tomcarter802: @Charliecondou glad to see you back on our screens ;)
Charliecondou: @tomcarter802 Glad to be back x
judge ye NOT
stephen_hagan: Is it bad that I love OOPS TV? #guiltypleasure
Confidential_CC: @stephen_hagan I assume it's a bloopers show that we don't have in Oz? If so then I can't judge. I'm not judgemental most of the time anyway
stephen_hagan: @Confidential_CC thank you
simonfromgosh: Strangely excited about return of great british bake-off tonight

Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh ooooh, I loved that show! What time??
simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou 8 o'clock beeb 2 x

HRWright: HOW gorgeous is Ian on Great British Bake-off? I'd pipe his cream filling etc etc.
ProudHoldenite: Met @Charliecondou today :) he was really nice xxx
Confidential_CC: @officialolivier I am gonna blog that holiday pic of you and Ryan soon because we nee more beefcake... and @CharlieCondou is refusing to strip for the blog !!!

Charliecondou: @officialolivier Wow. They could actually be twins

officialolivier: @Charliecondou i've booked myself in for wednesday. #ureallythinkihadtobook xx
Charliecondou: RT @LFBaxter: Top notch photo exhibition this week in Manchester...
meganwalley: @Charliecondou It's my birthday and I'm celebrating in Turkey! Any chance of a happy birthday tweet? :)

Charliecondou: @meganwalley happy birthday x

Gailporter: Hi Everyone, I'm back and looking forward to your tweets!

Charliecondou: @Gailporter Hey doll, how you doing? X
KateeFordd: Aww, nice texting war between me and my mum.... X

Charliecondou: Just spoken to her, @KateeFordd is a fake account
KateeFordd: @Charliecondou No you have not just spoken to me at all!! I will give u a pic of my phone history Charlie!!

Charliecondou: @KateeFordd you're right, I haven't spoken to you. I've spoken to the real Kate Ford. I have no idea who you are
KateeFordd: @Charliecondou I am the real kate ford, so how can you prove your real then huh, come on charlie. Ill be having words with you
Confidential_CC: Hello @KateeFordd I was just looking at my time line and realised you are speaking with the fake @Charliecondou x
Nut Job
kazzysoaplover: Confirmed as fake by @Charliecondou @kateefordd is a fake not hard to believe lol
RealJohnStape: @AlisonShields @Charliecondou confirmed @KateeFordd wasn't real. And anyway how comes you can't tell? It seems obvious to me.
KateeFordd: @RealJohnStape Charlie Condou doesn't have twitter and neither does Paula Lane! I will prove I am real with a picture
RealJohnStape: @AlisonShields @charliecondou @kateefordd look at the reply she just sent to me. Whoever she is, she seems like a nutjob.
AlisonShields: @RealJohnStape @charliecondou @kateefordd I concede she is a nut job. Thanks guys :-)
RobOnTheRock: @Charliecondou Canada is only up to October 2010 on Corrie. Can't wait for the return of Marcus!
RobOnTheRock: @Charliecondou Been watching Corrie for 30 years and the only characters I couldn't bear to see leave were Hilda Ogden and Marcus Dent.

Charliecondou: @RobOnTheRock Hahaha fantastic! Thanks for saying x
Gatz77: I clicked on the wrong button and almost came in my pants when I thought @Charliecondou was following me!!!!

Charliecondou: @Gatz77 I am now x
SachaLParkinson: Nightttt famalammm! Scripts to learn! (I love my job, thank youu!) :')

Charliecondou: @SachaLParkinson See you tomorrow kid x
twinsmum67: Think boys will be entertained for rest of holiday. Thanks @Charliecondou xx

Charliecondou: @twinsmum67 Just got your message, they are so welcome! Get them to call me tomorrow afternoon; Im in the middle of bath/bedtime now xxx
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