.


Charliecondou: @michkeegan make us a brew
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou MINE! MINE! MINE!!!!!!! #terribletwos

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma I blame the parents
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou I blame the vodka

Charliecondou: @Jennyfremma I KNEW she was drunk! #pissedmidget
Jennyfremma: @Charliecondou she's always drunk. #boozebritain

Charliecondou: RT @DiversityRM: @Charliecondou Our CEO Suran is raising last minute £ for DRM in London marathon. Let's show her some support!
jackjpridmore: @Charliecondou Thought you were amazing as Jonatton Yeah? made me laugh weekly. Well played, sir #peaceandfucking

Charliecondou: @jackjpridmore excellent. Thank you
susankilkenny: @Charliecondou Really enjoyed you on with @SeanMoncrieff t'other day. Long (long) time Corrie fan. Glad you're back as Marcus :)
Charliecondou: @susankilkenny @SeanMoncrieff thanks very much x

PeteLordAardman: Late-night chocolate rewards wise, this is getting better and better.

PeteLordAardman: Mm. 6 pillows AND 2 chocolates. Good choc/ pillow ratio here.

Tom_In_Oz_: @PeteLordAardman was up for the first time today in a month. I am finished my bed tour of pillows now graduated to lounge cushions. Yay! See my fluffy cushions not quite as special as yours but close!

PeteLordAardman: @Tom_In_Oz_ oh no! Now we're exchanging images of soft furnishing!
Tom_In_Oz_: @PeteLordAardman this is what real men do on Twitter ya know x
Fox_Mullder: @Tom_In_Oz_ your tweets are funny

russwrightfla: @Confidential_CC hey...glad to see ur getting out and abt again. xo
Bootz01: @Confidential_CC What's a "real man?" & we're a bit behind on Corrie. Right now Becky has just got Tracy's medical records.
Tom_In_Oz_: #HBTY dear @michaelbosc

michaelbosc: @Tom_In_Oz_ how did you know can’t see the camera lol x
Tom_In_Oz_: @michaelbosc I'm not slightly psychic for nothing ya know

michaelbosc: @Tom_In_Oz_ damn I'll have to change my day now lol if your slightly psychic how will I do in the competition do I need to practice
Tom_In_Oz_: @michaelbosc no - not if you intend to lose!!!

david_kirwan: I am going to do a #twitter cull of people who are not following, I am going to leave @Confidential_CC as I like his tweets

Confidential_CC: @david_kirwan Hi Dave thanks. I run @Charliecondou’s blog under 4 Twitter names so I try to follow as many ppl as I can x x x x x x x

david_kirwan: @Confidential_CC @charliecondou that must keep you busy

Confidential_CC: @david_kirwan it's a lot of typing & copying tweets but hey @charliecondou is worth it. According to @AubreyEMiller he's a bit of alright!
Charliecondou: RT @planetjedward: Be vewy, vewy quiet we think we just saw tweety bird! I tot I taw a puddy cat! hey tweety bird we are not cats we are twins! meow!

Jonesyinc1: On my way to London hoping to catch up with my buddies @therealdavewest @i_warrior @grooming_guru @captain_carr0t

Confidential_CC: @Jonesyinc1 Son, watch out for this one >>>> @therealdavewest <<< he's not the real one HAVE FUN x

Jonesyinc1: @Confidential_CC @therealdavewest I've heard he was? I'm shocked!

therealdavewest: @Jonesyinc1 @confidential_cc my secret has been rumbled !!

Confidential_CC: @Jonesyinc1 Son. my ESP is never wrong! He's not the original but he is best >>> @therealdavewest

therealdavewest: @Confidential_CC @jonesyinc1 you're only saying that as you know I'm a massive #Corrie fan :-)

Jonesyinc1: @therealdavewest @confidential_cc lol!!! Cx

Confidential_CC: @therealdavewest < < yep #massive but I'm not talking Corrie anymore! @jonesyinc1

therealdavewest: @Confidential_CC @jonesyinc1 :-) *looks shocked & surprised* lol


rudehamster: @AWOLTom If Charlie can persuade the gorgeous Jedward to get their kit off & cuddle up close to this hamster, I shall start to watch Corrie.
AWOLTom: @rudehamster Charlie retweeted the Jedwards yesterday that's as close as he gets

rudehamster: @AWOLTom @AWOLTom Damn, damn, damn....
Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean are we on for tonight?
thegarethmclean: @Charliecondou Yes indeed! Looking forward to seeing you.
Charliecondou: @thegarethmclean ditto!
meamandamealing: @Charliecondou You around this weekend? Coming down with boys. Want to see the kids. Xx
Charliecondou: @meamandamealing I'm away all weekend! Are we going to see @misscherrylala with Andi and @Shmouise ???
meamandamealing: @Charliecondou @misscherrylala @shmouise Oh God yes!! Xx
Charliecondou: @misscherrylala please will you do "Germ free adolescent"? And gigolo while you sing
Shmouise: My last day of Corrie conference. Emotional.

debbie_rush: @Shmouise :-( xxx
Charliecondou: @debbie_rush you looked unbelievably fit in your costume yesterday lady! I may now be on the turn
GriffRowland: @Charliecondou @debbie_rush that's just a 'may', note.
Charliecondou: @GriffRowland @debbie_rush you'd turn too Griff, if you'd seen her!
GriffRowland: @Charliecondou @debbie_rush I already have a secret crush that lady!

debbie_rush: @GriffRowland @Charliecondou you know boys I am a little in love with you both :-))) xxx
Charliecondou: @Shmouise @GriffRowland @jojeharvey @debbie_rush She's not really leaving. I managed to talk her out of it. Plus Annie won't cope

Confidential_CC: @debbie_rush Latest post:

debbie_rush: @Confidential_CC hi x

Confidential_CC: @debbie_rush Deb when I send you a link to the blog it's to let you know you got blogged today. #ServiceAnnouncement

Simonablake: @PaulBurston column on equal marriage in today's @TimeOutLondon hits the nail on the head as far i am concerned

CCsw19: @Simonablake @timeoutlondon @PaulBurston...we're a married couple not a firm of solicitors
PaulBurston: @GaydarRadio @CCsw19 @Simonablake @timeoutlondon I thank you! I'm here every night. Try the shrimp!
GaydarRadio: @PaulBurston LOL!! #NeverTouchPrawns x
PaulBurston: @GaydarRadio "Do you know they hang around sewage outlet pipes treading water with their mouths open? They LOVE it!"#NeverTouchPrawns
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston @GaydarRadio I do that
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou @GaydarRadio why doesn't that surprise me? That Sue Cleaver warned me about you, our Charlie!
Charliecondou: @PaulBurston haha, if only she was coming to Brussels!
PaulBurston: @Charliecondou Thank god she's not! Imagine the damage! I'm still recovering from last night. Trust her to know the owner of the bar!

mrchrissullivan: Just did 1st leg of commute, stood on train with my crotch in some guys face. Just realised flies undone- #whoops #luckypassenger

Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan Christopher, do you often stand in front of 76 year old men with your fly open? #only-told-us-half-the-story

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ yep ;0)

mrchrissullivan: Just did 1st leg of commute, stood on train with my crotch in some guys face. Just realised flies undone- #whoops #luckypassenger
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan Christopher, do you often stand in front of 76 year old men with your fly open? #only-told-us-half-the-story

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ yep ;0)

Confidential_CC: Ma has been busy making decorations for a Christening cake.

dold87 : @Confidential_CC Now that is a work of art!

Confidential_CC: @dold87 She's spent ages making all the little flowers and painting them, then pasting them bit by bit with sugar paste.... Tres yum.

Kissinthebudgie: @Confidential_CC that is impressive, artistic and so tasteful.

Confidential_CC: @Kissinthebudgie Ma is trying for a look from the 1930s like an old fashioned children's book illustration. I think she's the cake DaVinci.

Kissinthebudgie: @Confidential_CC it does look like a 1930's illustration. A success.

walabytrack: @AWOLTom That's a top Job of Deco Tom!

dold87: @Confidential_CC Yummy indeed!

Angela_Griffin: Topshop has made me feel old
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin I had the very same thought as I tried to get into a pair of skinny jeans in topman. We're old Ange!!

Angela_Griffin: @Charliecondou oh!Hoped everyone would argueand say I wasn't old, turns out the general consensus is... I am. *reaches for the botox*
Charliecondou: I pressed the iTunes button on my phone instead of the contacts by mistake and for a moment wondered why I had Kanye West's number
realsamia: Ha! @Charliecondou it really wouldn't surprise me if you DID have Kanye Wests' number!! Cu t'night shoot.. Xx
Charliecondou: @realsamia don't be ridiculous babe. I only have his email
shebahronay: @Charliecondou I'd believe you if you said you did
Charliecondou: @shebahronay I don't. I did have Ice T's for a brief period though
randiintoronto: @Charliecondou Flippin' awesome move. Thanks for making me smile......a Corrie fan in Toronto. I hope you're on forever.
Charliecondou: @randiintoronto thanks!
randiintoronto: @Charliecondou Corrie on CBC daily then rewatch ours AND Brit eps on u tube bcuz ur MONTHS ahead of us.Does that make me a Corrie whore?
sandiemcdonald1: @Charliecondou marcus dent is now on twitter LOVE IT xx
susankilkenny: @SeanMoncrieff Loving @Confidential_CC on with you. Big #corrie fan. I watched it before any of them gay lads lived there ;-)

TheRealMcCoy_31: @Charliecondou You were quality in Nathan Barley. Jonatton Yeah? was genius!

Charliecondou: @TheRealMcCoy_31 thanks muchly

SeanMoncrieff: On the show today: Gina Menzies; Irish POWs in Japanese camps; the Irish film archive; Ireland's unknown scientist; Charlie Condou of Corrie

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou “@SeanMoncrieff: On the show today: Irish POWs in Japanese camps; Ireland's unknown scientist; Charlie Condou of Corrie”

qualitystweet: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou @SeanMoncrieff surely you mean Charlie Condou of Nathan Barley?! :)

gillywalshy: @Charliecondou ' borrowing ' a toothbrush ?? Think ur in denial curry breath !!!! X

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy hahahaha

gillywalshy: Just walked into work and god it stinks of curry in ere!!.. Is that you ?? @Charliecondou thanks mate !! LOL

Charliecondou: You need to wash more

SeanMoncrieff: On the show today: Gina Menzies; Irish POWs in Japanese camps; the Irish film archive; Ireland's unknown scientist; Charlie Condou of Corrie

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou “@SeanMoncrieff: On the show today: Irish POWs in Japanese camps; Ireland's unknown scientist; Charlie Condou of Corrie”
qualitystweet: @Confidential_CC @Charliecondou @SeanMoncrieff surely you mean Charlie Condou of Nathan Barley?! :)
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou ' borrowing ' a toothbrush ?? Think ur in denial curry breath !!!! X
Charliecondou: @gillywalshy hahahaha
gillywalshy: Just walked into work and god it stinks of curry in ere!!.. Is that you ?? @Charliecondou thanks mate !! LOL

Charliecondou: You need to wash more
TheRealMcCoy_31: @Charliecondou You were quality in Nathan Barley. Jonatton Yeah? was genius!

Charliecondou: @TheRealMcCoy_31 thanks muchly
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