Charliecondou: What are shorty awards? RT @acediscovery: I nominate @CharlieCondou for a Shorty Award in #actor ...

acediscovery: @Charliecondou A social media awards. You're, like, good on twitter and stuff.

leejonathan: @Charliecondou awards for short people?

Charliecondou: @leejonathan that's what I thought!!

leejonathan: @Charliecondou how tall are you? i am 5'7" (and a half) and i always assume from the tv that you're shorter than me.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan 5'8" EXACTLY !

leejonathan: @charliecondou taller than me.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan much taller

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou @acediscovery I nearly won a ‘shorty’ for my artwork on my iPad a couple of years ago..says it all really.

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 hahaha

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I declined the invitation to go to New York for the ceremony!!!!!!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 well that was just silly

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou they weren’t paying the air fare!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 I take it back

Charliecondou: RT @ShappiKhorsandi: Favourite? Just 'favourite'? WOULD IT KILL YOU TO RETWEET???!!!!! #tweetfrommyego

Charliecondou: Spot on from @gracedent about Jenny Jones and #Sochi

Charliecondou: What are shorty awards? RT @acediscovery: I nominate @CharlieCondou for a Shorty Award in #actor ...

acediscovery: @Charliecondou A social media awards. You're, like, good on twitter and stuff.

leejonathan: @Charliecondou awards for short people?

Charliecondou: @leejonathan that's what I thought!!

leejonathan: @Charliecondou how tall are you? i am 5'7" (and a half) and i always assume from the tv that you're shorter than me.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan 5'8" EXACTLY !

leejonathan: @charliecondou taller than me.

Charliecondou: @leejonathan much taller

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou @acediscovery I nearly won a ‘shorty’ for my artwork on my iPad a couple of years ago..says it all really.

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 hahaha

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou I declined the invitation to go to New York for the ceremony!!!!!!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 well that was just silly

alicearnold1: @Charliecondou they weren’t paying the air fare!

Charliecondou: @alicearnold1 I take it back

Charliecondou: RT @ShappiKhorsandi: Favourite? Just 'favourite'? WOULD IT KILL YOU TO RETWEET???!!!!! #tweetfrommyego

Charliecondou: Spot on from @gracedent about Jenny Jones and #Sochi

richardpbacon: This is Ivy. She is mine. (Born on Thursday but I forgot to tell anyone).

Charliecondou: @richardpbacon congratulations to you and @RebeccaBacon Brilliant name too!

Charliecondou: There's nothing I love more than coming up to Manchester from London only to arrive at work to find my scenes are cancelled

benedictsalter: @Charliecondou film them yourself on the train home. Play ALL the characters (or use willing volunteers on your train)

Charliecondou: @benedictsalter that's like every train journey I ever take

benedictsalter: @Charliecondou same, except I try to make mine musicals.

ChadLDN: @Charliecondou Your services are no longer required. Does that mean you're on your way back?!

Charliecondou: @ChadLDN yep!

DiversityRM: @Charliecondou It costs just £3 for each young person to attend a workshop. Help us reach as many as possible Pls RT

Charliecondou: RT @DiversityRM: @Charliecondou It costs just £3 for each young person to attend a workshop. Help us reach as many as possible

DiversityRM: @Charliecondou Thanks Charlie!

Charliecondou: Spot on! “@davidschneider: Just to remind you of the 2014 Tory update of the Monopoly rules (by @hennell and me)


Charliecondou: @MrPerrett have you seen this?

MrPerrett: @Charliecondou Yes! Decoded are one of our launch partners, thanks for spotting...
Todd Grimshaw makes a move on Marcus in Coronation Street
Todd is convinced that Marcus would be better off in a gay partnership again. Whether he’s just a smirking male or genuinely smitten isn't certain
While Todd Grimshaw will always have the title of being Corrie’s first gay character, let’s not forget he was previously a hormonal teenage boy who ping-ponged between best friends Candice and Sarah Platt before forming a relationship with the latter and fathering their son Billy. And if he remembers being so sexually confused, why is he surprised that Marcus has gone from being a gay man and the former boyfriend of Sean to setting up home with Maria and an apparently heterosexual life? Todd is obviously convinced that Marcus would be better off in a gay partnership again. Whether he’s just a predatory, smirking male or genuinely smitten isn’t certain. But Marcus and Maria are grateful when he offers to babysit on Valentine’s night so that they can go out for a romantic meal. What a shame then that Todd interrupts them, claiming that Maria’s son Liam has had a bad nightmare and she rushes off home, leaving the two boys alone. Let’s hope Todd has brought Marcus red roses…
Next week Todd has his sights set on Marcus, Todd tells him and Maria a sob story...
OldRoberts953: I think Todd should appear to Marcus like Boy George in George Michael's Star Stories. #corrie

R_S_Don: Why does everyone is corrie have ten year old phone? Marcus just produced a 2005 Nokia number.
R_S_Don: Why does everyone is corrie have ten year old phone? Marcus just produced a 2005 Nokia number.

megcordwell: Marcus from corrie reminds me of a white snoop dogg
rudemrlang: Oh dear, Marcus – you've skipped the queue for a minicab so now you legally owe Todd full intercourse. #Corrie

blackkberry30: Don't believe Marcus is straight #Corrie
Matty_Northey: Not havin that Maria and Marcus can afford a 200 grand house. He's a nurse and she works in a hairdressers! #corrie

beeeze: @amscanlon Were we ever truly convinced that Maria turned Marcus? No. She couldn’t turn a corner. Todd is horrible. #Corrie #CorrieBitches
PeterPRandRadio: How can Marcus, a midwife, and Maria, a hairdresser, afford a £195,000 house?!#Corrie

Shannon_Enola: So obvious Todd's gonna bum Marcus #Corrie
agencytrainer: Weatherfield agents need training on applicant handling, questioning & customer service judging by Marcus' call to book viewing on #Corrie

tom_noble_1992: Marcus dent? Think he means Marcus bent #corrie #marcus #denial #wherestodd
TNiblock: "What's Maria doing with him...he's as gay as a box of frogs" - Kieran Niblock on Marcus off Corrie

lovelylaurajd: Todd's being so sneaky & naughty in Corrie! What a charmer tho, surely can't be long until Marcus falls for his charms eh @BrunoLangley ;)
SteH90: Marcus is looking for a house on a buy now pay later basis. A bit like his sexual status - bi now, gay later. Boom tish. #corrie
chip_barm1988: i bet marcus dent has a HUGE DENT in his arse! #coronationstreet

misterjorgensen: First thing we said here: "Isn't that where Audrey lives?" The Marcus said the same thing. SPOOKY. #Corrie
gary_windass: Is Marcus Bent Dent leaving the cobbles? Thank fuck! #Corrie
Semper_Amor: Marcus & Maria? I thought Marcus was gay? I have missed so many episodes.#Corrie

tishie268: What's with fizzbomb being a dick in corrie? And why is todd such a sleazeball. However- was a good line on marcus.

3mily5haw: Coronation Street: Marcus Dent, more like Marcus Bent

leejonathan: will there be an x-rated version of #corrie for us to see marcus & todd have a go on each other?

BeverlyMacca1: @Charliecondou Hi garjus...can you get me the number of the copper at Roy's Rolls tonite....Garjus! X #iwould

mpc1980: Oh Marcus. Just admit you want his baby and be done with it. Jeeso. #Corrie

MarkElderfield: Marcus you fool! #corrie

_IanBeale_: So obvious Todd's gonna bum Marcus #Corrie

chgough: Marcus will be on his Todd in no time. #Corrie

WMcGaharon88: Got corrie on and am sick of this gay todd cunt goin after ex gay marcus! They get gay'd up btw. #GAYSPOILER

Fay_Jenson: @Charliecondou I think Marcus and Todd would make a great couple x

AndyGibsonTV: Oh #Todd, what are you playing at. Silly, silly boy, #Marcus. #ITVSoaps: #Corrie

rickycarlosa: @Charliecondou you looking good on Coro tonight hope you find a charger

G_Foz: You should get a restraining order on that @BrunoLangley, @Charliecondou he looks like trouble to me.

jonboy31: Corrie was good though am looking more so to Friday nights ep after @BrunoLangley on @loosewomen today and a clip of him toying with Marcus.
Marcus Dent:
Latest Wikipedia Entry

Latest Wikipedia Entry

Marcus Dent is a fictional character from the British soap opera Coronation Street, played by Charlie Condou. He made his first screen appearance during the episode on 7 September 2007. Marcus departed on 5 September 2008, but returned on 24 April 2011. It was announced on 26 November 2013, that Condou would be leaving the soap, filming his final scenes in summer 2014
In April 2008, it was announced that Condou had left the show after a year playing Marcus. A show insider said : "Charlie's very popular among the cast and he'll be missed. His character has made a big impact over the last year, quite ground-breaking really - no doubt there will be a juicy exit for Marcus. The likelihood will be a love triangle." Speaking of his departure Condou said: "I have had a fantastic time in Coronation Street, but as a jobbing actor I believe it is time to move on. There are a few things in the pipeline, one of which is a feature film which is being made abroad. But all that's under wraps at the moment." A Corrie spokeswoman said : "We'll be sad to see Charlie leave. The decision was a mutual one."
In January 2011, it was confirmed that Dent would return to Coronation Street. A statement on the show's official website said: "There are eventful times ahead for Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) as his old flame Marcus Dent returns to the cobbles. Marcus arrives back in Weatherfield on 13 May 2011 and the relationship between him and Sean is rekindled." Later in 2012, Sean and Marcus split up after Marcus begins a heterosexual relationship with hairdresser, Maria Connor (Samia Smith).
In November 2013, it was announced that Condou would be leaving the soap again following a dramatic storyline for the character. The storyline sees Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley) setting his sights on Marcus, despite Marcus being in a relationship with Maria. Show bosses have promised that the ensuing storyline "will divide the residents of Coronation Street". Condou spoke of his departure, "I've had a fantastic time at Corrie but feel it's time for me to move on. I was only meant to return for three months and ended up staying for three years! The producers have been really supportive and are leaving the door open for Marcus which is great and my exit will certainly be explosive." Stuart Blackburn, show producer, added "I will be incredibly sad to see Charlie go and wish him well for what I know will be an exciting future."
Marcus is initially a sonographer at Weatherfield General Hospital, introduced when Violet Wilson (Jenny Platt) goes for a scan. He gives his number to Sean Tully (Antony Cotton) who is also present at the scan. The two start dating but Sean is unsure how the relationship should progress. Sean tricks Marcus into revealing the sex of the baby when he wants to know but Violet doesn't, causing a rough patch in the relationship, but it is overcome and the couple remain together happily. Marcus and Sean deliver Violet and Sean's son when Violet goes into labour in The Rovers on 22 February 2008. He is by the side of Maria Connor (Samia Ghadie) as she gives birth to her stillborn baby in April 2008. Marcus quits his sonographer job to try to find more fulfilling employment. He and Sean plan to move into their own flat but Sean briefly loses his job at Underworld putting their plans on hold.
On 27 August 2008, Eileen Grimshaw (Sue Cleaver) receives a call from her son Todd (Bruno Langley) saying that he has seen Marcus in a nightclub in London with another man. Eileen subsequently tells Sean who initially dismisses it but becomes increasingly more paranoid and angry. When Marcus discovers that Sean has made a pass at Tom Kerrigan(Philip McGinley), he punches Tom as he suspects that Sean has slept with him. Marcus later tells Sean that he is fed up of his jealousy and calls a cab to take him to London. Sean pleads with Marcus but he says an emotional goodbye to Eileen, Maria and Liam (Rob James-Collier) before departing for London, leaving Sean devastated. When he leaves, he promises to keep in touch with Eileen and Maria as he has been through so much with them.
In April 2011, Sean goes down to London to visit Violet and Jamie (Rupert Hill) so he can see Dylan. After witnessing them row, he decides to go and join Dylan in the kitchen and is shocked to find Marcus there with Dylan. They decide to put the past behind them and have a day out in London with Dylan. When they return, they see Jamie leaving in a taxi and try to comfort Violet but Sean leaves after Violet is hostile towards him. As Sean gets on the coach and the coach leaves, Marcus arrives with some flowers but he is too late. Several weeks later, Marcus returns to Weatherfield and catches up with Sean, hugs Eileen and meets Julie Carp (Katy Cavanagh) and Izzy Armstrong (Cherylee Houston). He announces that he has a job interview and is hoping to stay in Weatherfield. Eileen organises a blind date for Sean which turns out to be Marcus, and they go on a date to Nick(Ben Price)'s bar, Marcus later kisses Sean and they decide to give their relationship another go.
In June, Sean hears that Violet has been in a car crash and needs someone to look after Dylan. He immediately decides that he must look after Dylan but does not tell Marcus as he had recently booked a holiday. However, Eileen tells Marcus about Dylan and Marcus supports Sean and they decide to go and collect Dylan but after Jason Grimshaw (Ryan Thomas) makes a remark about Sean and Dylan, causing Sean to have second thoughts but Marcus eventually persuades him to go and get Dylan. Dylan stays with them until Violet has recovered from her injuries, sparking a desire in Marcus for a child of his own but Sean isn't interested in having any more. Marcus tries to pretend that being part-time dad to Dylan and helping Maria with Liam is enough but in the end, he and Sean can't agree about this and split up. Marcus stays with Maria, Kirk and Liam for a while and talks about going back to London but Maria persuades him to stay in Weatherfield.
In October 2012, Marcus knows something is wrong with Maria and after a little persuasion, admits that she has found a lump in her breast. Fearing it could be cancer, she asks him to go with her to the hospital, which he does. They learn that Maria does not have cancer and on returning to Maria's flat, they share a kiss, much to Marcus's surprise. They pretend it never happened and go to Eileen's birthday party, especially as Maria is dating Jason and Marcus is dating a colleague, Aiden Lester (Toby Sawyer). Eventually they admit their feelings for each other and end their relationships with Jason and Aiden. Aiden, angry at Marcus for agreeing to move to London with him and then changing his mind, assumes that Sean has been causing trouble. Sean gets the impression that Marcus wants him back and is horrified to walk into the flat and find Marcus kissing Maria. He then struggles to accept that Marcus is now in a straight relationship and tells Jason, who is absolutely furious with both of them for lying to him.
In November 2013, Marcus and Maria decide that they want to buy a house together, away from the street so that there are things like boating lakes and playgrounds for Liam. Marcus feels uncomfortable when Jason's gay brother Todd makes a pass at him. The next day, he admits to Todd that he has everything he needs and is in a happy relationship with Maria. However, Todd thinks that Marcus fancies him and is still gay.
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