Charlie Condou - My Most Important Role
By Mumazine Mums
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Charlie Condou
Best known for playing sonographer Marcus Dent in ITV's Coronation Street, actor Charlie Condou takes time out of his hectic schedule to talk to Mumazine about life as a dad in a same sex family, and why he's leaving the soap to spend more time with his beloved children Georgia and Hal.
What is your approach to fatherhood as a whole?
I try to be as hands on as possible. Obviously that can be tricky while I'm working away from home but when I'm with the kids I focus on them completely. I try to listen to them and engage as much as I can. My Dad wasn't around much when I was a kid so for me it's important they have a strong Paternal presence.
What challenges does your three-parent family face in modern Britain today?
I'm not sure our family is quite as unique as it first appears. So many kids nowadays come from families where the parents are separated and have new partners, so Step-parents are common. We're lucky that we live in Central London too, in a very liberal area, so face no prejudice. Certainly none that I'm aware of anyway. I know that its not so easy for a lot of other same-sex families though.
There can be some logistical problems I suppose. The kids live between two households (again, like many children today) so Cam, Catherine and I need to communicate really well, so that we all know exactly what's going on at all times. But this has to be a good thing as far as I'm concerned!
People may describe yourself as a role model for gay parents would you agree? And would you have any advise for people in a similar situation to yours looking to start a family?
I wouldn't be so arrogant to refer to myself as a role model. I prefer the term "possibility model". When I was growing up, there were no gay parents in the public eye, certainly not out ones anyway. My decision to talk about my family (in my weekly guardian column) was purely because I wanted other young gay men and women to see that the possibility of having a family was a very real one. So many LGBT people want to be parents but it's always seemed unattainable. I wanted to show them that it can become a reality. I'm not telling them how to parent, or even what kind of parent they should be. I'm just explaining how it is for me and my family. If people are inspired by that, then great!
What have you had to change since becoming a dad?
My priorities have shifted, obviously. I was always very career focused and although that's still incredibly important to me, my kids come first. It's the main reason I decided to leave Coronation St. I love the job and the people I work with but I'm based in London and Corrie shoots in Manchester. Being away from my family so much was really beginning to take its toll. I didn't work so hard to become a parent only to have a job where I get to see the children one day a week!!
when things go wrong

Charliecondou: RT @Philippa_Perry: OMG! Look at these tweets from journalists in Sochi

Charliecondou: RT @_DaCattos: If you're in Bury tonight, you should come to the hunter club. There are some excellent bands playing. @Soft_Like_Camel are also on the bill

Charliecondou: @skipnewton I'm up north Monday to Thursday. Which night are we going out on the piss? #datenight

skipnewton: @Charliecondou Woah Woah Woah People will start thinking I like you, I will check my busy schedule

Charliecondou: @skipnewton we should get some others out. Anyone except @cez29 who apparently isn't available

skipnewton: @Charliecondou @cez29 we may have to go through his agent now . You may need to put a free bar on to get more people #noonelikesyou

Charliecondou: @skipnewton no one apart from your family. They all like me more than they like you

itscato: @Charliecondou @skipnewton Very true!! #icanvouchforthat hee hee

AdamBlease: @skipnewton @Charliecondou Flirting with men again ginge ;-)

canunotth0: Mom saw Marcus from corrie in London yesterday omfg

Charliecondou: @skipnewton I'm up north Monday to Thursday. Which night are we going out on the piss? #datenight

skipnewton: @Charliecondou Woah Woah Woah People will start thinking I like you, I will check my busy schedule

Charliecondou: @skipnewton we should get some others out. Anyone except @cez29 who apparently isn't available

skipnewton: @Charliecondou @cez29 we may have to go through his agent now . You may need to put a free bar on to get more people #noonelikesyou

Charliecondou: @skipnewton no one apart from your family. They all like me more than they like you

itscato: @Charliecondou @skipnewton Very true!! #icanvouchforthat hee hee

AdamBlease: @skipnewton @Charliecondou Flirting with men again ginge ;-)

canunotth0: Mom saw Marcus from corrie in London yesterday omfg
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