Tuesday, May 6, 2014


aBoywithaBeard: I can say this with conviction, @BearGrylls has a very very nice bum! What do you all think?
ThorsBoyfriend: @aBoywithaBeard @BearGrylls WANT.
aBoywithaBeard: @ThorsBoyfriend @BearGrylls NEED.
guy_interruptd: @aBoywithaBeard @ThorsBoyfriend I would be in that like a fucking shot
aBoywithaBeard: @guy_interruptd @thorsboyfriend #overshare (but so would I, I'd even fight you for it)
liamwaterloo: Bear Grylls would be hot if he wasn't so 'religiousy'.
aBoywithaBeard: @Charliecondou thanks for the follow! :-)
Charliecondou: @aBoywithaBeard s'alright
aBoywithaBeard: @charliecondou having a good day? *jealous of your little blue tick*
Charliecondou: @aBoywithaBeard it's possibly the only thing me and Bear Grylls have in common
_AdamDP: @aBoywithaBeard @Charliecondou now I want a follow...I hate Maria too btw!
Charliecondou: @_AdamDP @aBoywithaBeard poor Maria :-(
_AdamDP: @Charliecondou @aBoywithaBeard she's evil...poor fizz!!
aBoywithaBeard: @charliecondou you might have an impeccable bum too… Who knows…?!
aBoywithaBeard: @_adamdp @charliecondou who's Maria?
_AdamDP: @aBoywithaBeard @Charliecondou whaaat?! #doofdoof...oh that's the wrong show
aBoywithaBeard: @_adamdp @charliecondou it's like you're speaking a foreign language… Soaps aren't my thing (sorry Charlie).
_AdamDP: @aBoywithaBeard @Charliecondou hmmm so if I asked you your opinion on Lucy Beale you would have no idea?!
aBoywithaBeard: @_adamdp @charliecondou my only opinion would be, you poor thing for having Ian as a father… Let's hope she is his daughter! #fingerscrossed
_AdamDP: @aBoywithaBeard @Charliecondou phew not completely obtuse then
aBoywithaBeard: @_adamdp @charliecondou I think we've lost Charlie… #awkward
_AdamDP: @aBoywithaBeard @Charliecondou Charlie is currently smashing his phone up #beep
Charliecondou: @guy_interruptd @liamwaterloo what did you day for me ??? *prays for all three*
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @liamwaterloo OOH, we haven't done you yet!
guy_interruptd: @Charliecondou @liamwaterloo or you haven't done us, depending on what we decide ;)


Emma_Hey: Just seen Marcus from Corrie in the train station...
JamieLyonsUK: @Charliecondou nice to meet you today and thanks for the tip :)

Another photo of Charlie and Cameron attending the g3 Out In The City Awards 2014

Charliecondou: RT @LondonLGBTPride: Just TWO days left to contribute to our appeal. Help to make #PrideinLondon happen - pledge now at http://t.co/O5wNtKyhttp://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/freedomto

Charliecondou: RT @SnapChatTwat: Saw a pigeon having an interview earlier.... I hope he got it!

A discussion forum
Maria Connor will get more vengeful, especially when Marcus Dent returns to Weatherfield.
Marcus, played by Charlie Condou, will return to screens later this month.
Liz: They seem to have given Maria the "Corrie Personality Transplant"!
Anno:  My thoughts exactly Liz. Done the same with Tina. They seem to come up with a plot and then just put some characters into it. Doesn't seem to matter if it means a personality change.
mary p a: Stopped watching this rubbish a long time ago, nothing changes the stories go round and round, all they do is sleep around not a good example for all the youngster who watch it.
Victoria: Is it not down to personal choice? What's wrong with watching soaps if you enjoy them? You can't possibly believe the issues with "some" of the UK's youngsters is down to watching soaps. I'm 50 something, in very good health, happily married, have a happy, healthy, 20 year old son, work full time in a rewarding, well paid job and feel I am an asset to society. And I love Corrie! Have done since I was 14. What's the problem? Why are you so down on people who don't do as you do?
David Sexton: So you don't know what you are talking about then if you stopped watching it a long time ago
mary p a: Yes I do ,I read the story lines in the what's on tv paper, and nothing changes.
disqus_FJ6iO2iMuK: mary p a, I bet you watch east enders which is a load of rubbish.
mary p a: Oh please give me a break East enders you got to be joking they are worse than corrie.
Dixie: And how can you say that and on the other breath you state that you don't watch soaps, I think that you best withdraw from the discussion because you're on to a hiding for nothing to continue with your statements.
mary p a: I think you should to. If you read my statement ,I said I read what's on tv you get all the information you need without watching the programs, and yes at one time I did watch both programs but decided I was wasting my time.
Denis: Mary don't waste your time with replying to those that criticize your comments.There are always people that reduce this forum to a personal level for no reason.I have stopped rising to their bait. You make a comment they slag it.You reply etc etc.Ignore them
Dixie: You trying to retreat as gracefully as possibly I see.
mary p a: sorry to disappoint you ,I don't do gracefully. and I shall take a leaf out of Denis's book and not rise to your level. I must say how pathetic you must be to watch soaps I thought only women did that.
Dixie: Oh I feel very proud of myself now, after reading that other people will not make the effort to "rise to my level" must have been all those exams I sat and passed.

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