Charliecondou: American Hustle is brilliant. And Jennifer Lawrence joins Adele and Su Pollard on my list of people I really want to be mates with

streetworker01: @Charliecondou That's my illusions shattered - I thought you did know everyone? x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 actually I do know Su. She lives on the next street to me

stuart11: @Charliecondou I've met Su Pollard. She's bonkers. Great gal.

DaisyMimsy: @Charliecondou Su Pollard is just wonderful.

safcmdo28: @Charliecondou I'm hearing good reviews, I thought it might have been a little schmarmy with all those actors, like Oceans 11.

browniemaker69: @Charliecondou I read that v quickly and thought it said 'Jennifer Lawrence plays Adele & Su Pollard'. Which I thought was a bit odd.

LaurenShippey: @samwitter1 you were right! A boy! A big one at that, 8lb12oz! So r u still at Marriott? X

samwitter1: @LaurenShippey what did I tell you!! Congratulations! I am, you getting back on it?

Charliecondou: @LaurenShippey congratulations!! Text me a photo! X

Charliecondou: American Hustle is brilliant. And Jennifer Lawrence joins Adele and Su Pollard on my list of people I really want to be mates with

streetworker01: @Charliecondou That's my illusions shattered - I thought you did know everyone? x

Charliecondou: @streetworker01 actually I do know Su. She lives on the next street to me
stuart11: @Charliecondou I've met Su Pollard. She's bonkers. Great gal.
DaisyMimsy: @Charliecondou Su Pollard is just wonderful.
safcmdo28: @Charliecondou I'm hearing good reviews, I thought it might have been a little schmarmy with all those actors, like Oceans 11.
browniemaker69: @Charliecondou I read that v quickly and thought it said 'Jennifer Lawrence plays Adele & Su Pollard'. Which I thought was a bit odd.

LaurenShippey: @samwitter1 you were right! A boy! A big one at that, 8lb12oz! So r u still at Marriott? X

samwitter1: @LaurenShippey what did I tell you!! Congratulations! I am, you getting back on it?

Charliecondou: @LaurenShippey congratulations!! Text me a photo! X

therealgokwan: Thank you for my nomination of broadcaster of the year! Fingers and spandex crossed! X

Charliecondou: @therealgokwan I'm hosting that ! I'm so going to fix it so you lose

therealgokwan: @Charliecondou: lol! Cheers mate! Friend/enemy... Erm?! X

chlooknight: @Charliecondou @therealgokwan you actually crack me up, the pair of you! #happynewyear
*** WELCOME TO 2014 ***
chlooknight: @Charliecondou @therealgokwan you actually crack me up, the pair of you! #happynewyear
*** WELCOME TO 2014 ***

ChasCondouFans: @ChrisBryantMP #NYE 10.30pm in Oz. Happy New Year from Tom x

ChrisBryantMP: @ChasCondouFans and to you. Xx

ChasCondouFans: @BenSummerskill Ben, HAPPY NEW YEAR from Tom in Oz only a few mins left of 2013 here x

BenSummerskill: @ChasCondouFans and to you VBW Ben

BlackpoolNorth: “@SirThomasWynne: @BlackpoolNorth HAPPY NEW YEAR from Tom in Oz x” Brilliant pic Tom, & a Happy New Year to you!

skipnewton: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year Tom , fantastic view.

stevepafford: @SirThomasWynne happy new year! And it will be - in early Feb I make my Sydney debut!

Janhatesmarmite: @ChasCondouFans Happy New Year Mr Oz, hope you're having a good one and the new year is good for you & your family x

Dorina335: @SirThomasWynn and a Happy New Year to u and ur family are u all?

SirThomasWynn: @Dorina335 all pretty good no major probs. Hope you and yours are doing well. X

Dorina335: @SirThomasWynn good to hear. My girl and her family are over from Canada..spent a week with me & now in London. Rest of us all good xx

mabelalexa: @SirThomasWynn HAPPY 2014!!!!!!

KnaveoG: @SirThomasWynne Now let the fireworks begin. Happy new Year.

Philo1000: @SirThomasWynne Thanks Tom! #HappyNewYear

MancVamp: @Tom_in_Oz_ Happy New Year mate! Hope you are all well down there! Love Manc x

Tom_in_Oz_: @MancVamp day one is excellent so far. Happy New Year to you and yours x x x x

MancVamp: @Tom_in_Oz_ Thank you! 4 hours to go. :D

MancVamp: @Tom_in_Oz_ Thank you! 4 hours to go. :D

Jonesyinc: @Tom_in_Oz_ have fun pa!!! Cx

FoxyLorri64: @Tom_in_Oz_ oh Tom,To wish you and your family a truly amazing New Year filled with joy love and laughter and..lots of Tweeting! XxXx

Press play for the first 6 mins of 2014:

squaddietony: @Tom_in_Oz_ @SirThomasWynn seen it on telly we still 4 hours off. Real time

Tom_in_Oz_: @squaddietony @SirThomasWynn well, have a Big Bang for moi (no not THAT kind) x

Confidential_CC: Just had our New Year phone call from the Archer family of Washington UK. Jim is on the whiskey again. Not much sense but a lot of merriment!

BernieClugston: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year Tom my friend, love as always xx

Confidential_CC: @BernieClugston happy new year Berns. Hope this year sees you healthy, wealthy and wise-ish!

MarkMMerrett: @Confidential_CC cool. happy new year

Confidential_CC: @MarkMMerrett you too. Can't STRESS enough that this will be your year! Go get'em kid....!!!

JazzHandsDrama: @ChasCondouBlog @Confidential_CC Happy New Year x

demelza2: @Tom_in_Oz_ Happy New Year x with lots of love xxxxxxx

roguemoon56: RT @Tom_in_Oz_ #HNY2014 After midnight you are supposed to kiss the one you truly love - but for some this will mean putting the mirror away!!!! lol

Confidential_CC: Just remember: Friends come back to clean up after a party....those who don't are freeloaders. Hit the eject button. Life's too short.
TOM's BIG 12"
TOM's BIG 12"

SirThomasWynn: Have you heard ‘Can't Wait For September (12'' Tom Mix Remix 2014)’ by Tom in Oz on #SoundCloud?
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