cassell1974: @Charliecondou just spotted you at Aquatica whilst on holiday with my family :0) have a great holiday :0)

Charliecondou: @cassell1974 you should've said hello. Great wasn't it?

cassell1974: @Charliecondou my wife wouldn't let me, she said leave you in peace! :) fantastic mate, discovery cove is great too

JacJones651: Seen @Charliecondou at aquatica today. Hope he had as much fun as my family and I did.

Charliecondou: @JacJones651 we had a great time x

JacJones651: Seen @Charliecondou at aquatica today. Hope he had as much fun as my family and I did.

Charliecondou: @JacJones651 we had a great time x

Charliecondou: @ChildsFarm my 4 year old daughter has just declared your shampoo "the best ever"
24TH FEB 2013
Eileen asks Marcus if he has slept with Todd and it all comes out.Marcus confesses to a one night stand.
Maria arrives and the conversation goes back to a different topic.
Eileen departs and Marcus is wracked with guilt.
He's hoping that Eileen keeps the news to herself.
Press play:
Langford’s Picks and Pans
Coronation Street (U.K.)
While I had been looking forward to this story when it was first proposed, as it plays out I’m finding it disappointing. The big problems are lack of airtime and poor pacing. When the show takes it up, it’s usually the B or C story of the day, so little time is devoted to it. Then a couple of weeks pass before there’s another round of brief scenes. Then there’s the way it’s being acted. A lot of the character interactions are really underplayed, and I have no idea how any of these people are feeling, especially Marcus.
I’m not sure why Todd is after Marcus. Frankly, he doesn’t even seem to like Marcus all that much. It just seems like he’s out to seduce the guy because he’s bored and he’s got nothing better to do. The only times we get in any insight into Todd is during his scenes with his mother, who fears that Todd has changed and can see what he’s doing to draw Marcus into his web. Their scenes are actually the most entertaining in the story because the actors really work well together and their snarky mother/son relationship is believable.
Not so believable is Todd and Marcus. First of all, they are both good actors, but they don’t have much chemistry. And if we’re to believe that Marcus is drawn to Todd, it’s not coming across on screen. Charlie Condou is not acting the role of a man torn between his desire for Todd and his love for Maria and the family he’s built with her. In fact, on screen, Marcus is truly invested in his life with Maria. Todd is just this guy who he has a casual, harmless flirtation with.
We’re supposed to think this is a build up to a blazing hot affair, but it’s been more fizzle than sizzle. Too bad because I think Bruno Langley has real sex appeal and is great as the scheming Todd. I love the idea of a gay bad boy out to be a home wrecker. I just don’t think the writing is helping in his role as seducer.
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