ConnerHabib: @Charliecondou @michkeegan face nipples?

Charliecondou: @ConnerHabib I imagine you wake up with cock imprints on your cheek
ConnerHabib: @Charliecondou when I fall asleep in my undressing room.
annekirkbride: @Charliecondou @michkeegan what or who on earth were you sleeping on michelle lol xxxxx
shebahronay: @Charliecondou that once happened to me (a thousand years ago in Mersey TV) and they BOLLOCKED me. Learnt me lesson.
Coppice83: @Charliecondou @michkeegan She fell asleep on a polo? I thought it was all razzlemattazz being soap stars, polo mints weren't expected lol!!
littlelisa34: @Charliecondou @michkeegan don't be coming in like this tomorrow morning for makeup! X

ClareMariscal: Fracking. Good word.
Cadrieu: @ClareMariscal @Charliecondou A great swear word substitute. ;)

Charliecondou: @Cadrieu @ClareMariscal I used it all the time as a swear word a few years back #battlestargalactica
charltonbrooker: Pretty sure 'fracking' is what causes the zombie outbreak in the film Living Dead at the Manchester Morgue

Charliecondou: @charltonbrooker it's how Battlestar Galactica got round saying "fuck"
charltonbrooker: @Charliecondou They should've had a word for 'cunt' too. Maybe 'qunt'.
stuartsandford: Blast from the past... - Untitled, 2008 by Stuart Sandford

Charliecondou: @stuartsandford beautiful!
stuartsandford: @Charliecondou thanks man :)
LukeeyThomas: @Charliecondou. I have a picture of you from a while ago, want to see?

Charliecondou: @LukeeyThomas sure!
LukeeyThomas: @Charliecondou. This was ages ago, can you remember?

Charliecondou: @LukeeyThomas no, where was it taken?
LukeeyThomas: @Charliecondou went to see mastermind ages ago with school and I saw you and I was like 'arghh your on corrie!' #embarrassment. ohh in manchester studios to answer the question
HylandIan: To all One Direction fans currently clogging up Twitter: It's six minutes to bed time. Come on, pyjamas on.

Charliecondou: @HylandIan hahaha
HylandIan: @Charliecondou Cheers. Just realised it may sound a bit pervy to the wrong ears.

Charliecondou: @HylandIan HAHAHAHAHAHA
HylandIan: @Charliecondou I mean, my bed's pretty big but...

Charliecondou: @HylandIan if I get one more tweet about Harry in his fucking pants I'm going to properly kick off

brassingtonc: Nearly time... #cleareyesfullheartscantlose

Charliecondou: @brassingtonc is this about Supersize vs Superskinny?

brassingtonc: @Charliecondou how did you see through my faux-machismo so easily?!

Charliecondou: Someone needs a bikini wax! #supersize

Charliecondou: @MrMattLister I can't finish my cottage pie! This is your fault @DoctorChristian
MrMattLister: @Charliecondou @doctorchristian tell me about it, we just had cottage and shephards pie too. All gone to waste! (bring on the krispykremes!)
DoctorChristian: @MrMattLister @Charliecondou sorry boys but its for your own good ;-) x

Charliecondou: @DoctorChristian @MrMattLister I can't decide whether to have a banana or a cake for pud. Fuck it, I'll have both #compromise
MrMattLister: @DoctorChristian @charliecondou think you'll find i will never be getting to that point with my training schedule!! ;-) ha x
fleetstreetfox: @Charliecondou @doctorchristian @mrmattlister I'm having Jaffa cakes. That's chocolate, carbs AND oranges. WIN.

Charliecondou: @fleetstreetfox @doctorchristian @mrmattlister that's at least two of your five a day
fleetstreetfox: @Charliecondou @doctorchristian @mrmattlister if I add wine it'll be three

Charliecondou: RT @JohnnyThomson2: 10pm tonight History ,Watch - No County for Old men or #NCFOM. It will definitely tickle your fancy.
JohnnyThomson2: @Charliecondou Thanks for the RT Charlie . X

Charliecondou: @JohnnyThomson2 no prob fella, sorry I don't have the channel to watch it x
thefacebaby: @Charliecondou R u free friday this week to support us at the oliver smith appeal garage nite great dj mc and celebs http://bit.ly/xK2yg8

Charliecondou: @thefacebaby I'd love to but I'm away! Sorry
thefacebaby: @Charliecondou oh that's a shame would of been great for u to join us, do u know anyway else that would it so send them to me please. Xx

Confidential_CC: I know the answer!!! @DoctorChristian @Charliecondou
Here's a video called "The Answer (Should I Tie A Yellow Ribbon)."
This is a reworked 12" version. The original 1973 Connie Francis single has only ever appeared on the South African CD called "A Lifetime Of Love."
The 12" was remixed and extended by Tom Mix Music Australia.

Charliecondou: RT @DiversityRM:
@Charliecondou Know a school that might like a visit from our
homophobia-busting role models?! Send them a link: http://t.co/Z5YIpn5k
fountain1987: Quick @Nandos_Official
for lunch with @Charliecondou!
rawedge: gents, reccomendations please for top notch hairdresser/barbers in London

Charliecondou: @rawedge you need @JoeandCoSoho

davidwhittam: @rawedge @Charliecondou I can also recommend @JoeandCoSoho It's unfortunately out of my price range now though.
rawedge: @davidwhittam @Charliecondou @JoeandCoSoho oooh it does look good. I am looking for a treat so that looks like it could be the place

Charliecondou: RT @TheCowlicker: The biggest difference between men and women is what comes to mind when you say the word 'facial'.
mancbabe: Just seen @Charliecondou & #stella with sunglasses on.....it's not sunny :p

Charliecondou: @mancbabe that's because we're both twats ;-)
mancbabe: @Charliecondou you both looked lovely. The last time I seen u we were in #lapland without sunglasses lol x
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