DrSarahParish: RT @FaceMatters: FaceMatters Founder, @SallyCurson is in Westminster supporting @RefugeCharity today. (She says @AleshaOfficial looks gorgeous too.)

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I gave that face stuff to @michkeegan, @cathtyldesley and @msm4rsh

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I meant @Cath_Tyldesley who said it was "fit"

DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley can those lovely ladies tweet about it please? Just a few nice words. Are you around tomorrow?

Cath_Tyldesley: @DrSarahParish @Charliecondou it's GORGEOUS- Thank you so much x

SallyCurson: @Cath_Tyldesley @FaceMatters . We are delighted you like it. Thank you for being a top courier @DrSarahParish @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I gave that face stuff to @michkeegan, @cathtyldesley and @msm4rsh

Charliecondou: @DrSarahParish I meant @Cath_Tyldesley who said it was "fit"

DrSarahParish: @Charliecondou @Cath_Tyldesley can those lovely ladies tweet about it please? Just a few nice words. Are you around tomorrow?
Cath_Tyldesley: @DrSarahParish @Charliecondou it's GORGEOUS- Thank you so much x
SallyCurson: @Cath_Tyldesley @FaceMatters . We are delighted you like it. Thank you for being a top courier @DrSarahParish @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese I think we're going to try one of the restaurants you suggested tonight. I'll let you know what I think x
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou pls do honey! U can DM me but my responding DM is wonkytown. I'm heading the latter tonight with friends. @PatriaTO #Foodies

Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese @PatriaTO looks like we're eating at the same place! See you later x
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou @PatriaTO yeah! Hopefully around same time...we can share a drink at the bar. Meeting a couple of friends you'd adore...

Charliecondou: @PatriaTO coming for dinner tonight, is it advisable to book?

Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese wonderful! Aiming for around 7:30/8pm
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou see you then! We have 7pm reso's but we tend to have 4 hr dins (til they kick us out). Xo
jonjon8181: @Charliecondou coming to church street tonight for a drink?

Charliecondou: @jonjon8181 you never know
jonjon8181: @Charliecondou see u at 11 at woodys ;) lol.
missmcollins: Just been to Inspirational Mother Awards in ass with The Caron Keating Foundation at Mayfair hotel some amazing women !

Charliecondou: @missmcollins hahahaha how many people corrected your ass tweet?
missmcollins: @Charliecondou you know me I am the worlds worst tweeter. ! How's you ?? Must catch up soon xx

Charliecondou: @missmcollins I'm good, back from Toronto next week so lets have dinner xxx

sammcknight1: @Charliecondou I'm in Toronto too!

Charliecondou: @sammcknight1 no way! Where are you staying??

sammcknight1: @Charliecondou I was at the 4 seasons but I'm on my way back home.

sammcknight1: @Charliecondou I'm in Toronto too!

Charliecondou: @sammcknight1 no way! Where are you staying??

sammcknight1: @Charliecondou I was at the 4 seasons but I'm on my way back home.

droobloo: Wearing the clothes of someone you're sort of in love with is cool x you know

Charliecondou: @droobloo unless you've killed them first

droobloo: @Charliecondou haha and made them into novelty lampshades
kathmcnab: @Charliecondou anxiously awaiting your arrival at The Brit Show!!
Charliecondou: @kathmcnab hooray!
davekinger: @Charliecondou looking forward to seeing you hopefully big fan!
Charliecondou: @davekinger great x
jebarret: @Charliecondou What are you doing in Toronto? Very excited to know that you are in my neck of the woods!
canmagy: @Charliecondou as wonderful in person as on screen. Canada loves ya!
Teaqueen180: @Charliecondou Oh hope I'm lucky enough to be able to see you on Sunday too :-)
werring_lisa: @Charliecondou Welcome to Canada, I'm a huge fan Been watching Corrie since I was a child. My Mums from Warrington & watched from the start
EKMRMT: @Charliecondou welcome to Canada :)
LainieCuff: @Charliecondou have a blast in Canada! @realsamia was here a few years back.
ryantg65: @Charliecondou @realsamia what you doing in Canada? Have a great time in my country! The best place to live in the world!
TracyR15: @Charliecondou What r u doing in Canada? Would love to meet you!!!
HonDroid72: @Charliecondou busy at the isles!!
Charliecondou: @HonDroid72 yes indeed
HonDroid72: @Charliecondou my wife and I are here to meet ya, any luck with Tim hortons roll up the rim yet? Lol
Charliecondou: @HonDroid72 I'm waiting backstage for my coffee to arrive!
Charliecondou: Addicted @TimHortons
HR_MichelleC: @Charliecondou @MsNellyBee @RandyChias fun!
DonnaIrving1: @Charliecondou @TimHortons Welcome to the group "eh" - -
BrianHoughton: About to meet @Charliecondou at the British Isles Show! #Corrie St @valeriehclarkr @jackiefalconerer
BrianHoughton: @Charliecondou it was great meeting you at the British Isles Show! We're huge fans of Corrie St🇬🇧 and Marcus! Brian & James x

Charliecondou: @BrianHoughton nice meeting you guys too x
kathmcnab: @Charliecondou Thanks for the wee chat! It was so nice to meet you!
rusty1974: Met @Charliecondou today at the @BritishShowCAN but sadly no custard slices.
grouchy_smurfet: i didn't know you were at the British show.i would have come down.i live north of the city. i was born on isle of Sheppey @Charliecondou

Charliecondou: @grouchy_smurfet ah next time!
carissaanderson: @Charliecondou it was awesome meeting you today #britishislesshowtoronto
KarinStew78: My uncle John with @Charliecondou little bit freaked out!!! Am in Manchester he lives in Canada!!!! #timhortin
BlightysTuck: Nearly at the end of day two now. Saturday has been even busier than Friday; we are very pleased. Charlie Condou looks a lot smaller in real life than he does on TV.
chantellemiller: @Charliecondou Hoping to meet you tomorrow at the British Isles show tomorrow!!

Charliecondou: @chantellemiller hooray x
Charliecondou: @chantellemiller hooray x
Tracesoftash: The wee chat I had with @Charliecondou yesterday reminded me of how much I miss my mum. You're awesome Charlie

Gartru: @Charliecondou saw you today at the British Isles Show, you were great
Gartru: @Charliecondou saw you today at the British Isles Show, you were great

ChasCondouBlog: @ShobnaGulati CHARLIE CONDOU DAY ONE COMPLETED @ THE BRITISH ISLES SHOW - http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com/2013/03/charlie-condou-no646.html

ShobnaGulati: @ChasCondouBlog: All been there!

ChasCondouBlog: @ShobnaGulati it's @Charliecondou's first one #virgin hope they are all being kind

ShobnaGulati: @ChasCondouBlog @charliecondou it's a long two days !!!

ChasCondouBlog: @ShobnaGulati @charliecondou this one is 3 days long with two sessions a day and 2 meet n greets per day @Charliecondou will be pooped.

youngmeg: @ChasCondouFans Seeing the pics wish I was down there! 2 yrs ago my daughter had her pic done w/Molly! #Corrie #Rovers #UK @Charliecondou

ChasCondouFans: @youngmeg @charliecondou when you win lottery soon you can buy a trip to see Charlie x

ShobnaGulati: @ChasCondouBlog @charliecondou it's a long two days !!!

ChasCondouBlog: @ShobnaGulati @charliecondou this one is 3 days long with two sessions a day and 2 meet n greets per day @Charliecondou will be pooped.
youngmeg: @ChasCondouFans Seeing the pics wish I was down there! 2 yrs ago my daughter had her pic done w/Molly! #Corrie #Rovers #UK @Charliecondou

ChasCondouFans: @youngmeg @charliecondou when you win lottery soon you can buy a trip to see Charlie x
tasha_ndubzny: Met Marcus from corrie :D

PatrickStrud: One of the rudest, vilest people I've ever interviewed is on BBC1 right now.

Charliecondou: @PatrickStrud whowhowho??

PatrickStrud: @Charliecondou Of all the people to reply to that tweet....switch on now and find out!

Charliecondou: @PatrickStrud I'm in Toronto but I think I can guess, judging from my timeline

PatrickStrud: @Charliecondou shriek! Enjoy Toronto!

JAMESINREHAB: Great Rehab column tomorrow: X Factor, Taylor Swift, Tom Daley, The Voice, Leona, Justin Bieber, Nicky Minaj, Chris Brown, Nicole S & more

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB why aren't I in it??

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou come to my event & u might be next month ;) u know if u r free yet?

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB when is it again?

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou April 3rd.

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB haven't got my schedule yet but deffo will if I'm in London x

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou it's going to be amazing. The generosity of people is incredible if u put ur self out there!

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB why aren't I in it??

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou come to my event & u might be next month ;) u know if u r free yet?

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB when is it again?

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou April 3rd.

Charliecondou: @JAMESINREHAB haven't got my schedule yet but deffo will if I'm in London x

JAMESINREHAB: @Charliecondou it's going to be amazing. The generosity of people is incredible if u put ur self out there!
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