Charliecondou: Have we won yet? I was watching Glee #gayjustgotgayer
leejonathan: @charliecondou do you love santana? she's my favourite.
Charliecondou: @leejonathan Lebanese! Best gag of the episode
leejonathan: @charliecondou and she wore it *shed a tear*

Charliecondou: Bring back Sam Fox and Mick Fleetwood, all is forgiven
Charliecondou: Please let Portugal win
Andymerry: @Charliecondou please no.
Charliecondou: @Andymerry Andy they were the BEST as well you know
Andymerry: @Charliecondou see my previous comment. Brazil can't vote.. Why sing 'comedy' lyrics in a language no one understands & they can't vote 4 it
Charliecondou: Andymerry but they had SIGNS!!
Charliecondou: Are those two Louise Rednapp?
Andymerry: @Charliecondou if she was siamese spamheads... Yes! Ps I can't believe I'm both watching and commenting on #eurovision
Charliecondou: @Andymerry you realise if you stay with Cawood much longer you will actually turn gay
Andymerry: @Charliecondou I've just left @sarah_cawood ;-)
Charliecondou: @Andymerry hahahaha
male_Liz_Lemon: @Charliecondou More young Bree from Desperate Housewives!
lovedacraic: @Charliecondou what u talking about mate
LJDay: @Charliecondou looking hot in the new issue of @AttitudeMag
Charliecondou: @LJDay thanks lover. Wish you'd styled it. I wore my own clothes. Can you imagine my SHAME??
LJDay: @Charliecondou I remember the days fondly, when I'd get to put you in a revealing designer top
Charliecondou: @LJDay halcyon days!
Charliecondou: I love @sarajcox
t0mk1ng: @Charliecondou jinx! said it at the same time! (well not quite) but I agree.
sarajcox: @Charliecondou omg was so bananas! Shambolic but fun x
Charliecondou: @sarajcox You were AMAZE!
tonytonyknight: @Charliecondou what language is she speaking ??
Charliecondou: @tonytonyknight no idea!
fountain1987: RT @jessica_ebony_x: Massive week for 141 girls this week! Dancing for Will.i.am, jay-z and wiz kalifahhh! #141girls
Charliecondou: @fountain1987 Did you lock the top drawer? I can't open it!
fountain1987: @Charliecondou no mate! I opened the 2nd one down but that's all...
Charliecondou: @fountain1987 the mystery continues!! It was Roy from costume who put the sticker on, but nobody seems to have a key. It's only got socks in
Charliecondou: @fountain1987 and fanmail obviously
zzpete: @Charliecondou @fountain1987 loads of fan mail thats why it wont open lol
abbeymcw: Hi @Charliecondou its my birthday today so please could i have just 1 tiny tweet? xxxxxxxx
Charliecondou: @abbeymcw happy birthday x
Charliecondou: You mean I'm watching eurovision HEATS??? Oh FFS!
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY you're creamin your knickers about now aren't you
Charliecondou: Creme Brûlée were robbed @Markgatiss
jobeyG: @Charliecondou its TUESDAY Charlie, how could a thing as vital as #eurovision be on a TUESDAY?#youllbewalkingfortitswhenfinalon
Charliecondou: @jobeyG I know what was I THINKING!
MrDuncanJames: Can't believe Norway didn't go through!!!
Charliecondou: @MrDuncanJames I'm confused. How come you were already through?
Charliecondou: Right, bed. I need to look pretty for @reallorraine tomorrow x
hoggle81: @Charliecondou night! Great piece in attitude btw.
Charliecondou: @hoggle81 ta x
Vanilla8475: @Charliecondou You ALWAYS look pretty :) Didn't know you were on @reallorraine in the morning, looking forward to it. Sleep well x
Charliecondou: @Vanilla8475 you too x
Charliecondou: @Angela_Griffin Cam keeps banging on about how beautiful you are. It's getting really tedious
realboysohboys: @Charliecondou @Angela_Griffin get a room you two.
PaulPopplewell: @Charliecondou sleep tight princess
Charliecondou: @PaulPopplewell night sugar x
auntiegigi72: @Charliecondou @Angela_Griffin I thought he loved me!!!
Charliecondou: @auntiegigi72 you've been usurped!! @Angela_Griffin
tonytonyknight: @Charliecondou good luck tomorrow , I'll take a look. !!
Charliecondou: @tonytonyknight Cheers dear x
WhichPennySmith: @Charliecondou Give her a hug from me, by the way.
Charliecondou: @WhichPennySmith Indeed I will x
ryanjamesthomas: Who wants to play a game sat night at the soaps? Last one standing wins
JackPShepherd88: @ryanjamesthomas I'm game haha
Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 You're only back on Twitter to stalk me arent you?
JackPShepherd88: @Charliecondou yep
Charliecondou: @JackPShepherd88 freak
razlou: @Charliecondou morning. Have a good dayx
Charliecondou: Here's the link to my Moonwalk team page http://bit.ly/furT3w Thank you kindly x
Charliecondou: Creme Brûlée were robbed @Markgatiss
Markgatiss: @Charliecondou We got to the heats.
Charliecondou: @Markgatiss which is better than winning in many ways

philreaysmith: Hey @Charliecondou I hear you're on with @reallorraine tomorrow. Think I'll be out filming unfortch but have fun. x

Charliecondou: @philreaysmith aw what a shame! Be good to see you soon. I mentioned you in my @AttitudeMag interview!
philreaysmith: @Charliecondou Ooh, how exciting. I'm going to have a look now!
philreaysmith: @Charliecondou Lovely @attitudemag interview. Your final quote is so true. And the ridiculously middle class bit. Love the mention!

Charliecondou: @philreaysmith haha glad you liked it x
marcooth: @philreaysmith @Charliecondou @attitudemag Can someone check if I get a mention? Thanks x

Charliecondou: @marcooth they cut all my references to you. I'm fumin!
marcooth: @Charliecondou I'm going to write a sharply worded email.

Charliecondou: Looking forward to seeing the lovely @reallorraine on the sofa tomorrow.
twinsmum67: @Charliecondou will miss it, in school till lunch, but will record it. The boys will love that! X

Charliecondou: @twinsmum67 I'll try to give them a wave x

Charliecondou: With a glass of Rosé? RT @nickysauce: Enjoying lunch with pierre @CenturySoho - fantastic tuna - if only could spend afternoon on the roof
CenturySoho: Today's specials to delight seafood lovers 1) Baked Razor Clams, Tomato & Breadcrumbs and 2) Seared Yellow Fin Tuna, Spinach & Poached Egg

Charliecondou: follow @CenturySoho , London's best kept secret
photogirluk: @Charliecondou @LisaMarie_Long you guys playing tonight?
LisaMarie_Long: @photogirluk Yup yup!! You not in Greece?? @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @LisaMarie_Long @photogirluk no can do!! No babysitter
photogirluk: @Charliecondou you bring the baby, I'll bring pup to babysit her?

Charliecondou: @photogirluk lol deal
LisaMarie_Long: @Charliecondou Bring the Babba.. Added value ;) @photogirluk
ChadLDN: @Charliecondou FYI I'm not at my desk. Msg me when ur here. See ya.

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN cool, I might be a bit early x
ChadLDN: @Charliecondou no problem. Come whenever you're ready.

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN getting into euston now, be there by 4:00
ChadLDN: @Charliecondou great!

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN I'm here!

misterhsk: I'm listening to The Last of the Shadow Puppets and missing my @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @misterhsk I love you

Charliecondou: RT @LipServicevoice:: #DontMiss @Charliecondou on Lorraine from 8.30am tomorrow (11th May) - ITV1! To listen to his showreel follow this link; http://bit.ly/iVfJUR

Charliecondou: @theolondon absolutely
theolondon: @Charliecondou excellent! Much appreciated! I'll send a selection over.
tomgormer: this week in stylist, a quite brilliant debbie harry dps.

Charliecondou: @tomgormer double penetration shot?
ErasureFace: @Charliecondou @tomgormer hahaha you have a filthy mouth Condou!! :)
LisaMarie_Long: @photogirluk @Charliecondou There you go!!#LoveItWhenAPlanComesTogether
reallorraine: RT @Charliecondou: Looking forward to seeing the lovely @reallorraine on the sofa tomorrow.
Charliecondou: @reallorraine I cant DM you back but looking forward to it too! See you in the morn x
Iain_at_TG: @Charliecondou better add 'sook' to your twitter profile - ask @reallorraine what it means!
GinaMcKnight7: @Charliecondou I have missed you in Corrie!!!!!! Hope you get more episodes!!! Would really love a tweet from
Charliecondou: @GinaMcKnight7 thanks very much!!
GinaMcKnight7: @Charliecondou thank you sooo much for tweeting me!!!! Love you!!!! xxx


Charliecondou: @Joeg_camera nice one, thanks very much!
Astra_Denny: In 2 hours and 47 minutes it will be my birthday.. I also will be fast asleep by then..

Charliecondou: @Astra_Denny happy birthday xxx
Astra_Denny: @Charliecondou thank you! x
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Hey Charlie, great to catch up finally yesterday.x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 You too! Dinner next week?
streetworker01: @Charliecondou Sure. Let me know when you're free. X

Charliecondou: @gemmabodinetz which play??
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou #Macbeth is on at Liverpool!
Charliecondou: @gemmabodinetz oooh, I'll try to get up to see it. Who's playing M and Lady M?
Confidential_CC: @Charliecondou @gemmabodinetz Cast includes: David Morrissey and Jemma Redgrave - Hope this helps you Charlie!
Charliecondou: @gemmabodinetz brilliant x
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