Charliecondou: Peter Duncan is 60?? Jesus, now I feel old #tumble

edgarwright: @Charliecondou He died when he got stung by the monster in the tree trunk back in 1980, no?

theteamaker: @Charliecondou I love you for many reasons but the fact that my hero @edgarwright just tweeted u is now the SOLE reason I love you! #missyou

Charliecondou: @theteamaker well @edgarwright is a hero to is all, crew member

theteamaker: @Charliecondou @edgarwright I'm flattered you remember me, ex cast member

Charliecondou: I had no idea Tulisa could sing quite as well as she does

Charliecondou: Peter Duncan is 60?? Jesus, now I feel old #tumble

edgarwright: @Charliecondou He died when he got stung by the monster in the tree trunk back in 1980, no?

theteamaker: @Charliecondou I love you for many reasons but the fact that my hero @edgarwright just tweeted u is now the SOLE reason I love you! #missyou

Charliecondou: @theteamaker well @edgarwright is a hero to is all, crew member

theteamaker: @Charliecondou @edgarwright I'm flattered you remember me, ex cast member

Charliecondou: I had no idea Tulisa could sing quite as well as she does

RichardDCaine: On the train to @lollibopuk w/ @joseph_elliott surrounded by kids talking about how excited they are to c Swashbuckle & no idea we're there!

Charliecondou: @RichardDCaine @lollibopuk @joseph_elliott my kids were LIVID we missed you yesterday.

joseph_elliott: @Charliecondou Oh no! Did they make it along 2day or were they just there for yesterday?

Charliecondou: @joseph_elliott just yesterday and we got there too late to see you. They were pissed to say the least

joseph_elliott: @Charliecondou we could send them a signed pic if that'd help??

Charliecondou: @joseph_elliott ah that's very kind but they're a bit young to appreciate it.

joseph_elliott: @Charliecondou Oh no! Did they make it along 2day or were they just there for yesterday?

Charliecondou: @joseph_elliott just yesterday and we got there too late to see you. They were pissed to say the least

joseph_elliott: @Charliecondou we could send them a signed pic if that'd help??

Charliecondou: @joseph_elliott ah that's very kind but they're a bit young to appreciate it.

Charliecondou: Happy birthday to my dear friend @Madonna , can't wait to see you tonight! xxx
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