Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Charlie, Cameron and Katherine await the arrival a son, and brother for Georgia. Baby Condou is expected in January 2012.
Above: Charlie Condou (photo courtesy of Alex Grace Photography).
Below: Dr.Cameron Laux (photo courtesy of Charlie Condou).

Charliecondou: I'm having another baby! Can't wait, though it took me ages to get my figure back last time

nannyhollyrixon: @Charliecondou congratulations!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Please pass on to Cameron, Katherine and Georgia!!! X

Charliecondou: ta xxx

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou is that it back now then? X

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason what?

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou your figure.

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason *crosses the name Wendy off the list*

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou it's Max's sports day today if you fancy standing in a field in the pissing rain. Bring your iPod and pretend it's Lovebox.

Charliecondou: @Wendy_Wason haha I'd love to (lie) but I'm in Manchester

MrMatthewTodd: @Charliecondou wahoo that's wonderful! Congrats! Xxx

Charliecondou: @MrMatthewTodd ta love x

Charliecondou: Oh, and we're having a boy. Can anyone think of good names?

edgarwright: @Charliecondou Plantagenet. Do it! #AlsoCongrats

Charliecondou: @edgarwright you don't think that's too common?

edgarwright: @Charliecondou Plantagenet Condou. Not at all.

Charliecondou: @edgarwright it goes really well with our middle name Jeanette

beckyboogray: @Charliecondou Best name Charlie. That's my sons name! Second best Jude!!

Charliecondou: @beckyboogray Jude's on the list already x

beckyboogray: @Charliecondou btw We met thru Bella... Hen and wedding

Charliecondou: @beckyboogray ah, hello!

FatPooftah: @Charliecondou Wilf, Buster, Albert, Leo, Bert, Stan

Charliecondou: @FatPooftah I have suggested all of those names (except Leo) and ALL were rebuffed! We clearly have the same taste x

philreaysmith: @charliecondou Another one? Are you sure? Seriously, congratulations. x

Charliecondou: @philreaysmith yep. Here we go again....

Angela_Griffin: A little episode of Mildred Pierce me thinks. I'd quite like to be Kate Winslet when I grow up

Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin happy birthday tiger xx

lizmatthewspr: @Charliecondou you're having another bubba???!!

Charliecondou: @lizmatthewspr yes indeedy!!

tomgormer: @Charliecondou ATTICUS is a great name.

Charliecondou: @tomgormer one of my bessie mates just called her son Atticus

Gabby_Logan: @Charliecondou Congratulations - Huxley, Bertie, Malachy, Billy or Fred. Those are the names. Well done to you all x

Charliecondou: @Gabby_Logan oooh we have exactly the same taste in names! X

EmmaK67: @Charliecondou clever boy. This is the most thrilling news imaginable

Charliecondou: @EmmaK67 I know! I shall call him Clipboard, after you

EmmaK67: @Charliecondou I think this is the best idea you've ever had

simonfromgosh: @Charliecondou armistead 8

Charliecondou: @simonfromgosh lol

MrsLRCooper: @Charliecondou wilberforce or monty

Charliecondou: @MrsLRCooper Wilbur is on the list. Monty is too fucking posh

TracyAnnO: @Charliecondou congrats you! My very posh Hyacinth Bucket friend says ' never call them a below stairs name'... 'and it's loo not toilet'

Charliecondou: @TracyAnnO so Cellar Condou is out then?

TracyAnnO: @Charliecondou I like the aliteration

Charliecondou: @TracyAnnO Alliteration Condou!

TracyAnnO: @Charliecondou ... Hmmm think Cellar better.. Exciting

Charliecondou: Thanks for the name suggestions, I'm going to use all of them. He's due in January

hughbon: @Charliecondou Congrats. "Sue". Topical AND a Johnny Cash song for bedtimes.

Charliecondou: @hughbon Excellent! AND it rhymes with Condou #win

emmafreud: @Charliecondou aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Charliecondou: @emmafreud is that a boy's name?

emmafreud: @Charliecondou ps cooper condou? Kyle condou? Connor condou? Callum condou? Them is mmy faves.

Charliecondou: @emmafreud I like Kunte Kinte

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou how brilliant...congratulations...as for names I've always liked Dickon...from the secret garden

TracyAnnO: @alicearnold1 @Charliecondou I've always liked it too. Boy name of choice. Well done.

alicearnold1: @TracyAnnO @charliecondou or does he have to be named after where he was conceived..in which case Islington?

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 @TracyAnnO Test tube?

tracey_thorn: @Charliecondou Oh Charlie! I don't mean to get all Almaz on you, but You lucky lucky thing! xxx

Charliecondou: @tracey_thorn thanks love *puts Almaz on the list*

nikishisler: @Charliecondou Thank god it's 'out there'. I can stop staring at my feet when people ask if you're having any more. xx

Charliecondou: @nikishisler oh, I didn't know you knew

nikishisler: @Charliecondou Oh Bubby, I know EVERYTHING. Yes, you should be worried. (Call him Niki and my lips are sealed).

holymoly: @Charliecondou you stallion x

Charliecondou: @holymoly in SO many ways

nikishisler: @Charliecondou Ooh and you have my daughter on her way to see you. Be nice.

fatbrenda: @Charliecondou congratulations lovey! Belting news! xxxxxxx

Charliecondou: @fatbrenda cheers Bren x

WhichPennySmith: @Charliecondou Victor Lewis Smith once said I had more black roots than Kunta Kinte.

Charliecondou: @WhichPennySmith hahaha I love VLS for that

Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou CONGRATS am a bit late but been a long day back at school... I like "Aubrey Cameron Condou." My clairvoyant was right about you x

Charliecondou: RT @Corrie_Blogger: @Charliecondou New baby name suggestion - Halfpast Seven - which is the correct time that Corrie begins

HRWright: @Confidential_CC I know, isn't it lovely news? I'm hoping @Charliecondou will ask me to be a godparent...

demelza2: @Confidential_CC @charliecondou Cogratulations xxx

MargMolly: @Charliecondou @Confidential_CC Charlie, what lovely news.!! Congratulations to you all. Such Fun!! xx

KirstyLMitchell: @Charliecondou congrats angel. Gorgeous news. Xo

Charliecondou: @KirstyLMitchell cheers love xxx

FayRipley: @Charliecondou oh how fabulous. Lucky you. I love the name 'Lazer' ?

Charliecondou: @FayRipley perfect, though I'm favouring Murdoch at the mo #topical

_DanielRyan: @Charliecondou Huge congratifications ! What about Noah? *Can you tell me your name ? Noah Condou. I said can you tell me your name? ......*

Charliecondou: @_DanielRyan hahaha oh dear. *deletes Mount Pleasant from Sky plus*

hamish_brown: Do I need a base layer in July ffs......

Charliecondou: @hamish_brown ello mate. Long time!

hamish_brown: @Charliecondou loving the moniker, changing mine to photographer/father/twat :) how's tricks ?

Charliecondou: @hamish_brown All good mate, up in manchester doing corrie. You well?

Charliecondou: @littlelisa34 alright love? X

littlelisa34: @Charliecondou hi Charlie!!! I'm good.. I hear congratulations are in order.. Xx

Charliecondou: @littlelisa34 yes indeed!

crazyfred83: @charliecondou congratulations charlie, thats great news..i love the name noah for a boy :)

Charliecondou: @crazyfred83 Noah Condou? No can do

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou congratulations my love!! How wonderful...mine are called Victor and Louie...boys names are easier( we had no girls ones!) x

Charliecondou: @sally_lindsay Cheers doll, can't bloody wait x

sally_lindsay: @Charliecondou when is our little man due? X

Charliecondou: @sally_lindsay Jan 20!

fifi05: @Charliecondou Congratulations on your baby news :-) x x

Charliecondou: @fifi05 thanks x

Charliecondou: RT @caroldecker: God will you all knob off! I do not look like RB!!!!! You mother fuckers!!!

natasha_gordon: @Charliecondou congrats on your baby news - nice see some happy news on my feed today. My baby boy is called Seth :-) xx

Charliecondou: @natasha_gordon I love the name Seth

fenton-stevens: @Confidential_CC many congrats! X

SimonPRenwick: @Confidential_CC congrats. X

david_w_ross: @Confidential_CC that's lovely news!

Gay Corrie star Charlie Condou to be a dad again

Jul 19 2011


CORONATION Street star Charlie Condou is to be a father again.

The 38-year-old gay actor, who plays male nurse Marcus Dent in the Manchester-shot ITV soap, is expecting his second child with his female friend Catherine.

Corrie cast mate Kym Marsh revealed in her New!column: "My friend Charlie Condou... came to visit last week and told me some exciting news... He and his best friend Katherine are having another baby together."

Condou is already father to two-year-old daughter Georgia Mae, whom he brings up with Catherine, the girl's mother, and his boyfriend Cameron Laux.

Marsh said: "They already have a daughter, Georgia Mae, two, who splits her time between living with her mum and living with Charlie and his partner Cameron. I'm delighted for him!"

Condou's soap character is set to be involved in a same-sex parenting plotline with his screen boyfriend Sean Tully, played by Antony Cotton.

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