DavidAdkin: Delighted to see @NextFallLND tickets shifting so fast! Of the first 7 shows, 4 are sold out! @Charliecondou @JamesQuaife @LukeJ_Sheppard

Charliecon: RT @DavidAdkin Delighted to see @NextFallLND tickets shifting so fast! Of the first 7 shows, 4 are sold out! @Charliecondou @JamesQuaife @LukeJ_Sheppard
NextFallLND: Here is the exclusive @GayTimesMag interview with @Charliecondou talking about the UK premier of Next @NextFallLND http://t.co/TdR6qTaRn9
SoSoGay_Stage: ICYMI: Read our interview with @Charliecondou as he talks @NextFallLND, leaving the cobbles & having kids. http://sosogay.co.uk/2014/ive-experienced-fair-share-relationship-problems-charlie-condou-chats-families-gay-plays/

Charliecondou: RT @SoSoGay_Stage: ICYMI: Read our interview with @Charliecondou as he talks @NextFallLND, leaving the cobbles & having kids. http://t.co/Ihttp://sosogay.co.uk/2014/ive-experienced-fair-share-relationship-problems-charlie-condou-chats-families-gay-plays/
GayTimesMag: From Corrie to the stage - we chat with @Charliecondou about @NextFallLND! New GT at http://www.gtdigi.co.uk now http://t.co/Ec6mfDL20z

Charliecondou: RT @GayTimesMag: From Corrie to the stage - we chat with @Charliecondou about @NextFallLND! New GT at http://www.gtdigi.co.uk now http://t.co/Ec6mfDL20z
ollielocke: @GayTimesMag @Charliecondou @NextFallLND Charlie, charlie... Can I please come and see the play! Xxxx

Charliecondou: @ollielocke @GayTimesMag @NextFallLND only if you put some fucking clothes on!
ollielocke: @Charliecondou @GayTimesMag @NextFallLND I can't promise anything!! X
gillywalshy: @GayTimesMag @Charliecondou @NextFallLND aw Charlie you look so hot ! For once this is honesty ! Xxxxx

Charliecondou: @gillywalshy I KNEW you fancied me! That's three Corrie crew members now (@skipnewton and @theteamaker being the others obv)
gillywalshy: @Charliecondou @skipnewton @theteamaker I'm always mean to those I fancy ! Ginge I have a thumb print mark bruise on my leg !!!
skipnewton: @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @theteamaker Tjat wasn't my thumb .Charlie you can dream, I know there usually wet but that's your incontinence
theteamaker: @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @skipnewton I can't help that your absence makes my heart grow fonder.
NicholasSm1th: @skipnewton @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @theteamaker
Me thinks then protests too much!!!
skipnewton: @NicholasSm1th @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @theteamaker Whoa Whoa Whoa you keep out of it pink top http://t.co/Ms2jhwyXtA
NicholasSm1th: @skipnewton @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @theteamaker
I am not afraid of my feminine side #justsaying
skipnewton: @NicholasSm1th @Charliecondou @gillywalshy @theteamaker I am @itscato has a right punch on her ..

JamesQuaife: I can now start the official countdown to Christmas (not that I start counting from Boxing Day)... X Factor starts in 1 hour! #XFactor

Charliecondou: @JamesQuaife I'm REALLY trying to avoid it this year *sets sky plus*

JamesQuaife: @Charliecondou it's the one reality TV show (apart from Bake Off) that I allow myself to watch - plus Cheryl is back!! 117 days to Xmas!

Charliecondou: @JamesQuaife bake off isn't a reality show, it's a way of life.

JamesQuaife: @Charliecondou how true! Although the drama of it all last week with Diana and the ice cream! Shocking!

Charliecondou: @JamesQuaife I KNOW. I can barely cope. And the week before ... #shopboughtfondant

JamesQuaife: @Charliecondou Mary's face of horror & disgust with shop bought fondant! I may introduce a Bake-Off for @NextFallLND pic.twitter.com/Zztdml8ZOq

Charliecondou: @JamesQuaife @NextFallLND do it!

Charliecondou: RT @stuheritage: That blond judge on Tumble is like an abandoned Paul Whitehouse Aviva advert character

Charliecondou: RT @msmirandasawyer: Ok he's not going to say so I am: @mrmichaelsmiley is in this week's Dr Who!! Get the popcorn in!!

Charliecondou: Great showreel @CharlieKing85 http://youtu.be/wM0NVqb6WQk
lopwert: @Charliecondou hey charlie. I'm tackling the fact that gay men can't give blood. Sign my petition? https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/gay-men-blood-donation-ban #gaybloodban

Charliecondou: RT @lopwert: @Charliecondou hey charlie. I'm tackling the fact that gay men can't give blood. Sign my petition? https://you.38degrees.org.uk/petitions/gay-men-blood-donation-ban #gaybloodban

Charliecondou: @lopwert done x
lopwert: @Charliecondou thanks Charlie. Let's try and get this going! #gaybloodban
HayleyNovember: @lopwert @Charliecondou Go Luke me and Charlie were discussing this a few weeks back. It's ridic! X

ruth_hunt: What an exciting day. Up early and ready for a day with some 50 UK trans activists. I'm really optimistic. #transstonewall

Charliecondou: @ruth_hunt great to see stonewall and the Trans community coming together finally!

Charliecondou: I'm confused by the James Argent reports. Has he been missing since last Friday? Or 3am this morning?

LucyFieldRose: @Charliecondou think they mean yesterday morning xxxx

Charliecondou: Ah, 3am yesterday morning. Gotcha

Charliecondou: I hope he's ok

TedShowbizDog: @Charliecondou he lost his phone. You'd think nothing else was happening in the world... #notnewspeople

Charliecondou: RT @TedShowbizDog: @Charliecondou he lost his phone. You'd think nothing else was happening in the world... #notnewspeople

mr_opinion8: So mannequins dress to the left now #whoknew http://instagram.com/p/sT_EMPSajA/

Charliecondou: @mr_opinion8 it is more comfortable that way

mr_opinion8: @Charliecondou oh I know

Charliecondou: @mr_opinion8 nothing worse than getting it stuck pointing the wrong way

mr_opinion8: @Charliecondou who’s been talking to you Charlie? I want names. There’s a signed agreement to never speak of that dark time

mr_opinion8: @christiandolan_ @Charliecondou not personally, we just follow each other on here

Charliecondou: @mr_opinion8 @christiandolan_ I can only see one side of your conversation, but thanks

mr_opinion8: @christiandolan_ @Charliecondou a great interview both in print, and live. Intelligent and articulate

Charliecondou: @christiandolan_ @mr_opinion8 *blushes*

Charliecondou: RT @neilhimself: You think @quantick is a funny, clever writer, yes? You want to read his next book? This is how: http://unbound.co.uk/books/the-mule

Charliecondou: Really Zara? REALLY?? http://972mag.com/zara-presents-a-striped-pyjama-with-a-yellow-star-for-your-child/96058/ …

Charliecondou: @JANEP86 I just got the lovely gift you sent me to Corrie. Thank you so much, it's very cool x

Charliecondou: I think I need some general publicity photos. Not headshots, but pics magazines can use. Who are the good photographers for that kinda shiz?

photogirluk: @Charliecondou Paul Stuart is great as is @ZacFrackelton -- depends what style you like.

Charliecondou: @photogirluk ta love x