from Tom in Oz:
from Tom in Oz:
@Confidential_CC @SirThomasWynn @SirThomasWynne @Tom_in_Oz_ @ChasCondouFans @ChasCondouBlog

squaddietony: @Confidential_CC happy new year xxx I know that bridge stayed on the rocks for 6 weeks xxx

AdamBlease: @Confidential_CC Happy New year xx

GavinROfficial: @Confidential_CC happy new year!!

Markscousewife: @Confidential_CC Sydney is my fave place on earth !

dannation: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year!

WheresWalles: @SirThomasWynne You sweet man- you beat me to it!You've been on my mind a lot the last few days! I hope retirement's still treating you well!

SirThomasWynne: @WheresWalles retirement can't be recommended highly enough.... X

SirThomasWynne: @WheresWalles all ok with moi - family will be on the beach tonight at Newcastle watching local fireworks. Have a lovely last day of 2013 x

BeingDoris: @SirThomasWynne happy new year, lovely Tom. Thanks for the fun.

BellsAn_All: @SirThomasWynne And to you... HAPPY NEW YEAR!

nancycato: @ChasCondouFans : And a very Happy New Year to you Mr Oz. May it bring great peace, love & happiness to you & yours.

ChasCondouFans: @nancycato1 same to you - or as I like to say ditto x

nancycato: @ChasCondouFans : How do you know that doesn't mean something dreadful in... say... Lithuanian? LOL

ChasCondouFans: @nancycato1 I'm slightly psychic....

nancycato: @ChasCondouFans : Aha! You will now be flooded with requests. Good Luck with that. Haha!

AlanYbrum: @SirThomasWynne you too mr. Have a fab new year :-) :-)

russfla: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Tom in Oz x pic.twitter.com/PHjxSJvlf7

AustinFx4: @SirThomasWynne hap new year
mrblew: @SirThomasWynne happy new tear to u to

AProulx_M: @SirThomasWynne and to you too!

BlackpoolNorth: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Tom in Oz x pic.twitter.com/PHjxSJvlf7

NB. picture is my distant cousin Alexander Armstrong - Tom

NigelfWright: @ChasCondouBlog Happy New year to you and your family take care

NigelfWright: @ChasCondouBlog I'm so jealous you're out there, why couldn't you smuggle me in a suitcase lol

ChasCondouBlog: @NigelfWright my wife's USA cousin tried to send me nuts as Xmas present. I had my nuts confiscated by customs - very hard to smuggle you! x

NigelfWright: @ChasCondouBlog well you all have a great time and I hope the new year brings all you wish for x

ChasCondouBlog: @NigelfWright same to you big hugs x

NigelfWright: @ChasCondouBlog I'm so jealous you're out there, why couldn't you smuggle me in a suitcase lol

ChasCondouBlog: @NigelfWright my wife's USA cousin tried to send me nuts as Xmas present. I had my nuts confiscated by customs - very hard to smuggle you! x

NigelfWright: @ChasCondouBlog well you all have a great time and I hope the new year brings all you wish for x

ChasCondouBlog: @NigelfWright same to you big hugs x

gogibbogo: RT @ChasCondouBlog HAPPY NEW YEAR from Mr Oz x pic.twitter.com/LsuJobqSNf

danielkamin: @ChasCondouBlog HNY to you and to @CharlieCondou and the little ones x DW

andy_woodfield: @ChasCondouBlog right back at ya x

buttoncj: @ChasCondouBlog happy new year to you too xx

buttoncj: @ChasCondouBlog happy new year to you too xx

DanMUFC_LMixEDF: RT @ChasCondouBlog HAPPY NEW YEAR from Mr Oz pic.twitter.com/LsuJobqSNf

theTonyGee: @ChasCondouBlog right back at you!

stewartaja: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR pic.twitter.com/yNBBOFmfap

tnvol19: @ChasCondouBlog Happy New Year, Mr. Oz! May 2014 bring you abundant good, love!

MarkMMerrett: @ChasCondouBlog happy n y tommy
NoNoNannette30: @ChasCondouBlog Happy New Year sweetie! I wish you health and happiness! ((Hugs))

Confidential_CC: It's New Year's Eve in Oz. Wishing you all a great 2014 . . . #happynudeyear

sallysolihull: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year to you too, > still only 2pm monday 30th here in Blighty New Year Kiss xxxx Xsalx

Confidential_CC: @sallysolihull mwah returns x

leftferret: @Confidential_CC @sallysolihull Thank you but anything nude in GB at the moment would have to be swimming

Confidential_CC: @leftferret @sallysolihull well here in Oz I have the air-con on 35c....and yes mostly nude x

leftferret: @Confidential_CC @sallysolihull while we grow gills

Confidential_CC: @shelleyanorphan awwww you haven't changed a bit since your last birthday #youdawg

benniedenton: @ChasCondouFans Happy New Year to you to Mr Oz xx

ChasCondouFans: @benniedenton big hugs x

benniedenton: @ChasCondouFans always sent back as well x

KathyKincaid: @ChasCondouFans Same to you!!

SirThomasWynne: The NYE temps in Oz are around 37c in most places....

Dylandesouza: @ChasCondouFans cheers Tom.. Looks gorgeous there. Happy New Year!!

ChasCondouFans: @Dylandesouza will be on the beach tonight at Newcastle watching local fireworks. Have a lovely last day of 2013.

Dylandesouza: @ChasCondouFans rub it in why don't you!!

ChasCondouFans: @Dylandesouza will get the salt as well x

ChasCondouBlog: @misterhsk H.N.Y. Hardeep pic.twitter.com/JSgjRvU8gM

misterhsk RT @ChasCondouBlog: @misterhsk HNY Hardeep pic.twitter.com/JSgjRvU8gM

kevcn73: @ChasCondouFans looks amazing happy new year papi xx

soxysmurfy: @ChasCondouFans Happy New Year from Scotland when it comes Pa xxx

ByronStol: @ChasCondouFans Have a good one :)

StevenWilson00: @ChasCondouFans your a day early from uk

DamienOz: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Mr Oz pic.twitter.com/4WvfiWQrMy

DamienOz: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Mr Oz pic.twitter.com/4WvfiWQrMy

BienSoeur: @ChasCondouFans HAPPY NEW YEAR sweetie, to you and all your followers :-) May 2014 bring you all happiness, health and fulfilment :-) xx

HelenaKarter: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Mr Oz pic.twitter.com/wqBZoph7hg

pekelika: @Confidential_CC Hopefully 2014 is going to be a great year! :-) xx

TaTUM_Maggie: @SirThomasWynne Happy New Year Tom x

AngryEyes13: @SirThomasWynne thanks happy new year to you 2

Wolfie_Rankin: @SirThomasWynne Thankyou, Happy New Year to you also

SirThomasWynne: @Wolfie_Rankin lock yourself away from all the loud noises tonight x

chookelini: @Confidential_CC happy new year

Confidential_CC: @chookelini hope the last of 2013 is filled with debauchery and fun ... Bet it's like any other day for you, right?

chookelini: @Confidential_CC yep!!

Fox_Mullder: @Confidential_CC happy new year to you too

lynnerosie: @SirThomasWynne Ditto to you x

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year to you, too.

ShaunDellenty: @ChasCondouBlog thank you! Back at you. Hope 2014 is lovely for you x

AlanChand: @SirThomasWynn Thanks! Happy New Year to you too x

pekelika: @Confidential_CC Hopefully 2014 is going to be a great year! :-) xx

prchambers: @SirThomasWynn Happy New Year
TaTUM_Maggie: @SirThomasWynne Happy New Year Tom x

AngryEyes13: @SirThomasWynne thanks happy new year to you 2

Wolfie_Rankin: @SirThomasWynne Thankyou, Happy New Year to you also

SirThomasWynne: @Wolfie_Rankin lock yourself away from all the loud noises tonight x

chookelini: @Confidential_CC happy new year

Confidential_CC: @chookelini hope the last of 2013 is filled with debauchery and fun ... Bet it's like any other day for you, right?

chookelini: @Confidential_CC yep!!

Fox_Mullder: @Confidential_CC happy new year to you too

lynnerosie: @SirThomasWynne Ditto to you x

Potentilly: @Confidential_CC Happy New Year to you, too.

ShaunDellenty: @ChasCondouBlog thank you! Back at you. Hope 2014 is lovely for you x

AlanChand: @SirThomasWynn Thanks! Happy New Year to you too x

issyvb: @SirThomasWynne happy New Year to Oz!

KnaveoG: @SirThomasWynne By my calculations you should be singing Ald Lang Sine around now. Happy new Year.

SirThomasWynne: @KnaveoG VERY CLOSE 11pm x

KnaveoG: @SirThomasWynne So no cigar, back in an hour.

nancycato: @SirThomasWynne Cheers Tom, dear friend. And thank you!

twinsdad72: (favorited) #NYE 10.30pm in Oz. Happy New Year from Tom x pic.twitter.com/TXlY0DO6z1

ChrisJepson: (favorited) HAPPY NEW YEAR from Tom in Oz x pic.twitter.com/udrI9UUVzE

simperman: @Confidential_CC And a very happy new year to you, Tom x

MonORCA_Gilbert: @Confidential_CC Happy NY Tom. Hope 2014 is less-Abbott and more sense.

Wrenfoe: @Confidential_CC Cheers :)

MonORCA_Gilbert: @Confidential_CC Happy NY Tom. Hope 2014 is less-Abbott and more sense.

Wrenfoe: @Confidential_CC Cheers :)
Oz singer, John Paul Young of "Love Is In The Air" fame, had a charting hit at the beginning of his career with the song "Pasadena" (ca.1970). John's minor hit was originally recorded by an Oz group called Pyramid with lead vocals by Erl Dalby - sadly, although a credible rendition, the Pyramid version had no chart action. The song Pasadena was written by Vanda and Young who fronted the Oz pop group The Easybeats (they wrote Friday On My Mind), and later they became known as the 1970-80's duo Flash & The Pan. It seems only fitting, when I made this remixed dance version of the 1970 hit "Can't Wait For September" by Pyramid featuring Erl Dalby, that I used parts of the percussive bass-line from John Paul Young's hit "Love Is In The Air" to beef it up. And if you listen hard enough there are some modern cymbal overdubs from the Oz pop group Rogue Traders.
Press play for my 12" remix of Can't Wait For September:
And if you like what you hear it is available for download on SoundCloud - follow the prompts for an alternate remix of Can't Wait For September: DOWNLOAD
Oh, and yes, Erl has a copy of this track and was pleased with the result. Nowadays Erl lives in Wales in the UK and is working under his real name Erle Montaigue. You can visit him HERE

Tom_in_Oz_: @FoxyLorri64 big mwah x Card has arrived today. Just got back from looking after pregnant daughter to find it.

FoxyLorri64: @Tom_in_Oz_ Oh it's arrived in time for your New Year! The card looks so pretty in this pic! Lots of love to you & your family & I hope your daughter is keeping well (both of them ) :O) XXXX

Tom_in_Oz_: 2007 and the Oz New Year was ushered in by ads from Peters Drumstick

Tom_in_Oz_: 2013 and the New Year was ushered in by Peters Drumstick

Tom_in_Oz_: The new 2014 Drumstick ad celebrating 50 summers

Tom_in_Oz_: 2014


djs_68: @Confidential_CC Where did you get the union jack tie in black from??

Confidential_CC: @djs_68 I think you need to ask Charlie ....my name is Tom I run the blog for him.

djs_68: @Confidential_CC what's his link/address for tweet... Apologies, new to all this!

Confidential_CC: @djs_68 Charlie's twitter name is @charliecondou

djs_68: @Charliecondou where did you get the black tie with the black/white union jack from?

Charliecondou: @djs_68 Dior a few years back
Coronation Street's Charlie Condou has said Marcus Dent's decision to keep Todd Grimshaw's come on a secret is worse than if he had told girlfriend Maria Connor straight away. Todd Grimshaw (Bruno Langley) is set to try and kiss Marcus in the New Year, after he notices the nurse watching when he strips off to try on a new shirt at the Bistro. Charlie said, "Todd knows that stripping off in the Bistro has had an effect on Marcus. He follows Marcus outside and says to him that he did it for his benefit, then asks him if he liked what he saw. Todd's very flirtatious and really comes on to Marcus - and Marcus is clearly uncomfortable with it all. Todd leans in for a kiss, at which point Eileen interrupts them. It's hard to know if Marcus would have responded to the kiss or not." He added: "If there wasn't anything in it, he would have told Maria that Todd tried to kiss him. But he doesn't - and that's suspicious. He's unsure of how he's feeling and that's why he doesn't say." The actor recently announced that he will be leaving the soap next year. His exit storyline is expected to involve him cheating on Maria with Todd.

Oldnjaded: Lol, right - because it's perfectly normal to strip off in your local bistro to try on a new shirt.

Oldnjaded: It's good that this happens, because how else would us thick viewers be able to understand that Todd fancies Marcus? I mean come on, all hetero relationships start with the woman stripping down to her scanties in a public place don't they? :-)

ewoodie: Come on Mo, he's done it before! Deja Vuuuuuuuu! I'd like to see him try and kiss Owen or Gary

Hound of Love: Todd has good taste in men, therefore he would never go near Sean.
Todd/Marcus? Contrived, but at least it'll mark the beginning of the end for Marcus and dreary Maria.

Todd/Marcus? Contrived, but at least it'll mark the beginning of the end for Marcus and dreary Maria.

Hound of Love: Definitely not onscreen. The producers would be terrified of the Daily Mail brigade complaining.
callumfreeman: Yet they had a full on kissing scene with Sophie and Sian in bed years ago. Must of been some horny men working on that episode. But men kissing? No way, too controversial. Ridiculous. Rather that than having to stomach the grotesque scenes with Peter and Tina.

callumfreeman: Yet they had a full on kissing scene with Sophie and Sian in bed years ago. Must of been some horny men working on that episode. But men kissing? No way, too controversial. Ridiculous. Rather that than having to stomach the grotesque scenes with Peter and Tina.

Flukie: I have said that for years and years and years!:-) The men who complain that two men kissing is completely depraved and disgusting, will think two girls getting it on is the hottest thing they've ever seen! Likewise, women who find two men in a soap kissing think it's disgusting and depraved and are indifferent to two girls kissing because girls kiss each other anyway! Corrie have always thought like that as well. The reason Bruno left in the first place was because he didn't want to play a gay character - not that he had any kissing to worry about, but I remember him saying in an interview he never wanted to have to kiss Cotton cos he was a friend of his! (and it probably turned his stomach anyway just cos it IS Cotton!)
One of my most vivid memories about Cotton is when Sean was seeing Sonny - I think his name was - who was Michelle's boyfriend. A triangle with a difference was presumably what Corrie were after! Steve was out one night and he saw what we saw - the back of Sonny as he kissed Sean in a dark corner! Absolutely hilarious! The actor playing Sonny refused to kiss Cotton so they were pretending to kiss with their lips nowhere each other. That was so obvious on screen it was HILARIOUS! lol I've never forgotten it! A lot of people who saw it probably haven't either! :-) I would think one of the reasons Bruno went back was because he knows gay men in Corrie don't do any kissing. If he was in Hollyoaks there'd be snogging and bed scenes! But in Corrie ... no. He might have to indulge in a very brief peck at some point, with Marcus, but nothing more than that.

One of my most vivid memories about Cotton is when Sean was seeing Sonny - I think his name was - who was Michelle's boyfriend. A triangle with a difference was presumably what Corrie were after! Steve was out one night and he saw what we saw - the back of Sonny as he kissed Sean in a dark corner! Absolutely hilarious! The actor playing Sonny refused to kiss Cotton so they were pretending to kiss with their lips nowhere each other. That was so obvious on screen it was HILARIOUS! lol I've never forgotten it! A lot of people who saw it probably haven't either! :-) I would think one of the reasons Bruno went back was because he knows gay men in Corrie don't do any kissing. If he was in Hollyoaks there'd be snogging and bed scenes! But in Corrie ... no. He might have to indulge in a very brief peck at some point, with Marcus, but nothing more than that.

jsmith99: As you do. Wouldn't it be more natural for him to be changing for one of the football team's matches ... oh, hang on, they only ever had the one!
You can see more comments HERE
Above: Jimi Mistry, Catherine Tyldesley, Daniel Ryan and Charlie Condou - The TV Choice Awards 2013 held at the Dorchester - Arrivals - London, United Kingdom.
Jimi Mistry - Jimi Mistry Marries Dancer Girlfriend
by WENN | 30 December 2013
British actor Jimi Mistry will start 2014 as a married man after tying the knot with his girlfriend on Sunday (29 Dec 2013). The Guru star married dancer Flavia Cacace in an intimate ceremony held at London's St. Pancras Renaissance Hotel. Cacace confirmed the news by sharing one of the couple's wedding pictures on her Twitter.com page, captioning the photograph, "Had the most amazing day with family & friends St. Pancras Renaissance." The pair met on U.K. Tv show Strictly Come Dancing in 2010, but did not confirm the romance until the following year (2011).