Wednesday, July 20, 2011


(PART 3)

Charliecondou: RT @Maxeesmith: @Charliecondou loving his massage n cocktails!! ;) x

Charliecondou: I've got a hot date tonight with @Maxeesmith I wonder if she'll put out

Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou @Maxeesmith I bet she does lol xx

TheCowlicker: #everybodyhasthat1follower That you'd shag.

Charliecondou: @TheCowlicker who's yours?

bainser: @Charliecondou @TheCowlicker only the one?

TheCowlicker: @Charliecondou No comment! ;)

Charliecondou: @bainser @TheCowlicker I have at least 21,000

bainser: @Charliecondou @TheCowlicker thus leaving just under 37 true mingers!

TheCowlicker: @bainser @charliecondou Lol!

Charliecondou: @bainser that's right. And my family

droobloo: I'm here for five mins, ask me anything!!

Charliecondou: @droobloo what are you doing in 5 mins?

droobloo: @Charliecondou heading home from the gymn, congrats on you're new baby :) couldn't happen to a nicer guy

Charliecondou: @droobloo thank you muchly x

deanpiper: Made it to Tower Bridge and back. 8.8k with Ryan the PT God. #virginactivelondontriathlon

Charliecondou: @deanpiper Nice guns x

do you want frY-UPs with that?

alexpvfc1: @Charliecondou Remember me from earlier pal? You ok? Congrats btw :) x

Charliecondou: @alexpvfc1 cheers mate x

Charliecondou: @Bennielawrence cheers doll x

Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou your welcome Mr C xx

streetworker01: @Charliecondou Glad you made it. Lovely to see you! x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 oh god, my head etc

streetworker01: @Charliecondou Ditto! x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 Yes but you didn't have to get on a bus back to Manchester. I feel dead

scott_mills: Bi and large

LordBrownof: @scott_mills is that your Grindr profile description?

Charliecondou: @LordBrownof @scott_mills hahaha

Charliecondou: Too much beer then woken up too bloody early by a noisy @AndrewLancel Fry up

AndrewLancel: @Charliecondou I was quiet as a mouse. I actually redecorated the kitchen whilst you slept.

AlanCarr: @Charliecondou ooh yes please x

Charliecondou: @AlanCarr it's the ONLY thing to get rid of a hangover. That and a wank

Charliecondou: RT @MissCharleyWebb: It's raining! X

MissCharleyWebb: Me and @msm4rsh are tired! We had a lovely night though. @Charliecondou we miss YOU already! X

Charliecondou: @msm4rsh @MissCharleyWebb I am SO HUNGOVER

Hemmo: Is it warm enough for a t shirt in London?

Charliecondou: @Hemmo no

Charliecondou: RT @PatrickStrud: No one tell Brian Sewell that EastEnders is about to get another gay character. He might spontaneously combust.

sarahchurchwell: @PatrickStrud @Charliecondou Isn't that reason enough to tell him?

PatrickStrud: @sarahchurchwell @Charliecondou Sarah! I think perhaps it should be whispered to him while he's sedated. Otherwise there'd be a right mess.

sarahchurchwell: @PatrickStrud @Charliecondou Fair point. Possibly he should also be floating in a pool? Less risk of the fire spreading & harming others...

PatrickStrud: @sarahchurchwell @Charliecondou This is all conjuring Michael Barrymore associations. I find this traumatic.

sarahchurchwell: @PatrickStrud @Charliecondou Yes that did occur to me after I hit send ... *oops face*


Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou congratulations on the baby news that's amazing !! Xx

Tom_In_Oz_: @Bennielawrence did you see all the tweets

Bennielawrence: @Tom_In_Oz_ I've seen great work xx

Tom_In_Oz_: @Bennielawrence I blog for two amazing boys @Charliecondou and @russelltovey My job is easy because both are so well loved by all x

Bennielawrence: @Tom_In_Oz_ @charliecondou @russelltovey yeah there both very sweet im lucky to know them both xx

davidkester67: Beautiful.....!!

Charliecondou: @davidkester67 Beautiful! Congrats xxx

holymoly: Just saw the new BB presenter in reception along with ONE of the people we interviewed at the auditions here:… WHICH ONE?

rickedwards1: @holymoly go on then, be a sport and DM me who it is.

Charliecondou: @rickedwards1 @holymoly me too

rickedwards1: @Charliecondou @holymoly yes, please give into this pressure.

QXMagazine: @Charliecondou Congrats on your upcoming bundle of joy, sir. We're already wetting the baby's head here at QX Towers #anyexcuse

Charliecondou: @QXMagazine haha ta very much x

Charliecondou: Lost in Leeds with @missmcollins

Cath_Tyldesley: @Charliecondou @missmcollins tell mum to use a tom tom!

Charliecondou: @Cath_Tyldesley we are!!

Above: Charlie *thinks* I wonder what happens when I push this button?

Charliecondou: @LaurenShippey can I come to your engagement party? @JackPShepherd88

JackPShepherd88: RT @Charliecondou: can I come to your engagement party? <<<< didn't u get the invite I sent ya ?! Weird...

Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 twat

JackPShepherd88: RT @Charliecondou: twat <<<< have u only just realised

Confidential_CC: ERM, JUST HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU SAY TWAT ON A "G" RATED BLOG? via @Confidential_CC @CharlieCondou @JackPShepherd88

JackPShepherd88: RT @Confidential_CC: ERM, JUST HOW MANY TIMES CAN YOU SAY TWAT ON A "G" RATED BLOG? via @CharlieCondou <<<< alot, why ?

Confidential_CC: @JackPShepherd88 @CharlieCondou Well we could set a new world record then....on your mark, get set, TWAT x

LaurenShippey: @Charliecondou of course! Jack posted you an invite! Will be lovely to see you and congratulations!! X

Charliecondou: @LaurenShippey Ask him what happened to my invite!!

JackPShepherd88: @Charliecondou for god sake I've explained everything to u all ready stop asking other people now it's embarrassing (kiss kiss)

Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 I'm having my own engagement party on the 9th. You're invited as Su Pollards plus one

LaurenShippey: @Charliecondou Haha! He's winding you up! You deffo have one because I wrote it along with the others! Looking forward to seeing you. x

@LaurenShippey you know it's not too late to leave him! @JackPShepherd88

JackPShepherd88: @Charliecondou Oi ! Charlie cantdou! Less of that or u WILL be going to ur sisters birthday haha

Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 I'm coming to your party and I'm bringing my ENTIRE FAMILY

JackPShepherd88: @Charliecondou ur family are invited they all have an invite #unlikesome

Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 Hahaha you're such an arse

Charliecondou: @MissCharleyWebb are you going to the ITV thing tonight?

MissCharleyWebb: @Charliecondou yes my little sweethead! Kym is coming to mine and coming with me! Are you going? X

Charliecondou: @MissCharleyWebb YES!

emmafreud: Oh... My uncle lucian has died. Oh.

Charliecondou: @emmafreud oh goodness Emma I'm so sorry x

Charliecondou: RT @shebahronay: RIP Lucien Freud - inspirational artist

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