dipdipdipCanuck: Heading to Mississauga but not able to see @Charliecondou the first time he's here. Gives me a case of the sads... :(
beadingofmyhrt: @DinaPugliese @Charliecondou Dina, hook a sister up! Hopefully going to meet Charlie!
deepigillxx: Excited to see u at the British Isles show! xx ...I love Corrie :-) @Charliecondou
gillkiran2: Sooo excited to see Marcus !! @Charliecondou
SammieKins_: @Charliecondou sigh, I love you Mr Condou. #thatisall
ErinCaruana: my goal for tomorrow is to get a good picture with @Charliecondou :)
Nixy83: Loving that @Charliecondou is apparently drinking Timmie's while in Canada. Heading to the British Isles Show today!
Scottish007: @Charliecondou thank you so much for FaceTiming with my Wife when we met you at The British Isles Show yesterday. You're a true gent to your fans.
eawillynl: @Charliecondou Very Good Q n A yesterday. I was VERY impressed how you handled the kissing a 'boy' question. Very tactful. God Love Her.
mummyhowe: @Charliecondou hear u met my big sis in Canada yesterday x she was thrilled to bits @ayrshire01 wandering scot loved meeting u there but we miss her
ShobnaGulati: @charliecondou did u meet the guy with the false nails?? Xxx

Charliecondou: @ShobnaGulati no!!!!

ShobnaGulati: @Charliecondou awwwww u missed a treat xxx

Deborah726: @ShobnaGulati @Charliecondou Just heard he has a wristband now. You're in for something extra special. Think Hilda!

Charliecondou: @Deborah726 @ShobnaGulati oh god!

Charliecondou: @ShobnaGulati just met him!

Charliecondou: Just met a guy who had my face on his nails #charmingorcreepy
Charliecondou: @ShobnaGulati no!!!!
ShobnaGulati: @Charliecondou awwwww u missed a treat xxx
Deborah726: @ShobnaGulati @Charliecondou Just heard he has a wristband now. You're in for something extra special. Think Hilda!
Charliecondou: @Deborah726 @ShobnaGulati oh god!
Charliecondou: @ShobnaGulati just met him!
Charliecondou: Just met a guy who had my face on his nails #charmingorcreepy
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou ....woah.
iLoveBevKnight: @Charliecondou That's freaky! Imagine when he wipes his bum ur face is going down there Lmfao
Charliecondou: @iLoveBevKnight oh Jesus!
NoNoNannette30: @Charliecondou Ummmmm,creepy!
colsonsmith: @Charliecondou #Creepy!
stevenrjoseph12: @Charliecondou id say defintely creepy, although i have michelle keegans portrait tattooed on my arm and i love it :)
Charliecondou: @stevenrjoseph12 tweet a photo!!
stevenrjoseph12: @Charliecondou there u go mate :)
Charliecondou: @stevenrjoseph12 amazing @michkeegan
KarinStew78: @Charliecondou I can only apologise! My uncle John in Canada took a photo of you IN THE GENTS! x
Charliecondou: @KarinStew78 hahahaha at least he let me finish first! Some people don't
KarinStew78: @Charliecondou god love em...
Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese ouch
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou poor Charlie...and U lost an hour of z's thru time change... get an xlarge coffee...such a fun night tho...we all had a blast
Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese it was the best, thank you SO much!!! See you really soon xxx
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou for sure! Looking forward to eating our way thru more good times with good peeps! I adore Cam too. Xoxo. Hope u can nap later
Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese he's sending love, and give Alex a big squeeze. He wouldn't have liked where we ended up!!! Cx
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou bahahhahaha yeah, Aleks did the right thing there! Xo
Charliecondou: Last day of @BritishShowCAN today. Apologies if I'm looking worse for wear but @DinaPugliese FORCED me to drink last night against my will!
BrenTesser: @Charliecondou @BritishShowCAN @DinaPugliese LOL remedy for a Canadian hangover is more booze "salute"
DinaPugliese: @BrenTesser @Charliecondou @BritishShowCAN innocent blinks here *blink* *blink*
LypsilAddict: @Charliecondou @BritishShowCAN @DinaPugliese We will 'force' you to drink too - twist that rubber arm!
Charliecondou: @LypsilAddict @BritishShowCAN @DinaPugliese love to!
DinaPugliese: Who me?;) RT "@Charliecondou: Last day @BritishShowCAN apologies if I'm worse 4 wear but Dina FORCED me 2 drink last night against my will!"

Butters243: @DinaPugliese @charliecondou @britishshowcan your Italian. It's in your nature to have a drink or two. That be my excuse
DinaPugliese: @Butters243 @charliecondou @britishshowcan exactly! I was weaned on homemade vino. Charlie's an honorary Italian now ;)
Charliecondou: @DinaPugliese @Butters243 @britishshowcan Charlie is never drinking again! (Until tonight obviously)
DinaPugliese: @Charliecondou @Butters243 @britishshowcan job here is done young Grasshopper. I trained you well! Lol
Nixy83: @Charliecondou @BritishShowCAN @DinaPugliese You hid it well, even during meet and greet. Thank you for taking the time to come to Canada.
DinaPugliese: @Nixy83 @Charliecondou @BritishShowCAN aw, poor Chuck
Charliecondou: Happy Mother's Day, especially to all you single mums who had to make your own cards with your kids x
TheDailyManning: @Charliecondou What about the single dads. :0 (
Charliecondou: @TheDailyManning they can have a shout out on Father's Day
ShobnaGulati: @Charliecondou oh yeah i certainly remember doing that and now hes an adult i have to get his friends to remind him aha ha ha
Charliecondou: @ShobnaGulati oh sha nay nay!!
jojowelch1: @Charliecondou & to you & your lovely family. These lezzer mums have baby boy (19!) cooking Sunday dinner & then daughter bringing takeaway 4 tea!
Charliecondou: @jojowelch1 haha quite right too

JOJEHARVEY: @JOJEHARVEY Having to stop myself writing 'I can't BEAR your mother' on someone's FB status for devilment. Not even true. Just had enough of soppiness.
Charliecondou: @JOJEHARVEY you can write it on mine babes

LucyJo_Hudson: Need to give this very beautiful mummy a follow! @realdawnsteelehas finally joined twitter! #mothersday xxx
Charliecondou: @LucyJo_Hudson @realdawnsteele hooray!! Hello beautiful!! X
Realdawnsteele: @Charliecondou hello! How are you and your family Charlie?! I miss your column in the Guardian x

Charliecondou: @Realdawnsteele we're great, how are you??? You have a kid too now right? It's been way too long x

Realdawnsteele: @Charliecondou yes! She is 16 mths now- must get night soon with Anna etc x
Charliecondou: @Realdawnsteele we're great, how are you??? You have a kid too now right? It's been way too long x
Realdawnsteele: @Charliecondou yes! She is 16 mths now- must get night soon with Anna etc x
beadingofmyhrt: Wristband #7 waiting to meet @Charliecondou
Charliecondou: @beadingofmyhrt see you soon x
beadingofmyhrt: @Charliecondou ready and waiting!!
beadingofmyhrt: Finally@Charliecondou. He's adorable! @BritishShowCAN
@Charliecondou had only good things to say about @NatalieGumede at the
@BritishShowCAN My view of @Charliecondou #packedhouse
nickolasgallo: It was so amazing to meet @Charliecondou from @itvcorrie #awesome #SoSweet
LauraFowlie: Just gave @Charliecondou a free coffee from tims! Enjoy it!
Charliecondou: @LauraFowlie thank you!!
bryw: @Charliecondou Thanks for sharing stories in Toronto. Watching you onstage rt now. #corrrie
charliecondou: RT @WTFREF @Charliecondou "hey..."
HonDroid72: @Charliecondou Great to meet you yesterday! Hope you enjoyed your time in Toronto. Scott & Christine xxx
Charliecondou: @HonDroid72 you too guys xxx

Charliecondou: RT @OutInTheCityMag: Voting is open for the Out Readers Awards! You can vote for Celeb of the Year, Best Venue, Best Event and many more ...

davekinger: Waiting in line to meet @Charliecondou :)

Charliecondou: @davekinger just finishing my lunch!

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall if I get one more "What's Tyrone like?" question I'm going to start kicking off

Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou @alanhalsall What's Tyrone like? ;) xx

alanhalsall: @Charliecondou: I'm big in Canada haha x

Charliecondou: @alanhalsall you're big everywhere mate #bybigobviouslyimeanfat

alanhalsall: @Charliecondou: Harsh............!!!!But fair x

UK_Mo_Farah: @alanhalsall @Charliecondou Would you wish my mum a happy Mother's Day xx

Charliecondou: @UK_Mo_Farah happy Mother's Day

Gazza64DCFC: @DebRobinson69 @Charliecondou @alanhalsall @alanhalsall is a national treasure. He has the mug to prove it. Or is it @LucyJo_Hudson's?

alanhalsall: @Gazza64DCFC @DebRobinson69 @Charliecondou @LucyJo_Hudson IT'S MINE!!!!!! Haha

ChasCondouBlog: Ladies ur FACE MATTERS tweets r on the Charlie Condou Blog @SallyCurson @Cath_Tyldesley @FaceMatters @DrSarahParish

FaceMatters: @ChasCondouBlog @DrSarahParish Thank you so much. Love your blog. Hope you're both having a lovely weekend.

DrSarahParish: RT @FaceMatters: @ChasCondouBlog @DrSarahParish Thank you so much. Love your blog. Hope you're both having a lovely weekend.

fitandeats: First EVER meeting with a celebrity, thanks @Charliecondou for taking my celebrity virginity!!

kelsaedawson: @Charliecondou my parents are in line to meet you! #sojealous

kelsaedawson: @Charliecondou thanks for the pic with them!
Charliecondou: RT @OutInTheCityMag: Voting is open for the Out Readers Awards! You can vote for Celeb of the Year, Best Venue, Best Event and many more ...
davekinger: Waiting in line to meet @Charliecondou :)
Charliecondou: @davekinger just finishing my lunch!
Charliecondou: @alanhalsall if I get one more "What's Tyrone like?" question I'm going to start kicking off
Janhatesmarmite: @Charliecondou @alanhalsall What's Tyrone like? ;) xx
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou: I'm big in Canada haha x
Charliecondou: @alanhalsall you're big everywhere mate #bybigobviouslyimeanfat
alanhalsall: @Charliecondou: Harsh............!!!!But fair x
UK_Mo_Farah: @alanhalsall @Charliecondou Would you wish my mum a happy Mother's Day xx
Charliecondou: @UK_Mo_Farah happy Mother's Day
Gazza64DCFC: @DebRobinson69 @Charliecondou @alanhalsall @alanhalsall is a national treasure. He has the mug to prove it. Or is it @LucyJo_Hudson's?
alanhalsall: @Gazza64DCFC @DebRobinson69 @Charliecondou @LucyJo_Hudson IT'S MINE!!!!!! Haha

ChasCondouBlog: Ladies ur FACE MATTERS tweets r on the Charlie Condou Blog @SallyCurson @Cath_Tyldesley @FaceMatters @DrSarahParish

FaceMatters: @ChasCondouBlog @DrSarahParish Thank you so much. Love your blog. Hope you're both having a lovely weekend.
DrSarahParish: RT @FaceMatters: @ChasCondouBlog @DrSarahParish Thank you so much. Love your blog. Hope you're both having a lovely weekend.
fitandeats: First EVER meeting with a celebrity, thanks @Charliecondou for taking my celebrity virginity!!
michellecawsey: Just met Charlie Condou
Teaqueen180: @Charliecondou Thanks Xo
kelsaedawson: @Charliecondou my parents are in line to meet you! #sojealous
kelsaedawson: @Charliecondou thanks for the pic with them!
ErinCaruana: it was nice meeting you @Charliecondou and thank you for stopping to take a picture! Hope you enjoyed your time here!
jorja_mom: @Charliecondou Met you today at the show. Didn't realize until after that your daughter is Georgia. Mine is Jorja. #nicecorriestar
thelifamily: @Charliecondou Meeting you was brilliant today !!!!! Xoxoxox safe trip back home :)
directioners_58: @Charliecondou had fun meeting you today at the british show!! :)
cupidityxo: @Charliecondou saw you at the The British isle show in Toronto today! Thank you so much for coming!!!!
mrocco11: @Charliecondou stop by for that hello if you've got time at #uk2canadapensiontransfers. Booth 219 has a nice Manc couple working very hard!
Charliecondou: @mrocco11 I looked for you!
mrocco11: @Charliecondou no worries mate . I hope you enjoyed Canada! Ill meet you when I get a part on #corrie
BritishShowCAN: What a great weekend!!! Thank you @ICpresents @Charliecondou and all our exhibitors for hard work and a fab weekend!
ICpresents: @BritishShowCAN @Charliecondou We definitely loved having you here. Great show and great turn out! Thank you!
oe74: @MissiNewsRoom What a great day! Thanks so much for the tickets! It was such a pleasure to meet @Charliecondou
oe74: @JackPShepherd88 You should have heard what @Charliecondou called you at the @BritishShowCAN today! Tee hee hee
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