LLauraellen81: Sorry to @Charliecondou for my husband circling you on his bike today. He recognised you and is a fan. He texted me after #iwasjealous x

Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 can't say I noticed!! Where was this?

LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou he said you looked at him in London. You were with your kids. Hope it was you!! x

Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 could well have been!

LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou he said just off York Way. We are both big fans. Good luck with Corrie etc xx

Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 yep that was me. Say hello next time x

LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou I will tell him to! he might have to ask for an autograph for me though! ;-) x

T_Lee_: @Charliecondou Could swear I've just seen you in the old Judge Dredd film?!

Charliecondou: @T_Lee_ Yup. twas me

T_Lee_: @Charliecondou Haha #FreshFaced

scarlettchook: @Charliecondou was that you we just saw in Judge Dredd??

Charliecondou: @scarlettchook it was

scarlettchook: @Charliecondou Cool!

Nolinhoward: @Charliecondou is that you in judge dredd? ??

Charliecondou: @Nolinhoward yup

Spejones: @Charliecondou how old were u? You look fit... hope you werent too young for me to say that!

Charliecondou: @Spejones lol about 21

Spejones: @Charliecondou phew! Agree with ur recent comments... Rupert Everett must be having a mid life crisis!

Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 I'll call you when I get a sec x

bainser: @Charliecondou maybe he could watch the kids for you?

clarebalding1: @Charliecondou Has Facebook been drinking?

Charliecondou: @clarebalding1 Clearly
LLauraellen81: Sorry to @Charliecondou for my husband circling you on his bike today. He recognised you and is a fan. He texted me after #iwasjealous x
Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 can't say I noticed!! Where was this?
LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou he said you looked at him in London. You were with your kids. Hope it was you!! x
Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 could well have been!
LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou he said just off York Way. We are both big fans. Good luck with Corrie etc xx
Charliecondou: @LLauraellen81 yep that was me. Say hello next time x
LLauraellen81: @Charliecondou I will tell him to! he might have to ask for an autograph for me though! ;-) x
T_Lee_: @Charliecondou Could swear I've just seen you in the old Judge Dredd film?!
Charliecondou: @T_Lee_ Yup. twas me
T_Lee_: @Charliecondou Haha #FreshFaced
scarlettchook: @Charliecondou was that you we just saw in Judge Dredd??
Charliecondou: @scarlettchook it was
scarlettchook: @Charliecondou Cool!
Nolinhoward: @Charliecondou is that you in judge dredd? ??
Charliecondou: @Nolinhoward yup
Spejones: @Charliecondou how old were u? You look fit... hope you werent too young for me to say that!
Charliecondou: @Spejones lol about 21
Spejones: @Charliecondou phew! Agree with ur recent comments... Rupert Everett must be having a mid life crisis!
Charliecondou: Facebook is suggesting I become friends with Rupert Everett.

MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou I'm thinking that might be a 'no', then?

Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou I like to think it's genuine concern that you should make up, rather than a cynical, wonky algorithm

paulj2703: @Charliecondou Twitter can be SO insensitive....

DaranLittle: @Charliecondou Rupert isn't on Facebook

Charliecondou: @DaranLittle Even better, a fake Rupert!!

Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou hahahahahaha. You SO should.

Catvamp: @Charliecondou well over a nice pinot noir, you could perhaps show him the error of his ways, don't invite the mother tho

streetworker01: @Charliecondou That's like when iTunes makes suggestions. "You bought The Morecambe and Wise Show, you may like The Best of Bernard Manning"

LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou Why don't you befriend him and have him over to dinner with me, you and Cameron and all our kids for a little 'chit-chat' !!

Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 hahaha

LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou missed you on Thursday at EDA's am going to Manchester for labour party conference next week, r u around ?
MargoJMilne: @Charliecondou I'm thinking that might be a 'no', then?
Brendan_Surrey: @Charliecondou I like to think it's genuine concern that you should make up, rather than a cynical, wonky algorithm
paulj2703: @Charliecondou Twitter can be SO insensitive....
DaranLittle: @Charliecondou Rupert isn't on Facebook
Charliecondou: @DaranLittle Even better, a fake Rupert!!
Wendy_Wason: @Charliecondou hahahahahaha. You SO should.
Catvamp: @Charliecondou well over a nice pinot noir, you could perhaps show him the error of his ways, don't invite the mother tho
streetworker01: @Charliecondou That's like when iTunes makes suggestions. "You bought The Morecambe and Wise Show, you may like The Best of Bernard Manning"
LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou Why don't you befriend him and have him over to dinner with me, you and Cameron and all our kids for a little 'chit-chat' !!
Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 hahaha
LindaRiley8: @Charliecondou missed you on Thursday at EDA's am going to Manchester for labour party conference next week, r u around ?
Charliecondou: @LindaRiley8 I'll call you when I get a sec x
bainser: @Charliecondou maybe he could watch the kids for you?
clarebalding1: @Charliecondou Has Facebook been drinking?
Charliecondou: @clarebalding1 Clearly
Coronation Street star Samia Ghadie has revealed that her character Maria Connor will have a breast cancer scare in upcoming episodes. Ghadie said that an upcoming storyline echoed her personal experience of finding a lump after the birth of her daughter.
“Because it’s so sensitive, we worked with Macmillan on the storyline as we wanted to get it right,” she said. “I think a lot of women will identify with what Maria has to go through. “As an actress, it is challenging filming harrowing scenes and I hope people will feel I have approached it sensitively.
“Maria goes through very similar emotions as I did, but it is far worse for her as she doesn’t get the results back so quickly and really stresses out about it.” But that is not the only issue Samia is having to face. The hard-hitting cancer plotline paves the way for a budding romance with Maria’s best friend, Marcus, who is gay. Played by Charlie Condou, who’s gay in real life, viewers will see the pair dating.
“Marcus finds Maria crying about her breast-cancer scare and, eventually, he manages to find out what is wrong,” said Samia. “She is dating Jason Grimshaw but it’s Marcus who she wants to accompany her to the hospital. “They are good friends but the lines start to get blurred. She knows he is gay but she can’t help her feelings for him.” The explosive storyline will become a big talking point as it raises the issue of whether gay men should get romantically involved with women or not.
It certainly took Samia by surprise and she admits she was taken aback when she first discovered that Maria would fall hook, line and sinker for Marcus. “I was completely shocked,” said the actress. “I found it weird and I didn't want to do it at first. It is such a sensitive area and it was completely unexpected. “But after a while, I realised this does happen in real life and I do think it is a good issue to tackle. It will get people talking and I know some people will be pleased they actually do get together.”
But there will be repercussions for the couple, revealed Samia. “It is going to affect Jason heavily,” she said. “The whole street turns against them. They are happy initially but, long term, I am not so sure. “With Maria, there is never a happy ending. At some point I will be crying again.”

ViscountLeighto: @Confidential_CC Brilliant storyline, can't wait for this. These things happen in real world. Well done @realsamia & @Charliecondou

djSway: @Charliecondou I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about this Maria & Marcus storyline. I hope it's going to be handled well.

dropthebird: @Charliecondou hey mate, saw you in the trafford centre today. So wanted to say hi but at the same time felt like I would be intruding x

Charliecondou: @dropthebird say hello next time

dropthebird: @Charliecondou cheers mate, certainly will :)

Charliecondou: RT @indiaknight: If I'm grumpy, I watch him doing this and then I laugh for about two days....
ViscountLeighto: @Confidential_CC Brilliant storyline, can't wait for this. These things happen in real world. Well done @realsamia & @Charliecondou
djSway: @Charliecondou I have to admit I'm a bit concerned about this Maria & Marcus storyline. I hope it's going to be handled well.
dropthebird: @Charliecondou hey mate, saw you in the trafford centre today. So wanted to say hi but at the same time felt like I would be intruding x
Charliecondou: @dropthebird say hello next time
dropthebird: @Charliecondou cheers mate, certainly will :)
Charliecondou: RT @indiaknight: If I'm grumpy, I watch him doing this and then I laugh for about two days....
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