Corrie's Marcus Dent will leave the soap with a bang later this year, but actor Charlie Condou reveals there’s plenty of time for more drama before then.
Some soap couples seem destined for an unhappy ending. Unfortunately for Coronation Street’s Marcus Dent and Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie), it looks like they’re going to be one of them. Marcus was in a relationship with Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) when he met Maria. After they broke up, though, he realised his sexuality was more complex when he fell in love with Maria and has been playing happy families with her and her son, Liam, ever since. Now, however, the plot thickens as Marcus gives in to an affair with Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley) - on the day he’s supposed to be looking at houses.
Secrets crush
“Marcus has heard that Todd’s in love with someone and he’s keen to do a bit of digging and find out who it is – he’s got his suspicions that Todd’s in love with him,” explains Condou, who’s played Marcus since 2007.
“As soon as the deed happens, Marcus is full of regret and guilt... he doesn't want anything to do with Todd."
“It’s hard for him because he’s in love with Maria and he’s very happy, but I think he’s definitely intrigued by Todd.” When Todd leaves his phone in the pub, Marcus seizes his opportunity and goes over to return it, leading to a passionate afternoon between the pair.
Full of regret
While Marcus will be keen to sweep the misdemeanour under the carpet, it may prove tricky. “As soon as the deed happens, Marcus is full of regret and guilt and leaves very quickly. He doesn’t want anything to do with Todd. In his mind it was just a weak moment and a huge mistake and it’s never going to happen again,” explains the 41-year-old actor, who previously had small roles on shows like The Bill and Casualty.
“But, you know, these things are never simple – not in Coronation Street, anyway.”
Told you so
He admits a lot of Corrie residents might be saying “I told you so”, once word gets out. “A lot of people were very suspicious at the time that Marcus and Maria got together, and if people find out what’s been going on between him and Todd they’ll certainly feel like they were right all along,” says Condou. “Marcus is going to feel terrible about the whole thing, not least because of Maria and how much he loves her. The last thing he wants to do is hurt her.”
Mr ‘Not So Right’
“Marcus has always been someone who does the right thing. He never makes mistakes like this and now he’s making a huge mistake. I think that’s been a shock to him more than anyone really, because he’s not used to getting things so drastically wrong,” Condou observes. “It’s going to be horrible for Maria - it’s her biggest fear coming true. It must have always been in the back of her head that Marcus was gay before they got together.”
Different reactions
When Marcus and Maria got together, viewers were divided over the plot twist – but Condou, who’s openly gay in real life, says he’s loved the storyline. “I got mixed reactions from fans,” he reveals. “A lot of people were worried that it was a bit of a betrayal of who Marcus was, but there were just as many people who were really pleased they’d got together and really liked Marcus and Maria as a couple. You can never please all the people all the time.
“[Coronation Street producer] Stuart Blackburn has said they want to give me a big explosive exit."
“I liked the fact that they were looking at someone’s sexuality and that it’s not always clear cut for some people,” adds the actor, who has a young son and daughter. “They wanted to show that sometimes it’s confusing for people. I was really interested in looking at that.”
Fond Farewell
He’s leaving the ITV soap later this year, but Condou says he’s been promised Marcus won’t go out with a whimper. “They haven’t actually told me what happens yet but Stuart Blackburn, the producer, has said they want to give me a big explosive exit,” he says, grinning. “That’s always nice; it’s nice to know that you’re going out with a bang!” He’s hoping to find work closer to London, where he lives with his partner and children, but Corrie bosses have told him the door’s been left open. “I’d never say never. I love it here and the people are great. I know it’s a cliche but it is like a big happy family and it’s nice to know the option’s there.” For the moment, however, viewers can expect some juicy scenes. “There’s a lot more to come for Marcus and Todd,” Condou promises. “I imagine once Maria finds out, everyone will find out.”
Coronation Street airs on ITV Monday, Wednesday and Friday nights

PGUK78: Charlie Condou someone's got a package in Corrie

Charliecondou: @PGUK78 if you've got it, flaunt it

PGUK78: @Charliecondou you almost had Maria's eye out walking down't t'street.#ihavethesameissue
friday night corrie

PGUK78: Charlie Condou someone's got a package in Corrie

Charliecondou: @PGUK78 if you've got it, flaunt it

PGUK78: @Charliecondou you almost had Maria's eye out walking down't t'street.#ihavethesameissue
friday night corrie
Coronation Street - 14th February 2014 7:30pm Part 1
Marcus is walking down the street texting on the phone.

Marcus is 10 metres away from Maria and texting to say they can have a nice night out for Valentine's Day.
Maria says for Marcus to stop texting and just chat like normal people.
Marcus says he's got Emily lined up for babysitting little Liam so they can go out for a swanky night on the town.

Marcus is 10 metres away from Maria and texting to say they can have a nice night out for Valentine's Day.
Maria says for Marcus to stop texting and just chat like normal people.
Marcus says he's got Emily lined up for babysitting little Liam so they can go out for a swanky night on the town.
A little while later at the Rover's, Emily tells them that she's not available.
She's obviously headed for a night on the sauce herself!
While they are contemplating what to do, Todd suggests he could babysit for them.
She's obviously headed for a night on the sauce herself!
While they are contemplating what to do, Todd suggests he could babysit for them.
Coronation Street - 14th February 2014 8:30pm Part 2

The swanky place is the local bistro and things are a little overcrowded.
It's not particularly romantic as the waitstaff are barrelling Maria and Marcus through their meal.
Todd arrives just before dessert to say Maria is needed because little Liam is asking for her.
Todd does his best to muscle-in and consume Maria's dessert.
Marcus looks longingly at Todd a few times.
[...Todd and Marcus are spotted in the background of other people's scenes at the bistro. I particularly like the bit where Todd's dessert drops off his spoon...]
Press play:
AphroditeBoy Fab #Corrie tonight. I love Terrible Todd! Glad he's finally gonna kill that whole Maria/Marcus mess. 'Twas never gonna end well, was it.
SPOOG_WATP: Marcus wants the Toby #Corriee
DeanGraham1: This Todd/Marcus storyline is silly #Corrie
rudemrlang: Is tonight going to be the night that Marcus accidentally falls on Todd's face (penis)? #corrie
chgough: @OldRoberts953 I think Marcus will end up on his Todd #corrie
jeaniejtg: #corrie Emily told Marcus & Maria that Walter White was a friend from church. She's hooked. #BreakingBad
mstanyabranning: #Marcus told #Maria he'd book somewhere "swanky" for a romantic #Valentinesevening meal.. and he books the bistro? I'd dump him! #Corrie
GreyhoundGeezer: Todd's going to be rooting through Marcus's underwear draw. #Corrie
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